

The Daily Blueprint ~ Wednesday ~ 9/17/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 7

Ecclesiastes 2:18
Yea, I hated all my labor which I had taken under the sun: because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me.

There is one big problem with having so many things in this life- you cannot take it with you - now there is nothing wrong with leaving something for those who come after you - but if all your effort is just gaining possessions and status in this life -then you will have nothing to show for it when you leave. Everything we do today will one day be enjoyed by someone else. We should do our part to conserve what we have so that those that come after us will have something - we should all share this planet that God has given us- after all it all belong to Him, its just on loan to us - we all must face the reality that we won't be here forever -for we are going home one day - our goal should always bring glory to God - we are to be wise stewards of everything God has entrusted us with - none of us live in a bubble - we are not an island unto ourselves - but instead we must share what God has given us with others! This is what it means to help others in their time of need!

The Final Word:
What we consider ours actually belongs to God and is just on loan to us!
Let's pass it on down!
CHRIST holds all things together!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/17/08-

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