

The Daily Blueprint ~ Wednesday ~ 9/3/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 2

Ecclesiastes 1:8
All things are full of labor; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing...

Let me ask everyone a question - are you satisfied with your life? Are you full of the joy of the Lord or has the enemy come in and stolen the joy of your salvation - the Word of God says that all things done for our own glory is vain - worthless -like chasing after the wind - if our focus is ourselves and not God - we will not be able to walk the walk in Christ - we must be willing to lay down our lives for the cause of Christ -this will bring meaning to your life - but it must come out of a relationship with Christ- we must have that figured out before we can help anyone else- we must live the gospel before we can preach it - and our lives will be the loudest witness either for Jesus or against Him - many out in the world are chasing after the fleeting things - not those which last - many of us without knowing -are following our way instead of God's way - its easy to do - especially in this day and age where relativity is now the accepted belief system - the truth is you will never find true and lasting joy apart from Jesus Christ - you can look many places and do many things -but they will all leave you empty and never satisfied -we must drink of the Living Water - to be filled and never thirst again -
What does you life mean? Where do you get your meaning from? Who are you trying to please? If the answer to these questions is anything other then Jesus - then its time to take a good look at your life and see why you do what you - God wants to use you today - trust in the LORD and lean on HIS understanding and not your own - HE is mighty to save! Amen!

The Final Word:
When you leave this world -what will you leave behind?
This life is not ours to live - but it belongs to CHRIST who bought us at a very high price -His very life!

CHRIST brings us true and lasting joy that lasts forever!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/3/08-

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