Hidden In Our Heart
Hidden In Our Heart
PSALM 119:11
Your Word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You!
I am involved with a children's ministry called Awana - many of you may have heard of it - one of the things that is said every time we meet is the Awana pledge - in it one line is today's verse - this is an important concept - one that kids need to get early on in life and something we need to always remind ourselves of - we live in an evil and sin filled world - every where you look - you can find some kind of sin - to protect us from the sin around us - we must have God's Word hidden in our heart - we must be willing to study the Word - live in the Word and spread the Word - with God's Word in our hearts - we are less likely to sin against Him - when we know HIS truth - we will be more willing to do as He says - it all comes down to a personal intimate realtionship with Christ - this is not something that can be faked - it must be real! Have you hidden God's Word in your heart? Maybe it's been a long time since you have even picked up the Bible - maybe it's been just since Sunday - whatever the case - it should be our desire to have God's Word hidden in our hearts - Jesus is our example - when satan was tempting Him the only response given by Jesus was the Word of God - we must be willing to allow God's Word to change us from the inside out - that way the world will see our true faith and will join us in following JESUS CHRIST!
Hiding the Word in my heart, Daniel
BUILDING MOMENT: Do you know the WORD? Let's go back to basics and read it - and then do what it says - simple but profound!~
Because we have CHRIST - We should have HIS words in our heart!
5.1.09 - Building on the WORD
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