The Daily Blueprint 8-27-07
And I will come near to you to judgment: and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers. And against those who oppress the hireling in his wages. the widow and the fatherless, and turn aside the stranger from his night. And fear not Me. says the LORD of hosts!
Our Father God is a God of love but He is also a God of judgment- He would not be righteous if He did not judge sin - God has some stern words today for those who decide to sin - you see sin is serious - its so serious God was willing that His Son die because of it - our sin put JESUS on the cross - but HIS love for us kept HIM there! Amen! No sin goes unpunished - this is the truth - we all must be accountable for what we do - sometimes we feel that others are getting by with something that God should punish them for - we often wonder why God is slow in HIS judgment -but the truth is HE is always right on time - we all deserve to face the judgment of God -the Righteous Judge- we all deserve to die in our sins - but GOD gave us HIS SON to take the sting of death and the penalty of sin that we deserve!
God knows what we are going to do before we even do it -so we cannot hide our sin from HIM -this was Adam and Eve's first response to their sin - to hide from God -some things never change- sin still has a hold on this world - its a ripple effect -I was out at the nature trail Friday and noticed when a stone was tossed into the lake -it rippled - one little stone will effect all that is around it -the same goes for our sin - God be praise that HE has given us a way out of our sin - and a path into righteousness! Amen!
a side note: you can never just sin once -one sin leads to another and often times we sin to cover up deeds we have done in the past - GOD knows all our sin and Has given us JESUS - we all have a way out of our sin!
In CHRIST our sins are taken away!
I praise the LORD- two people gave their lives to JESUS today at church! GOD IS GOOD!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Monday 27 Pray for 10-year-old Michael Nikiema in Burkina Faso, who suffered stomach pains, and doctors recommended surgery. Pray for a quick
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Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
And I will come near to you to judgment: and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers. And against those who oppress the hireling in his wages. the widow and the fatherless, and turn aside the stranger from his night. And fear not Me. says the LORD of hosts!
Our Father God is a God of love but He is also a God of judgment- He would not be righteous if He did not judge sin - God has some stern words today for those who decide to sin - you see sin is serious - its so serious God was willing that His Son die because of it - our sin put JESUS on the cross - but HIS love for us kept HIM there! Amen! No sin goes unpunished - this is the truth - we all must be accountable for what we do - sometimes we feel that others are getting by with something that God should punish them for - we often wonder why God is slow in HIS judgment -but the truth is HE is always right on time - we all deserve to face the judgment of God -the Righteous Judge- we all deserve to die in our sins - but GOD gave us HIS SON to take the sting of death and the penalty of sin that we deserve!
God knows what we are going to do before we even do it -so we cannot hide our sin from HIM -this was Adam and Eve's first response to their sin - to hide from God -some things never change- sin still has a hold on this world - its a ripple effect -I was out at the nature trail Friday and noticed when a stone was tossed into the lake -it rippled - one little stone will effect all that is around it -the same goes for our sin - God be praise that HE has given us a way out of our sin - and a path into righteousness! Amen!
a side note: you can never just sin once -one sin leads to another and often times we sin to cover up deeds we have done in the past - GOD knows all our sin and Has given us JESUS - we all have a way out of our sin!
In CHRIST our sins are taken away!
I praise the LORD- two people gave their lives to JESUS today at church! GOD IS GOOD!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Monday 27 Pray for 10-year-old Michael Nikiema in Burkina Faso, who suffered stomach pains, and doctors recommended surgery. Pray for a quick
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
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