

The Daily Blueprint
for 8/30/10

No Matter

Philippians 4:11b
...For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances!

Take a look at any tv program and you will see commericals offering products you have to have to make your life better - to bring you contentment - but sadly nothing they could ever offer could bring any of us lasting freedom from our chains - no product was designed to make us content - the stuff of this world is never enough - I was struggling with this very thing today - I wanted to buy something that I "needed" but every time I thought about it - I kept feeling I should not buy it - I didn't have the money - and after all it was not gonna make me feel any more content then I already was! I have to admit I have gone through some very bad circumstances in the past couple of years - but GOD has seen me through it all - GOD has always made a way for me when there was no way it could have been done without HIM! I passed up buying what I wanted but got something better - peace! The world may offer peace but true peace only comes from a relationship with JESUS CHRIST! Paul was content with the circumstances of his life -and if anyone could have complained it was Paul - I mean he was put in jail for preaching the gospel - He was beaten - He was ship wrecked - and blinded - he could complain and no one would have blamed him - and yet he wrote these words - he was content - no matter the circumstance - he has a message for us today - I don't really know anyone of you who recieve this daily that has ever been in jail - now this may be forwarded to someone who was in jail at one time - of course some of those people may be in jail right now - God is placing this on my heart - someone caught in jail needs to hear this message- these words of Paul where not written from a palace or a church - but jail - Paul was locked up and wrote these words! May that message sink in deep in your life today - I pray for you to hear God's voice and to know that no matter what - God has a plan and God loves you!

Word to the wise:
If you think this world is gonna make you happy - you are in the wrong place!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we can be content!




The Daily Blueprint
for 8/27/10

Unlike The World

John 14:27
My peace I leave you: my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid!

The word's idea of peace is money - possessions - relationships - position - or jobs - none of these things will bring you the peace that lasts - all these things will pass away - but GOD never will - He will always there to give us real lasting peace -
Do you have peace in your life? Does your life have this peace?
Not a worldly peace - but a lasting true and full peace - a peace that passes our understanding - is your life about JESUS? Or have you allowed the things of this world to choke HIM out - HIS word should live in our hearts - HIS HOLY Spirit should be in control of our hearts and minds - with this control there is real lasting peace and life like no other!
Without JESUS there is no lasting peace - no hope - no life - just death - but in CHRIST there is hope like no other - there is hope that moves mountains - the world pales in comparison to JESUS!
The world cannot save you - the world can just offer you temporary things - things that won't last - things that are just dust!
Take JESUS at HIS word today - come to know HIM
and have peace unlike the world around you!

Word to the wise: This world is passing away - all that is in it won't be one day but GOD will always be!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we have a peace unlike the world!


The Daily Blueprint
for 8/23/10

Faith is Vision

1 Peter 1:8

"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy"
I love the verse in a song we sing in Church - the line goes like this "When faith will be sight!" One day beloved our faith will be sight - for we will see JESUS face to face -

one day soon we will leave this old world far behind and be joined together with JESUS our LORD - right now we have faith without sight - none of us have seen JESUS face to face - although we can see the effect of HIM everywhere - in a way our faith is our sight - we do not put our trust in what we can only see - but what we cannot see - our faith will one day become sight!

Today are you living a life that is Blind to JESUS?
IS your life about HIS business or your own?
Is God #1 in our life?
These are tough questions but they must be answered!
We have to remember we believe not because we have seen
but because we have faith - faith that is seen is not faith at all -
We do show the world around us if we do believe what we say we do!

In our day to day life Faith must be a vision -- we must see our life through the lens of faith - without our faith - life would be meaningless - we would have no purpose at all - the good news is this world is not all there is -we are as well as the world - passing away - we are not going to be here forever - one day we will be home!

Until that day - the best we can do is see life through the vision of faith!

What are you looking at today? JESUS or your circumstances?

Word to the wise: Our best vision is when we see GOD clearly!

BECAUSE OF CHRIST we can finally see!



The Daily Blueprint
for 8/19/10

He Alone

Jude 25
To the only GOD our SAVIOR be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord!

God alone is worthy of our praise - many have gotten this wrong and this one point is very important - some have worshiped pastors and other leaders of the church - this is not what GOD wants at all - HE alone is worthy of our praise - He alone is worthy of honor and glory! He alone - He alone is worthy of all our life - not just part of it!

Even though we have gotten this wrong - GOD still forgives us - but this is a serious thing - if we try to steal HIS glory we become thieves - and we won't shine for the world to see - when we steal HIS glory we take something that does not belong to us!

God made everything - HE alone is worthy of worship - many this very day worship false gods - the gods of money - fame - sex - work - anything that we put before GOD can become a god to us - many will be offended by such a statement - but it's none the less true - I have to admit I have been caught worshipping the wrong god - I like a clean house and sometimes I put that before spending time with GOD - sometimes that's more important to have a clean house - or to please people - none of this is correct - I ask for God to forgive me - it shows me how much I need HIS blood - how much a sinner I am apart from CHRIST - I am no better then anyone else - I fall to the same things other people fall to - I have always believed when you step out in faith and do something for GOD then the enemy will hit you with all he has - he wants to get you off track - he wants you to worship him instead of GOD - Jesus went through this in the desert - but HE used the mighty word of GOD to tell the devil to leave him -
JESUS would not bow to him and neither should we - the enemy is real and he hates you - he hates me and he hates God - his mission is to destroy us HIS church - but it is not gonna happen - nothing can stop the true CHURCH!

We must daily check our lives to see if there is anything we put before GOD
and ask HIM to take it from us- to take our desire away for the things of this world!


Word to the wise: Nothing should come before GOD!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST though we are sinners - we can be saved!




The Daily Blueprint
for 8/16/10

He Supplies What is Needed

2nd Corith 9:12
For the administration of the service not only supplies the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God;....

Everything we have comes from GOD - for HE made all and all was made for HIS glory - He made us because He wanted too - He sometimes likes to show off - after all HS is GOD - He can do whatever HE wants - HE owns it all - HE is the ONE who can supply all we need - HE is the ONE who can give us just what we need - HE loves us - we are HIS children - We are to live lives that show the world around us that we belong to HIM - and HIM alone - no one else owns us - no one else knows best what we need but GOD alone - HE supplies what is needed every time - often times He allows circumstances to put us in want - HE does this so we will lean and and depend on HIM at all times - we are weak in our flesh - we can do nothing apart from HIM -
we can try - but we will never be fullfilled - we will never be given what we need unless we make HIM LORD of our lives - JESUS came and died for our sins - HE came willingly - the KING came as a servant - HE came to serve - HE came to give us just what we need - HE does the same thing today - we who belong to HIM have access to all HE has and all HE is! The reason we have what we have is GOD ordained it - GOD made all that you see - and all that you cannot see -
HE made this world for us - HE made the universe and everything in it to bring HIMSELF glory! Are your needs met? This world cannot do it - only GOD can -
this world is passing away - what we have before us in better then what has come before us - GOD will give us just what we need - depend on HIM today!

Word to the wise: If you are in need - go to the only ONE who can meet that need!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we have all we need! (nothing more/ nothing less)




The Daily Blueprint
for 8/13/10

Called By Him

Isaiah 43:1
But now the LORD who created you says, Don't be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name;
you are Mine!

How many of you have felt and heard the call of God on your life? Now it may be a still small voice that is easy to ignore - I know in my life I have resisted the call of God - I felt years ago that I should go into youth ministry - but nothing ever became of it - later on I heard the call to mentor others - God used me in the lives of two young men - one now is married and has a family of his own - the other told me the other day that he is thankful I have been there for him! Then the call moved to children -I have been blessed with the ability to met children where they are at -- it's all JESUS nothing to do with me - but HIS call was heard years ago - but I didn't listen - and it took me years to find out what HE wanted me to do - do you hear that call on your life?
God didn't save us to be by ourselves - He wants us to be part of His community - the Church -we are HIS bride! I know GOD has call me - has He called you?
the purpose of this devotional today is not to pat myself on the back - it's to bring GOD glory for the call on my life - My flesh does not want to serve God - right now my flesh is fighting me - I want to do this for GOD but my flesh is weak - but the reason this continues to be put out is because I feel the call of GOD on my life -
I pray that you can hear and sense that same call- the workers are few JESUS says - will you be one of HIS workers - this often will mean little pay and no praise from men - not that we should seek that! There will however be much joy - the world around us is dying - there are lost people right without our voice - let's call out to GOD on their behalf - it's not about us - it's all about HIM! Are you called by HIM?

Word to the wise: God is calling you
- He does not call the qualified - He qualifies the called!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we can do anything HE calls us to do!


The Daily Blueprint
for 8/12/10

Finished Works

Hebrews 4:13
For we which have believed do enter into rest, as HE said, As I have sworn in My wrath, if they sahll enter into My rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world!

God is not done with any of us yet - or else we would have already been taken home to heaven - God has a plan for each of our lives - He wants us to remain in His rest - His rest means we quit trying in our power and trust in His power to do in us what we cannot do on our own - we must trust His power , His Grace and His love to see us through - we must depend on Him and not oursleves - this seems to be a common theme in the devotionals God is leading me to write - He is building something beautiful with HIS church - I am seeing this more and more - HE wants us to be built on HIM and HE wants us to be ready for the Groom - it's hard being a male and thinking about the fact we , the church are the Bride of Christ - we must build our lives on Him -
and when all is said and done - God will have some wonderful finished works!
We are all incomplete at the moment - none of us have arrived yet - none of us have made to the place were we can just quit growing and become done!
We have to strive in Christ each day - being a Christ follower is not a part time job - but a 24/7/365 commitment to allowing God to build our lives on HIS foundation and what HE builds cannot be torn down - however what we build on our won't stand the test of time - soon we will be finished works for Christ - but right now - we must contiune on the path He has set before us and serve HIM by serving others in HIS name! We are works in progress - soon HE will complete us to His specifications!

Word to the wise: Let GOD finish you - HE knows what's best!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we are becoming finished works!




The Daily Blueprint
for 8/10/10

Built On Christ

Ephesians 2:19
You are fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus as the chief cornerstone.

This ministry is all about building lives on the God's Word! His word is something we can rely on - it will never change - you will never have to worry about it changing - because it's GOD's infallible Word! His love letter to us!

There are people today who are building their lives on something other then JESUS!
These lives will never be compete - they will never have the joy - the peace - the freedom we have in CHRIST! They will have live that in the end will prove to be empty! We who know and worship Christ are living our lives from His foundation - not a man made one - a have a friend who said that he builds his life on his own foundation - told him that is not correct - if he is in Christ then his foundation is none other then Jesus Christ - Our lives should be built on JESUS and no one else -
We cannot build lives that matter apart from HIM! We must be willing to put the foundation of CHRIST In our lives in the forefront for all to see - we cannot be separated from JESUS and nothing can separate us from His love - no matter what we may done in the past - today is the day the foundation of your life can change - it's moving the trust from yourself and others to JESUS and HIM alone-
Just what is your life built upon? If it not on JESUS then you are lost and without hope - today you can trust JESUS like never before - today your life can be rebuilt!

Word to the wise: There is no better foundation for our lives then JESUS!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST our lives are bedrocked into HIM!




The Daily Blueprint
for 8/9/10


Matthew 10:29-30
Not one sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. So don't worry! You are more valuable to Him then many sparrows!

What value does God place on a human life? He was willing to send His One and Only Son to die for the sins of mankind - what kind of price is that? The Word of God says that you are worth more then many sparrows - the point being that God knows when a sparrow falls to the ground - nothing happens without God's knowledge - Jesus said if The Father is concerned for a sparrow - how much more is He concerned about us?
Sometimes in this life we go by what others say about us - we begin to believe what they say over what God says - if we go by man -we will fall - we will fail - we will be let down - I was just talking to a friend the other day - and we talked about this very thing - we are worth more then anyone says we are worth - we cannot go by the labels this world puts on us - we must go by what JESUS says! He alone determines our worth - He alone made us! Many times our performance becomes who we are to the world around us - always do great things and never fail the world will label you a success!
but fail - the world will call you a failure - it's so good that GOD does not see us the way the world sees us - there are people this very moment giving up on life - could this be one of you? Maybe this message is for you - just you - whoever you are - God loves you - God longs for you to know this! God loves you!
No matter what you have done - no matter where you have been!
GOD loves you - HE cares about you deeply - HE sent HIS only SON for you!
If it was just you HE would have done it all!

I watched a movie last night called the Cross and the Switchblade -
if you get a chance rent it - it's about Ricky Cruise - this guy used to hate JESUS - he hated a preacher that came on his turf - but in the end Nicky found out what GOD thought of him - he found out how much he is worth to GOD - let's see ourselves as GOD sees us - in Christ we are free from condemnation - we are free from the power of our sins - GOD loves us so much HE has given us all we need!

You are worth so much to GOD - HE loves you - yes you!

Word to the wise: Only GOD can rate a life!
HE views us as worth more then anything else!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we have value!




The Daily Blueprint
for 8/6/10


2nd Peter 3:18a
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Growth is found in nature - things must grow to survive - they must adapt to the things around them - we have to change the way we do things today because money is so tight - we must be smarter with the money God allows us to use! We must be willing to take the steps to grow in our faith as well - this grow requires exercise - and exercise requires work - many of our have gotten spiritually lazy - many of us are happy to stay right where we are - but fortunately God loves us too much to leave us like we were!
His single goal is to make us like His Son Jesus - that's it - God wants us to be conformed into the image of His Son - He wants us to be holy as HE is holy -
this requires spiritual sweat - it's not easy - but GOD does the work so in one respect it is easy - the problem is we try and stay the way we are and God is trying to (and HE succeeds I might ad!) to make us like His Son - HE does not want us to stay stagnate like a pond but HE wants us to be a river HE can flow through -all this takes growth - a Tree cannot live long if it remains a sampling - it must grow and reach toward the sky - we must do the same thing in our faith - if we ever get to a place were we are satisfied with our faith we are in trouble - God didn't make us to sit still - He wants us to move to His beat - to grow toward the Light - We must be willing to be moldable - and not hard unmoldeble clay - God has a plan for our lives -are we willing to grow with that plan or continue on where we are - Growth must happen in our spiritual life or else it will die!

Word to the wise: Trees always grow toward the light -
is your life growing toward the LIGHT?


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we cannot help but grow in HIM!


Growth is never easy - but it's essential!
The Daily Blueprint
for 8/5/10

God Must Build It

Psalm 127:1
If the LORD does not build the house,
The builders labor in vain to build it.

The question that comes to my mind when I read today's verse is that many in this world have built their lives on something other then Jesus Christ. Those who have built on anything else have built on shaky ground - everything in this world will one day pass away - this is not our home - you see many famous people who live in direct opposition to Christ and His Ways - they live hollow lives that the world accolades -
Lives that don't bring God glory -- many live as if there is no God - that's so sad!
We who know JESUS as LORD know there is a GOD - and HE loves us - HE loves everyone that He created! (hint - that's everyone!!) Jesus came to save those who are lost (again that's everyone!) If we want to bring GOD glory - HE must build the building - He must build our lives up in order to accomplish what HE wants us to do -Maybe you feel like GOD didn't build you well -that's not true -you are a treasure of GOD - HE made you - you are HIS Masterpiece! Many are lost and dying around us - many don't know JESUS came to save them - it's our mission to tell them about JESUS - since HE has built our lives on the ROCK - We can now move forward and bring JESUS to the lost and dying around us! We can build on solid ground now - the shaking ground of this world is not the place to build - GOD must build it - or else it will all be in vain - we can love others - we can serve others - but without JESUS in our heart - it's meaningless - what is your life built on???

Word to the wise: The sandy foundation of this world won't stand - but the ROCK will always stand and we can build our lives upon HIM!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we are built up into a royal priesthood!


The question is not paper or plastic, but Sand or Rock!
The Daily Blueprint
for 7/15/10

What we build upon

1st Corinthians 3:11
For no one can lay any foundation other then
the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ!

The whole permise of this ministry is building our lives on GOD'S WORD!
I send these out daily to show that God's Word is the blueprint we need to see what it means to live this life for Jesus Christ - that is the single purpose - but it has many facets - one facet is bringing the lost to Christ -the other facet is helping those who already walk with HIM to walk closer to HIM - thirdly it's to encourage those of the faith that are struggling - this three point purpose is what I strive to convey each day - That the only one to whom we can really build our lives on is JESUS!
HE alone deserves our worship and respect - sadly in this day and age many are falling away from their faith - many are just walking away - it's alarming - GOD Is so good and HE sent HIS only SON to save us - and yet many are just walking away - It's like when JESUS was talking to many about eating His body and drinking His blood - some said it was too hard a saying and they walked away - Jesus asked the 12 if they wanted to walk away too - I think it was Peter who said - Lord where else can we go!
The truth is - no where - we cannot go anywhere without CHRIST!
We must build our lives upon HIM and HIS truth!
We must not build on this sandy foundation of this world but on the sure foundation of the ROCK - there has been times recently in my faith were I have gotten lazy - I don't read the WORD like I should - I don't pray as much as I should - I know none of that saves me (only the blood of JESUS makes me right with GOD) but it's good to do those things if you want to grow -
What is your life built apon - anything but JESUS means it's gonna pass away
but in CHRIST all things remine brand new!
Build on the ROCK!
Yours in the process!

Word to the wise: We are all works in progress - JESUS is not done with any of us yet!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST our lives are built on HIS sure foundation!


The Daily Blueprint
for 7/14/10

He made Man

Genesis 1:26a
And GOD said, Let US make man in Our image,
after Our likeness.

God in His infinate wisdom created man - we are only because He wants us to be - no one is here by accident - and we won't be leaving by accident - GOD has a plan and it's perfect - He does not need us at all but He choose to make us - knowing full well HIS creation was going to turn it's back on HIM - HE still made man! He knew of the garden and HE knew of the fall that was going to take place - HE saw all the way from the beginning to the end - HE is both the beginning and the end - He made man so that man could enjoy HIM forever and man could enjoy GOD forever - however once sin entered the picture that all changed but it didn't catch GOD off guard - today's devotional is one in which I want to tell you that GOD values you - you are no mistake - I know of several people that have basically given up on life - I had to admit to myself I was there at one time during this tough journey of the last couple of years - losing several loved ones and friends has been tough - losing my marriage is been tough and the health scares I have been through - and I am not alone - several close friends from my past have left this earth - both my Mom and my Dad are now gone home - couple that with the passing of my step-sister Tari-Janye - one can see how fregal our lives really are - the only thing I can say is I know GOD made us - I know HE has a plan - and I know that HIS plan will come to pass - no matter what we do or don't do -
HIS will shall be done - GOD made man for the purpose of man enjoying GOD!
One day when our lives here are ever we will see HIM! Those of us who have followed HIM will not be meeting Him for the first time -God made us - He formed us in our Mother's womb - and He wants to show us HIS love through HIS grace!
If you have been born once - you can be born again! God made man - and it is good!

Word to the wise: Whenever you feel worthless remember just what GOD did to save you! HE has made us worthy! through the blood of HIS dear Son!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we are born again!




The Daily Blueprint
for 7/28/10

Put it On!

Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armor of GOD , that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (jkv)

When you wake up in the morning - what do you put on? I am not just talking about physically - but spiritually - if you head out of the house undressed you will look funny and would get arrested for indecent exposure - in the same way going out without your spiritual clothes on is very foolish - we must put on CHRIST when we get up every morning - we must put on HIS righteousness and not try to obtain it on our own - we must put on the right things in order to stand against the enemy - you don't show up to battle without your gear do you? A football player would be useless without his gear - and without the play book - as Christ followers we are to ware HIS garments!
We must be willing to admit we cannot do it on our own - it takes putting on CHRIST to make it! The enemy is not gonna rest while we sit around undressed - without the blood of JESUS we are powerless - but in CHRIST we have HIS power to fight off the enemy of our souls - put on CHRIST!

Word to the wise: If we don't ware the right clothing -we will be foolish!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we are dressed for battle!


The Daily Blueprint
for 7/26/10

Life & Death

Romans 8:2
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

Once we have received the adoption from GOD to be HIS sons and daughters we are completely changed - know often on this side of heaven we won't see these changes - we are all human and we all miss the mark and mess up - we all fall short -
but in CHRIST there is life - but apart from HIM there is only death -
now you may say you see people who are just living fine without Christ - they like as alive as we do - but the outside and the inside is not the same thing - we are all in need a the Saviors healing blood - we must come to a place in our lives where we find that CHRIST is all we need - there are many things in the world today vining for our attention - friendships - courtships - work - any a number of things that can take our minds off GOD - without our mind on anything else -we are not really living!
We must put CHRIST first in all things -we must be willing to set our lives apart for CHRIST and not try and live it apart from HIM - we find out quickly that the LAW only brings Death but JESUS only brings LIFE - which are you following? Life or Death?

Word to the wise: when you follow CHRIST you won't go in the wrong direction!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST We don't face death alone!
