

The Daily Blueprint ~ Monday ~ 9/29/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 9

Ecclesiastes 3:3-4
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up, a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to morn and a time to dance....

Continuing on the theme of a time for everything under the sun -today's selection talks about a time to kill and heal - a time to weep and a time to laugh - the last part of this verse came alive to me this weekend -you see my great friend from years ago whom I have not spoken too for a least 4 years - its not that we don't enjoy each other - its the fact he has moved away and has a life of his own - we just no longer cross paths -that was until this weekend and I heard his Father had passed away - me and this family go back at least 20 years or so - and it was a joy to see many of them again -and yet it was also a time of sorrow - a mixture of the celebration of a life that was given to Jesus - and the sorrow of losing someone to death. There was weeping and there was laughter - remembering the old times brought that out even more - this life is but a cycle - if you are born- you will die - if you were lost - when JESUS saves you - you will be found - we don't find JESUS but He finds us - when you lose someone you love -its a mixture of sorrow because we miss them - but a time of rejoicing because we will see them again - as far as me and my friend are apart - we are closer then ever in the fact we are brothers in Christ - if you are in Christ -these cycles won't worry you- its all a part of this journey called life - we will lose some and win some - but in the end -we will rejoice in our lives that where lived for Christ! What time of life is this for you? Whatever time in the cycle - Jesus is still LORD of it all! Amen! Praise GOD!

The Final Word:


CHRIST is always with us - no matter what!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/29/08-
Cry - Laugh - but in all worship GOD!


The Daily Blueprint ~ Thursday ~ 9/18/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 8

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under of heaven: A time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which has been planted....

Today's verse talks about a time for everything - the truth is the truth - there is a time to be born and if you are born you will one day die to these physical bodies - but in Christ that will not be the end - only the beginning. This place is not our home and from the look of things in the headlines - that's a very good thing - This world is full of evil and sin - but it was not always that way - before the fall of man - Earth was paradise - there was no death - no pain - no fear and no sin- but in the midst of the garden the enemy of our souls was lurking - his goal was to undermine God and cause humanity to fall into sin - before this happened- Adam and Eve had little knowledge of what sin was - they knew God given them orders never to eat from the tree in the midst of the garden - but under the temptation of satan -Eve and then Adam gave in and things were never the same - the good news however is God sent Jesus to this world to restore our souls to Himself! We now have meaning in our lives - while this is all true - if we should die in the flesh before Jesus returns - we will be going home! Since we were born -we will die - and when you plant - one day you will harvest - for everything under heaven there is a reason - nothing happens haphazardly in this world -its all on course by God - Does your life have purpose and meaning? Or are you just spinning your wheels - this too shall pass -and pass quickly. Time here is short - lets make the most of it for the Glory of God!

The Final Word:
CHRIST gave us all we needed in HIMSELF!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/18/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Thursday ~ 9/25/08

The Word:

His Mercy Endures

Romans 9:15-16
For He said to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy.

One thing we can be assured of - God is a God of mercy - He who sent His Only Son to die for our sins - is the same God who reigns right now - God is on His Throne as I type these words - He is in full control and He will show mercy on those He wants to show mercy too - God can do what HE wants because HE is never wrong -never caught off guard - He knows all - Sees all and can be all places at once - We are so much unlike Him as we are limited but He is unlimited. Some think God shows us mercy because of something we have done - its not what we have done that warrants mercy - its totally and completely about what Jesus did - His death and resurrection from the dead secures our future - heaven begins the moment you are saved - now I am not going to tell you that when you come to know Christ that everything will go well - it won't - this world is full of sin -its full of evil - and the enemy of our souls hates God - he wants nothing more then have many join him in hell for eternity - but because of CHRIST and HIS sacrifice - we now have heaven to look forward too - imagine it - Our minds cannot even dream up what it must be like - the fact is none of us deserves heaven -we cannot make it on our merit at all - we must put our whole eternity on the line by trusting Jesus as our Savior - God's mercy will endure - He is a loving Father - and through His Son - His mercy endures!

The Final Word:
Sin's penalty has been taken away by the blood of JESUS!
CHRIST took our sin and brought us mercy!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/25/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Wednesday ~ 9/24/08

The Word:

Turning Away

Acts 3:25-26
You are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham,
And in your seed all the kindreds of the earth shall be blessed. Unto you first God, having raised up His Son Jesus,
sent Him to bless you, in turning away
everyone of us from his iniquities.

God wants us to turn away from our sin and turn to Him - The only way this can happen is through His Son Jesus! His blood is what allows us to come into His presence at all - remember that God cannot look upon sin - The Father had to turn His back on the His Son for the first time ever while He suffered on the cross - as our sins where placed on Him. Through Abraham the Earth has been blessed that's for sure - even though the nation of Israel was being persecuted - she continued to grow in numbers - God made a promise that Abraham's family would number more then all the stars - and today its evident by the size of this nation today. God sent His Son to take the sins that entangle us and set us free so that we could have a personal and intimate relationship with Himself! Jesus takes over and our sins are forgiven because He poured out HIS blood on Calvary for us. Once we come to know Christ- there is a turning away from our old life - we are now new creations - in some people the changes can be overnight -but others its over an entire lifetime - the goal for God is to cause us to be like His Son. The closer we get to Jesus the further from sin we should be - I don't believe in this life we will ever get to a sin free period - Jesus paid the price and He was the only perfect one without sin -the rest of us have sinned and will sin - the difference is we have Jesus as our Savior and He took our sins upon Himself - When we come closer to Jesus - we should be turning away from our sins - lets leave them in the past where they belong. Life free today! Allow God to change your heart so that you won't sin against Him!

The Final Word:
As you turn toward Jesus you should begin to turn away from sin
CHRIST wants us to turn away from sin and to Himself
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/24/08-
Sin will keep us away from Jesus , His Blood will bring us back to Him


The Daily Blueprint ~ Tuesday ~ 9/23/08

The Word:

What To Boast Of...

Proverbs 27:1
Boast not yourself of tomorrow; for you don't know what I day may bring forth...

I was went to God's word this verse was on the page I turned too - and its a good one to think about - What should we boast of? The Words says not to boast about tomorrow because only God knows what's gonna happen- for it has not happened yet - so who are we to boast of what is not yet here - the same goes with all we have - it all comes from God and He owns it all - we just use it - this includes our very bodies - What then shall we boast of?
The simple answer is that we have been redeemed from our sins by the blood of the Lamb - we can boast that the righteousness we have in Christ didn't come from us - but all from Him - the Word says our goodness is like soiled rags - the spotless garments we now have come from Christ alone!
We all make plans and there is nothing wrong with that - but many times we just assume tomorrow will come - we always think that we have another chance to do whatever -but the truth is we have no idea -only God knows - the point to me is not to waste you life on things that don't matter - its easy to get caught up in our own little world and miss the bigger picture.
Lets boast in CHRIST and HIM crucified as Paul has said - lets be willing to lay our will at God's feet - and then we can boast about His goodness and grace -praise the LORD GOD!

The Final Word:
CHRIST is who we can boast about!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/23/08-
Today is the present - yesterday is gone - tomorrow not yet here!


The Daily Blueprint ~ Monday ~ 9/22/08

The Word:

He Desires Us

For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, & as a root out of dry ground; He has no form or comeliness; & when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.

Left to our own devises we would never seek after Jesus Christ - we would have never thought about His great love for us without the leading of the Holy Spirit of the Living God - He draws all men to Himself - We would never have picked Jesus - there is nothing about what we see of His physical appearance that would draw you to Him - and our flesh is an enemy of God -all because of sin - we were not made to die -we were not made to disobey God but He made us unlike robots who function without choice -God has given us a choice - which is hard to understand when the truth of the matter is God desires us -God first loved us - God made us - He did all this before we came to be - and He loves all of us with an undying love -we are all family if we know Christ - He desires us so much He was willing to die for sins He never once committed - He choose us -we didn't choose Him - I may never completely understand this - this side of Heaven - but its none the less true - His Spirit had to draw us - His Spirit had to reveal the truth to us - for apart from God's Spirit -there is no liberty! But in Christ there is forgiveness of sin -and eternal life - Praise HIS name!
That He caused us to follow Him - by being so good to us!Thank YOU Jesus our LORD!

The Final Word:
I enjoy music and have written some lyrics to a possible song -the name of this song is "It's not fair" what's not fair is God died for us -what's not fair is JESUS paid the price we owed! Its not fair and I praise GOD for it!
CHRIST desires us!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/22/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Friday ~ 9/12/08

The Word:

Love The Word

Psalm 119:140
Your Word is very pure, therefore Your servant loves it!

God's Word is His love letter to His children - in it we have the words of Life - the Words of truth and the Words that should direct our lives -Ive heard the bible called Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth and that is exactly what is - and above that - the Word is alive -its breathing and it can change your heart if you allow the Holy Spirit to work through it - The Word is cohesive even though there are many human authors - but the real author is God Himself -the Word is God-breathed - its only His Authority - in it we see the character of God - thought it many come to know Christ as Lord and in it we can be discipled to follow our Lord Jesus - the Word must be consumed daily - we should never miss one helping if we can help it - When you dwell in God's Word and it gets in your heart - you cannot help but live it - Its not about reading but understanding - I always pray before reading because without the Holy Spirit - the Bible is just a book - but the power is in God's unveiling though His Spirit - The Word is a live -dwell in it - consume it - allow it to light the truth - and bring you closer to Jesus!
Love the Word!

The Final Word:
If You Want To Know What God Thinks - Read the Word!
CHRIST is the WORD made flesh!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/12/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Wednesday ~ 9/17/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 7

Ecclesiastes 2:18
Yea, I hated all my labor which I had taken under the sun: because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me.

There is one big problem with having so many things in this life- you cannot take it with you - now there is nothing wrong with leaving something for those who come after you - but if all your effort is just gaining possessions and status in this life -then you will have nothing to show for it when you leave. Everything we do today will one day be enjoyed by someone else. We should do our part to conserve what we have so that those that come after us will have something - we should all share this planet that God has given us- after all it all belong to Him, its just on loan to us - we all must face the reality that we won't be here forever -for we are going home one day - our goal should always bring glory to God - we are to be wise stewards of everything God has entrusted us with - none of us live in a bubble - we are not an island unto ourselves - but instead we must share what God has given us with others! This is what it means to help others in their time of need!

The Final Word:
What we consider ours actually belongs to God and is just on loan to us!
Let's pass it on down!
CHRIST holds all things together!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/17/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Tuesday ~ 9/16/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 6

Ecclesiastes 2:17
Therefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun is grievous to me:
For all is vanity and vexation of spirit.

Some days we may wonder what is the purpose of this - why are here? Many times that answer is not too clear to our mortal minds - but the truth is we are here for one purpose -To the Glory of God - He made us for His purpose - not our own - He made us to serve Him -to Worship Him - we have a higher calling then just living for our selves - there is a whole world out there in need- we have been called to help the least of these! Many times we cannot see the forest for the trees - we miss the whole point of life so often - some think we are here to get comfortable - to earn a wage and pay our bills - but there is so much more God had in mind for us - if you are not doing anything for the Lord - why not pray and ask Him to show you what to do - your main aim is to please Him and not man - many times we allow man to dictate what we will or won't do for Jesus - bear in mind truth be known - Jesus does not need us - God did well forever in the past without man - HE does not need us - this should be humbling to us - all that we do here under the sun is meaningless unless its done to bring glory to God!

The Final Word:
Is God calling you to do something that you have not yet done? Listen closely to what HE has to say - you never know what HE might say!
CHRIST is our purpose!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/16/08-
JESUS - the only answer!
The Daily Blueprint ~ Monday ~ 9/15/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 5

Ecclesiastes 1:18
...for in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increases in knowledge increases in sorrow...

Having great knowledge alone does not alone make someone great - The Word today says that in much wisdom there is much grief - sometimes I heard it said - the more you think you know -the less you really know -
Just knowing about something is not the same thing as actually knowing something - many people know about the Lord Jesus Christ - but that does not mean they know Him at all - with much wisdom can come much grief - if your whole goal is just to gain wisdom -you will be let down - and you will not find much meaning in life - this series is dedicated to showing you how to have meaning in your life - it all boils down to a personal intimate relationship with God the Father though Jesus the Son - its all about allowing God's Spirit to move you and mold you - its about letting go of what you want and following what God wants for your life - if we strive to find meaning apart from Jesus - we will be let down - many have tried to find true happiness in other places -some in great wealth - some in degree after degree or with a dream job - maybe its a relationship with someone that means the most to you - if you put anything above your relationship with Jesus - you will be let down - this is not to say when you follow Jesus that everything will go as planned - it will go as planned but not as we may have planned - wisdom alone is not enough to save anyone - it takes a relationship that will forever change your status in life - you will go from a slave to this world and its sin to a child of righteousness!

The Final Word:
To find meaning in life -LOOK TO JESUS~!
CHRIST should be our reason for living this life!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/15/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Wednesday ~ 9/10/08

The Word:

Proud vs Humble

James 4:6
...But HE gives more grace, wherefore HE said, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

Our current world and the world to come are polar opposites - to become rich here you must gain the more -but to become rich in the world that is to come is to give it all away - to be first JESUS says - you must be servant to all - these are hard words on the ears of those in 2008. God has not changed what is right - and His ways are still not our ways - and sadly one look around the world will show you some things never change! The things in this world we hold on to - won't be coming with us - we may try and keep it up here but one day we all leave this place for our true home - here we are just passing though -there are many people who are so comfortable here that the thought of a place called heaven seems foreign to them - while others who have struggled from one thing or another all their lives - really do look forward to eternity with Jesus - I am afraid many of us in this great land have gotten too much - we have bought into the line that more means more while ignoring the treasures in Heaven JESUS wants us to build - we are all in the same boat - its a wrestle between being Proud like the world and Humble like Jesus - we have to pick sides because we cannot be both - no more of this one foot in this world and one in the next -we either belong to JESUS CHRIST or we don't - God has called us to be humble -Jesus says that He will give grace to the humble - to come to be a child of God you must begin humbly - pride comes before a fall says Proverbs - and its true - we all must come to God the same way -the same narrow path - we all have to come to JESUS at the foot of the cross where He paid the price for our sin - we must be willing to esteem others over ourselves -this does not jive well with the world in which we live- its your choice -either be humble with God or go away into the world and be full of self - we must make room for God in our hearts! We must not fill it up with this world but with JESUS Himself!

The Final Word:
The Word says that God resists the proud - what a bad place to be!
CHRIST became a servant for us - the Ruler become part of His creation! Talk about changing positions!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/10/08-
The Daily Blueprint ~ Tuesday ~ 9/9/08

The Word:


Proverbs 10:22
The blessing of the LORD, it makes rich,
and He adds no sorrow with it!

Today I want to talk about blessings -this is a controversial subject -there are those who want to say whatever you claim will be yours and it does not become yours its because you lack faith - I don't believe this to be true at all - many times God will bless us in a way that the world around us does not understand - sometimes the best blessings come warped in a severe trial - we sometime get caught up in our "problems" and miss the blessing right before our eyes -in my life as many of you know I am going through a very hard time but in this time God has produced blessings all around -if I just stop and see them - its amazing what God will do for you if you just let HIM! amen! One blessing is that my desire to help children has now been realized and while I don't have any physical children- God has called me to help those around me -those whom He places in my life - this blessing came out of hard times as a child - and I noticed there was a need that needed filled -this to me is a blessing - No I didn't get Earthly riches from this and many times I won't get even a thank you - but its for God's glory not mine - so much of the time the focus of those who say claim - name it is themselves - seems to me God wants us to work behind the scenes so that God will get the glory - we are not to be put on display so the world see us - but that the world will see JESUS! I have had many other blessings during this time of trying - I have seen so many people step up to the plate and help me when I needed it - there are many who I know pray for me every day - I know there are many who have become my friends in the last couple of months -all this a blessing - a blessing I may never had known had I not being going through this trial -
God will bless you just because HE loves you -that's why He made all this for you and me to enjoy - but this is not our home - so long as you remember that we are just passing though and keep your eyes focused on what's to come - you will bring honor to your Lord and He in turn will use you as a blessing! So be a blessing today and then you shall be blessed!

The Final Word:
CHRIST gives us the great example of being a blessing!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/8/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Monday ~ 9/8/08

The Word:


He who spared not His Own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give all things?

God gave us His Son - He allow His only Son to become sin - sin that He never once committed -sin that God the Father had to pour out all His wrath upon - How would He then with hold anything else from His children?! God gave us all we ever needed in HIS SON - that alone shows the love GOD has for HIS creation -that He would go to such extremes to save us - and to open the door to His kingdom - God sent JESUS for our sin condition - to take away the penalty of death that we all deserve- What more could HE give? If God never did another thing for any of us HE has already done enough! He already took our sins and cast them as far as the East is from the West- He alone is worthy of our Praise - He alone is worthy of our lives laid down for His glory - He has given us the best thing of all - JESUS! The One whom came to die - His whole purpose was to die for our sins - and everything HE did was for God the Father's glory! So if you feel like God may be with holding something from you - HE is! He is worth holding His wrath from falling on you - Jesus already paid the price in full! Nothing more is left to pay - God sent HIS SON - lets rejoice in this today - What more could God give to us then HIS SON?

The Final Word:
God has given us life - but not only that - in Christ we have abundant life - just take a look around yourself today - what has God done in your life -dwell on that a bit today - you will be blessed when you see what God has done in your life- and when you do - you will want to tell others!
CHRIST came to this world to make a way for us to be with HIM
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/8/08-
The Daily Blueprint ~ Monday ~ 9/8/08

The Word:


He who spared not His Own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give all things?

God gave us His Son - He allow His only Son to become sin - sin that He never once committed -sin that God the Father had to pour out all His wrath upon - How would He then with hold anything else from His children?! God gave us all we ever needed in HIS SON - that alone shows the love GOD has for HIS creation -that He would go to such extremes to save us - and to open the door to His kingdom - God sent JESUS for our sin condition - to take away the penalty of death that we all deserve- What more could HE give? If God never did another thing for any of us HE has already done enough! He already took our sins and cast them as far as the East is from the West- He alone is worthy of our Praise - He alone is worthy of our lives laid down for His glory - He has given us the best thing of all - JESUS! The One whom came to die - His whole purpose was to die for our sins - and everything HE did was for God the Father's glory! So if you feel like God may be with holding something from you - HE is! He is worth holding His wrath from falling on you - Jesus already paid the price in full! Nothing more is left to pay - God sent HIS SON - lets rejoice in this today - What more could God give to us then HIS SON?

The Final Word:
God has given us life - but not only that - in Christ we have abundant life - just take a look around yourself today - what has God done in your life -dwell on that a bit today - you will be blessed when you see what God has done in your life- and when you do - you will want to tell others!
CHRIST came to this world to make a way for us to be with HIM
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/8/08-
The Daily Blueprint ~ Friday ~ 9/5/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 4

Ecclesiastes 1:14
...I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit...

If you want meaning in your life- you must be willing to get involved with something that is bigger then yourself - we must be willing to whatever God ask of us at any given time - life with meaning is a life lived following hard after God - we must put ourselves in a place in which God can use us - He will always lead the way - we just have to be willing to follow HIM at all costs - often however we do things that we think are important only later to find out they were not important at all - all this labor and all we do for ourselves is vain and it is fleeting -I am not saying we should not take care of ourselves - but God has so much more He wants us to do - This life is not about us - about our needs or wants - its all about JESUS CHRIST - He brought us at a high price and also made us for HIS purpose - us just being for Him brings Himself glory - He made us in His image -we carry that with us wherever we go - are you living a meaningful life? Or is the day to day drudgery of life getting you down? Are you in a rut? Surrender it all to JESUS and allow HIM to live through you - this is the only life that has real lasting meaning - a life sold out to JESUS - a life that is lived fully focused on our Savior -
Life that brings glory to GOD! Remember faith is an action word!

The Final Word:
CHRIST gave HIS life so we could have life!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/5/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Thursday ~ 9/4/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 3

Ecclesiastes 1:9-10
The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything that there is that it may be said, See, this is new? it has been already of old time, which was before us.

The world of Fashion is one place where you can see there is nothing new under the sun - if you don't like the current styles -wait a little while and what was once old will come back as new again - from Bell Bottom Jeans to mini skirts - to faux mink coats - its all been done before - retro is the key word these days - there are several cars now that have a retro look from the Vw Beetle to the new Mustang and new Camaro - as well as the new Dodge Challenger - these looks have been around before -just look at the latest movies -most a remakes of what came before -in these examples even things that seem new - are not really new - and the trial you may be going through now is nothing new to humanity - the Word says that God makes all things new - when He saves us - we become New Creations - so there is something new in the world if you are His! Politics -racism - hate has been around forever - at least as long as human beings have been around - again in God says that HE will do a new thing - He will put HIS Spirit in the saved the redeemed! HE will take something old as rags and make it brand new -in this world there really is nothing new under the sun - when we leave this place one day - the struggle will continue - we need to look to God to have newness in our lives- nothing on Earth will last - it won't stay so called new for long - but if you want something new -ask GOD for a new heart! HE will give you one - all you must do is ask and trust HIM as your LORD and SAVIOR! amen!

The Final Word:
Nothing here will last forever - It was meant to - but then the fall took all that away - JESUS thankfully has given us HIS blood to bring us into HIS Kingdom! PRAISE BE TO GOD!
CHRIST will take an old heart of sin and make it brand new!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/4/08-
The Daily Blueprint ~ Wednesday ~ 9/3/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 2

Ecclesiastes 1:8
All things are full of labor; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing...

Let me ask everyone a question - are you satisfied with your life? Are you full of the joy of the Lord or has the enemy come in and stolen the joy of your salvation - the Word of God says that all things done for our own glory is vain - worthless -like chasing after the wind - if our focus is ourselves and not God - we will not be able to walk the walk in Christ - we must be willing to lay down our lives for the cause of Christ -this will bring meaning to your life - but it must come out of a relationship with Christ- we must have that figured out before we can help anyone else- we must live the gospel before we can preach it - and our lives will be the loudest witness either for Jesus or against Him - many out in the world are chasing after the fleeting things - not those which last - many of us without knowing -are following our way instead of God's way - its easy to do - especially in this day and age where relativity is now the accepted belief system - the truth is you will never find true and lasting joy apart from Jesus Christ - you can look many places and do many things -but they will all leave you empty and never satisfied -we must drink of the Living Water - to be filled and never thirst again -
What does you life mean? Where do you get your meaning from? Who are you trying to please? If the answer to these questions is anything other then Jesus - then its time to take a good look at your life and see why you do what you - God wants to use you today - trust in the LORD and lean on HIS understanding and not your own - HE is mighty to save! Amen!

The Final Word:
When you leave this world -what will you leave behind?
This life is not ours to live - but it belongs to CHRIST who bought us at a very high price -His very life!

CHRIST brings us true and lasting joy that lasts forever!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/3/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Tuesday ~ 9/2/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 1

Ecclesiastes 1:3-4
What does it profit a man of all of his labor which he takes under the sun? One generation passes away, and another generation comes: but the earth abides forever.

Today I begin a new series - I will do this series every other week - on the weeks I don't do this - I will just do open word - I will just do various devotionals on various topics - another words go where the LORD leads me-
This current series will ask and attempt to answer the age old question -what are we here for....and now without further adieu - here it is........

This world in which we live in is full of questions - one of the most popular is the meaning of life - some feel its getting all you can now - and worry about the consequences later - another school of thought is to get as much education as you can and get that all elusive high paying and high pressure job - still others feel that its showing their worldly power through politics or still others the meaning of life is just pleasure for themselves at any cost - all this is just toil under the sun says the author of Ecclesiates. We can do many things to find meaning in our lives - but in the end -what is left behind - if we are not spreading the gospel to the lost and dying world around us -our mission here is not complete - Jesus came and died for us - He took our sins away the effects are now gone from a spiritual standpoint, there are still consequences for our actions though. All we have and all we all belongs to God - He made us - He saved us and He wants a relationship with us! The meaning of life should be bringing glory to God our Father! We must be about our Father's business - we need to be willing to train up the next generation -we must be willing to plug into Christ so that through us the world will see HIM! What does it profit to gain the whole world but lose our soul? This is a great question -think about this today! Life does not have to meaningless - Christ is our meaning!

The Final Word:
If you are not living for CHRIST - then you really are not living!


CHRIST came to bring us life - abundant life at that!


- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 9/2/08-


The Daily Blueprint /Sunday/ 8-31-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 20 - Final

Isaiah 1:17
Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, please the case of the widow.

Today I will rap up this series on the poor - its been a blessing to do - its stepped on my toes several times- I was just praying for God to show me how to be more like Him - when we are not faithful HE remains faithful - when we blow it - He is still there to pick us up from the dirt - maybe these words will help you today to realize that God never wants us to be bogged down in the failures of the past - the past is gone - so if you have not helped the poor - today is a new day - you can begin today - God is really moving in my heart for the poor these days - but as ive said before - its not the physically poor that need our help - it may be those who are well feed - maybe those who seem to have it all - and yet struggle - those who have a Dad but they have little to do with them - the child who is always made fun of because he is different -those are poor - those are those in need- the widowed - how hard must it be for those who have lost their mate through death - or those who have lost a loved one to drugs or alcohol - maybe you know someone who has gone through the death of a child or a loved one - maybe someone who has gone through a divorce -those God has called us to help as well - so whatever you do - ask God -whatever you do - remember you are doing for HIS glory for the audience of One - not for others and not to earn your way - that's already been paid for - how it must hurt God to say we must earn what His Son already paid for - and once He redeems you - there is no fear of losing your relationship with Him -some feel its based on the deeds you do, not what JESUS did - HE PAID IT ALL!

I hope you have enjoyed this series - Id love some feedback -so drop me a line - Please I plead with you all to do something for someone else - get your focus off yourself and seek hard after God - there are many in need around you today - be JESUS to them!

The Final Word:
CHRIST shows us what it means to have compassion!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/31/08-


-------Day 19-------

James 2:15-16
Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes, and daily food. If one of you say to them, "Go I wish you well: keep warm and well fed." but does nothing about his phyical needs, what good is it?

Today's verse does not leave any room for walking away from a brother or sister in need - to me this is all about those of the Church -those who know Christ and have needs -we as a part of the body should supply for the needs of others -this is one purpose of some mission trips - the one I took this past June showed me what it means to help other brother and sisters in need -and while we don't speak the same earthly language - we have more in common then we think - when someone is in need - James says we should help them - nice talk or saying you will pray for them is not enough - we need to met their need the best way we can - the whole point of this series is to remind everyone that there are many in need around us each day that need to see God in us - we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus - why do we do good things? What's the reason for what we do? Its the hope of Jesus - It not about gaining or earning salvation instead its about worship of our Lord -when we begin to do things not because we have too but because we want too - that's a change that God can cause to happen in your heart - when you begin to help those in need - you will find it becomes adictive - but its a good adiction!
Lets not leave those in need behind while we do what we can to met our needs and those of our familes - God has called us to lend a hand to those in need - lets obey HIM! If you see a need - seek God and see what He wants you to do - then do it! Amen! Lets remember HE is the LORD and we are HIS servants! yeah!
one final word:
We can be the warmth or fullness of Jesus to someone - lets be His hands and feet!
Daily Blueprint 8-30-08
Let God have your eyes so you can see the needs around you -
Brandon Heath sings about this is his song - Give Me Your Eyes!

The Daily Blueprint /Thursday/ 8-28-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 18

1st John 3:17-18
If anyone has material possessions and he sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear Children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth!

If you have clothes on your back and change some place at home - you are richer then most people of this world - go a little further and if you own a house -rent an apartment and drive a car - you are among the top 10% of the world's riches - the fact is here in America must of us don't know what it is really like to go hungry - I had a time in my life though brief where I didn't know where my next meal would come from -this taught me to never take for granted eating again - with this came my need to eat quickly -I am still a very fast eater - just a habit now - but I am well feed -well clothed and though my truck is 10 years old - it still runs good with a little TLC-
We in American have it good - most of us sadly don't realize how good we have it - I know once a day I see someone on the street in need of money - some of these people really need the money for food - but others use it for bad things - but when we give - we have to give as Jesus would give -today's verse says that if we ignore the needs of the poor - how can the love of God be in us - as Ive been saying faith is an action word -its James that says faith without works is dead - its not that these works we have been called to do bring us glory or open heaven to us - but we do it out of a pure heart that wants to worship and obey the call of God - the truth is its not just about money -there are those around us who are poor in other ways - maybe they don't have a father who shows them any affection - you can be a part time dad for whatever time God allows - maybe someone is hurting deeply but you don't know what to do - just trust God and love them the best way you can-
believe me the rewards far exceed the sacrifice! We cannot ignore the poor and expect the need to be met - we have been given so much -
lets use it all for God's glory - lets help the poor among us - lets not turn away from the needs around us - as Phil Collins sang in the late 1980's - its just another day in paradise for us - but the world around us has needs we are called to help meet!

The Final Word:
The poor need you and me - God is calling us to help - lend a hand where you can - it only takes a willing heart - and an open hand!
CHRIST loves us all - no matter what!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/28/08-
Serve Jesus by serving the poor!