The Daily Blueprint
for 8/9/10
Matthew 10:29-30
Not one sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. So don't worry! You are more valuable to Him then many sparrows!
What value does God place on a human life? He was willing to send His One and Only Son to die for the sins of mankind - what kind of price is that? The Word of God says that you are worth more then many sparrows - the point being that God knows when a sparrow falls to the ground - nothing happens without God's knowledge - Jesus said if The Father is concerned for a sparrow - how much more is He concerned about us?
Sometimes in this life we go by what others say about us - we begin to believe what they say over what God says - if we go by man -we will fall - we will fail - we will be let down - I was just talking to a friend the other day - and we talked about this very thing - we are worth more then anyone says we are worth - we cannot go by the labels this world puts on us - we must go by what JESUS says! He alone determines our worth - He alone made us! Many times our performance becomes who we are to the world around us - always do great things and never fail the world will label you a success!
but fail - the world will call you a failure - it's so good that GOD does not see us the way the world sees us - there are people this very moment giving up on life - could this be one of you? Maybe this message is for you - just you - whoever you are - God loves you - God longs for you to know this! God loves you!
No matter what you have done - no matter where you have been!
GOD loves you - HE cares about you deeply - HE sent HIS only SON for you!
If it was just you HE would have done it all!
I watched a movie last night called the Cross and the Switchblade -
if you get a chance rent it - it's about Ricky Cruise - this guy used to hate JESUS - he hated a preacher that came on his turf - but in the end Nicky found out what GOD thought of him - he found out how much he is worth to GOD - let's see ourselves as GOD sees us - in Christ we are free from condemnation - we are free from the power of our sins - GOD loves us so much HE has given us all we need!
You are worth so much to GOD - HE loves you - yes you!
Word to the wise: Only GOD can rate a life!
HE views us as worth more then anything else!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST we have value!
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