

The Daily Blueprint
for 8/5/10

God Must Build It

Psalm 127:1
If the LORD does not build the house,
The builders labor in vain to build it.

The question that comes to my mind when I read today's verse is that many in this world have built their lives on something other then Jesus Christ. Those who have built on anything else have built on shaky ground - everything in this world will one day pass away - this is not our home - you see many famous people who live in direct opposition to Christ and His Ways - they live hollow lives that the world accolades -
Lives that don't bring God glory -- many live as if there is no God - that's so sad!
We who know JESUS as LORD know there is a GOD - and HE loves us - HE loves everyone that He created! (hint - that's everyone!!) Jesus came to save those who are lost (again that's everyone!) If we want to bring GOD glory - HE must build the building - He must build our lives up in order to accomplish what HE wants us to do -Maybe you feel like GOD didn't build you well -that's not true -you are a treasure of GOD - HE made you - you are HIS Masterpiece! Many are lost and dying around us - many don't know JESUS came to save them - it's our mission to tell them about JESUS - since HE has built our lives on the ROCK - We can now move forward and bring JESUS to the lost and dying around us! We can build on solid ground now - the shaking ground of this world is not the place to build - GOD must build it - or else it will all be in vain - we can love others - we can serve others - but without JESUS in our heart - it's meaningless - what is your life built on???

Word to the wise: The sandy foundation of this world won't stand - but the ROCK will always stand and we can build our lives upon HIM!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we are built up into a royal priesthood!


The question is not paper or plastic, but Sand or Rock!

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