

The Daily Blueprint 8-23-07


And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering of righteousness!

The only way we can become righteous is if we allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and change us from the inside out - we do not become righteous by what we do on the outside- many have come in the name of JESUS but in the end did not know HIM at all - many make claims that simply are not backed up with a changed heart - JESUS will come and purify us once we surrender to HIM! We cannot go out and obtain righteous on our own - it must come out of a true relationship with GOD through JESUS CHRIST - we cannot do it by following a set of rules or by giving more money to causes that God has called us to - going on a mission trip will not make your righteous unless the Holy Spirit comes into your heart and makes you Holy and Set apart for HIS purpose - many of us what a list of the to do's and a list of what we should not do - Christ comes into our lives and radically changes us - we should no longer see things in terms that revolve around self -

Last night I was watching Dateline NBC and this guy was on there claiming to be JESUS CHRIST - The man who claimed to be the second coming of Christ lives a lavish lifestyle and his followers give much of their money to him -while he drives around in a new BMW and lives like a king - an earthy king that is -this man has many deceived but is in no way righteous! Only the true living LORD can make us righteous -its not something we can send off for or take a class to get - its only given to us by God - and once you come to know Christ - He will change everything once and for all - we will do what HE says and not worry about what we want - I admit I am not there yet- but through this Journey God is going to make us righteous in the end!

a side note: If we could become righteous on our own -we would not need the Living God to send HIS Spirit into our lives- but since we cannot do it - HE must do it - if someone says they are righteous apart from CHRIST - they are not telling the truth - when we are saved we take on HIS quailties! Amen!

In CHRIST we are made righteous!
Continue to pray for Sande -she is slowly improving each day - pray for the strength to get out of bed by herself -and for her upcoming hip replacement sugery. thanks!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Thursday 23Pray for 7-year-old Enrico Durant in Indonesia, who is grieving the passing of his mother. His father died earlier and he now is an orphan.
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