The Daily Blueprint 6-13-07
Joyful Strength
Then he said unto them- Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared:
for this day is holy unto the Lord: neither be you sorry, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!
Many times we have it backwards in this world - we think the first should receive the most and the last the least- we believe those who are meek and mild are not going to be successful in this world -we have been also lead to believe that nice guys finish last -and that this is all there is -these are lies from the enemy of our souls -satans goal is to mess our witness up and lead those who are lost far away from Jesus - another area that is a struggle for us is the area of joy - we want to be happy at all costs it seems- we have medications for every thing that ails us -I am not saying its wrong to take medication -in many cases its a life or death issue and in some others its an issue of even functioning - but the world around us has a curse for everything - we should never be in pain the world says - we should always have things our way - the world has us believing this lie and many of us - me included has often been fooled by the enemy - today I want to talk about joyful strength - many feel we must be strong in and of ourselves - we must be self-sufficient and cannot depend on others -men especially have issue with relying on anyone but themselves - God wants us to place our hope- our very lives in HIS care - HE wants to take care of us - He wants to bring us joy - today's verse talks about joy being our strength - the joy God gives us keeps us strong in our faith -the thing about joy is that nothing can touch true joy in our hearts- there are no circumstances -nothing to can take away the joy of the Lord in our lives- many however confuse this joy with happiness - the fact is there is happiness in sin -but only for a season - we have to all admit we have been enticed to sin -I always say given the right set of circumstances all of us can sin - many times we want to point out faults in others -only to succumb to the same sin -once we know CHRIST we do not become sinless in our flesh -we can still sin -this is reality - Jesus saves our soul but our earthly bodies will not be redeemed -if you want joy - its in the Strength of the LORD - let HIM Lift your life up- He wants us to have joy that only HE can provide -HE did not make us to need anything but HIMSELF!
in CHRIST HIS strength is our joy!
Pray for the youth of our country - pray for my brother-in-law Michael as he goes to a military school in August and pray for the next generation of believers -thanks! Daniel
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Wednesday 13 Pray for 8-year-old Zoma Michel in Burkina Faso, who suffered severe ear pain and needed surgery. Pray for his
Change the life of a child today - to sponcer a child visit the above web site - thank you
We all have a GOD shaped hole that only HE can fill!
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