

The Daily Blueprint ~ Friday ~ 9/5/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 4

Ecclesiastes 1:14
...I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit...

If you want meaning in your life- you must be willing to get involved with something that is bigger then yourself - we must be willing to whatever God ask of us at any given time - life with meaning is a life lived following hard after God - we must put ourselves in a place in which God can use us - He will always lead the way - we just have to be willing to follow HIM at all costs - often however we do things that we think are important only later to find out they were not important at all - all this labor and all we do for ourselves is vain and it is fleeting -I am not saying we should not take care of ourselves - but God has so much more He wants us to do - This life is not about us - about our needs or wants - its all about JESUS CHRIST - He brought us at a high price and also made us for HIS purpose - us just being for Him brings Himself glory - He made us in His image -we carry that with us wherever we go - are you living a meaningful life? Or is the day to day drudgery of life getting you down? Are you in a rut? Surrender it all to JESUS and allow HIM to live through you - this is the only life that has real lasting meaning - a life sold out to JESUS - a life that is lived fully focused on our Savior -
Life that brings glory to GOD! Remember faith is an action word!

The Final Word:
CHRIST gave HIS life so we could have life!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/5/08-

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