

The Daily Blueprint
for 8/6/10


2nd Peter 3:18a
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Growth is found in nature - things must grow to survive - they must adapt to the things around them - we have to change the way we do things today because money is so tight - we must be smarter with the money God allows us to use! We must be willing to take the steps to grow in our faith as well - this grow requires exercise - and exercise requires work - many of our have gotten spiritually lazy - many of us are happy to stay right where we are - but fortunately God loves us too much to leave us like we were!
His single goal is to make us like His Son Jesus - that's it - God wants us to be conformed into the image of His Son - He wants us to be holy as HE is holy -
this requires spiritual sweat - it's not easy - but GOD does the work so in one respect it is easy - the problem is we try and stay the way we are and God is trying to (and HE succeeds I might ad!) to make us like His Son - HE does not want us to stay stagnate like a pond but HE wants us to be a river HE can flow through -all this takes growth - a Tree cannot live long if it remains a sampling - it must grow and reach toward the sky - we must do the same thing in our faith - if we ever get to a place were we are satisfied with our faith we are in trouble - God didn't make us to sit still - He wants us to move to His beat - to grow toward the Light - We must be willing to be moldable - and not hard unmoldeble clay - God has a plan for our lives -are we willing to grow with that plan or continue on where we are - Growth must happen in our spiritual life or else it will die!

Word to the wise: Trees always grow toward the light -
is your life growing toward the LIGHT?


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we cannot help but grow in HIM!


Growth is never easy - but it's essential!

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