

The Daily Blueprint 6-14-07

The Daily Blueprint 6-14-07

Give An Answer

PSALM 119:40-41
Let Your mercies come also to me, O Lord, even Your salvation, according to Your word. So shall I have the wherewith to answer him that reproaches me, for I trust in Your word!

The world around us is looking for answers - and we have the words of life -we have the answer they need - Jesus! The world around us is searching for answers to why we are here -for the purpose of life -some purpose that we are some cosmic accident -while others feel that we are just here for no purpose at all - no wonder the world sees things much differently then those who follow Christ- our purpose once we come to know JESUS is to live lives of worship of Him - when people who don't know Jesus look at our lives -what do they see? Are we presenting the real Jesus to them? Are we able to give an answer to where our hope lies -we must look different then the world -you cannot experience Christ and remain the same - we have an answer to give the world - and that answer is JESUS - He saved us and made us - He made everything -our attitude is much different and our view of the world is as well -those we deny God do not want to be accountable to anyone -its much easier for them to say their is no God then to actually be held accountable- the sad part is we will all face God one day - its sad for those who deny Christ- but it will be a most joyous day for God's children! There are people who say there are many roads home - but the word is clear- without Christ people are lost and are going to be separated from God forever in a place call hell - we who know JESUS know hell is a real place and a final place- lets live lives in full view of the world so that they will see we are different and they will ask us why and we will be able to give the right answer!

Getting to Heaven is not a multiple choice - its either yes you're going or no you're not.

in CHRIST we have the answer!

Pray for the areas of dought - pray for the farmers and that we can recieve rain again soon - the area in which I live is seeing the wrost drought it 50 years -pray for us -thanks!

C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Thursday 14Pray for Sourav Naskar, a child in eastern India, who has chest problems and needs a quick recovery.
Change the life of a child today - to sponcer a child visit the above web site - thank you
Jesus is the answer for the world today - above Him there is no other -Jesus is the answer - Andre Crouch

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