

The Daily Blueprint ~ Tuesday ~ 9/9/08

The Word:


Proverbs 10:22
The blessing of the LORD, it makes rich,
and He adds no sorrow with it!

Today I want to talk about blessings -this is a controversial subject -there are those who want to say whatever you claim will be yours and it does not become yours its because you lack faith - I don't believe this to be true at all - many times God will bless us in a way that the world around us does not understand - sometimes the best blessings come warped in a severe trial - we sometime get caught up in our "problems" and miss the blessing right before our eyes -in my life as many of you know I am going through a very hard time but in this time God has produced blessings all around -if I just stop and see them - its amazing what God will do for you if you just let HIM! amen! One blessing is that my desire to help children has now been realized and while I don't have any physical children- God has called me to help those around me -those whom He places in my life - this blessing came out of hard times as a child - and I noticed there was a need that needed filled -this to me is a blessing - No I didn't get Earthly riches from this and many times I won't get even a thank you - but its for God's glory not mine - so much of the time the focus of those who say claim - name it is themselves - seems to me God wants us to work behind the scenes so that God will get the glory - we are not to be put on display so the world see us - but that the world will see JESUS! I have had many other blessings during this time of trying - I have seen so many people step up to the plate and help me when I needed it - there are many who I know pray for me every day - I know there are many who have become my friends in the last couple of months -all this a blessing - a blessing I may never had known had I not being going through this trial -
God will bless you just because HE loves you -that's why He made all this for you and me to enjoy - but this is not our home - so long as you remember that we are just passing though and keep your eyes focused on what's to come - you will bring honor to your Lord and He in turn will use you as a blessing! So be a blessing today and then you shall be blessed!

The Final Word:
CHRIST gives us the great example of being a blessing!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/8/08-

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