Cast Down?
Cast Down?
2nd Corinthians 7:6
Nevertheless God, who that comforts those who are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus...
Sometimes in this life it's very easy to be cast down - listen to the news - read the newspaper - listen to the radio - if you want bad news - it can be found in seconds in our fast as light society - you can get the bad news all day if you - the bad news can even come to you on your cell phone - and if that's not enough - we all have our own minds that can make the best day seem very bad - it's all about perspective - much of the time the problems we have in this life seem to just weigh us down - you can see it in our body language - there are many out there right now carrying much to much - and God is there saying His burden is light - we do we do this to ourselves - we try to carry the load that JESUS has offered to take over for us - how much easier would life be if we gave God all the control He deserves - which is full and complete control of our lives - instead much of our lives are spent fighting God and others - we want our way and often don't care at what cost - several things in my life at the moment have caused me to take a closer look at my life - I am learning how precious life is - how very short - so we must make our lives matter for something - we don't know when our time is over here - Are you cast down? You cannot be so if you keep your heart and head up looking to Jesus - but I must admit all this stuff around us can sure bring us down - it's so easy to lose focus - it's so easy to fall prey to the pull of this world - but we who have been called by JESUS into HIS glorious light - should be different - we should show the world around us what hope looks like - after all we have the only hope - Christ alone - so the world wants what we have - we must be willing to live it out in the open - this is a challenge for me every day of my life - but when we allow GOD to take control - it will happen very naturally -
Cast Down? Look up!
Trying to keep my focus on CHRIST!, Daniel
Were we focus takes control of our lives - Jesus should be front and center!
Because we have CHRIST - our focus is clearer!
5.5.09 - Building on the WORD
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