What Shall We Say?
What Shall We Say?
What shall we then say to these things?
If GOD be for us, who can be against us?
These words that Paul penned sure are comforting for us today -
with the job market falling out of the sky - and talk of disease everywhere -it's so easy to get down and in the dumps - but when this happens -all we have to is look up - for that is where we find the life we have - Jesus is our life-source - for we were created by HIM and for Him! I must admit in my own life - these past couple of months have been extremely trying - from a diagnosis of having an enlarged heart with some other issues - to my Dad being told he has lung cancer - this is very personal but I think it's very important to be open about it - to share my struggles - to let you know we are never alone - to let us all know that GOD is in command and control - He allows what HE does for HIS glory - so to us there should be no worries - if GOD is for us - who can be against us?
What shall we say to these things? There is no one greater then our GOD - HE commands every the grass of the field to move - He made all you see and all you will ever see - I could hide these trials from you - but I feel it's not in the best interest of representing the Christian life to do so - in this I mean I want to show everyone that while GOD has called me to do this daily - my life is very far from perfect - but in God's eyes - it's just right - the same goes for your life - God made you and He loves you - nothing in all the world can ever take that love away - God is for us - just let that sink in - He is for us! He made us - He loves us and He sent JESUS so He could save us! These trials in the here and now won't last forever - but GOD always will - He will never ever leave us - He is with us now - What shall we say? Praise GOD! For HE alone is worthy of our praise - I don't praise HIM because my circumstances are good - but because of who HE is - What shall we say? Praise the LORD!
Everything can be against me but GOD will always be for me!!!!!! Daniel<><
God has a plan for each of our lives - and nothing will keep it from coming to pass! amen!
God has a plan for each of our lives - and nothing will keep it from coming to pass! amen!
Because we have CHRIST - we have confidence!
5.20.09 - Building on the WORD
No Matter Your Circumstances -GOD IS GOOD!
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