


The Daily Blueprint 8-18-07

Thus says the LORD - Cursed is the man that trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart (is) departed from the LORD.

The LORD has said that those who trust in men are cursed -does this mean you cannot trust your brothers and sisters in Christ? I believe it means we cannot trust man like we trust God - no matter who it is - man can let you down - none of us are perfect and even when well meaning -we can miss the mark - we should not put our trust in man! But our trust should be in GOD alone - only HE knows what is best- and only HE can never lie - HE is righteous while even righteous men and let us down -all of us can sin - we are all capable of various evil -this is a fact -when we put our trust in man or in our flesh -we depart from the Lord in a way - we must make it our aim to trust GOD with all we have - HE knows best -and will never forsake us - I think about the night Jesus was betrayed and how Peter swore he would never deny Jesus only to later deny Him - just take a look at the various people in the bible - all humans can sin - and because of this -we cannot even trust ourselves fully - we must only worry about what GOD thinks - for it is HIM that we should please -the audience of one! HE is worthy of our praise and worship alone and no one else is! We must trust in GOD completely and not in man - even our own flesh is evil to the core -only the redeeming of Christ in us can change us - but still the flesh is close by - we all wrestle like Paul -doing what we don't want to do and not doing what we should do - lets give God all our worship -HE alone is worthy - we should moment by moment ask ourselves who do we trust? Our flesh or GOD!

A SIDE NOTE: Whoever we put our trust in is who we follow - either man or GOD!

In CHRIST we can trust!
Man can be evil -but GOD is always good!

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