REJOICE in CHRIST this CHRISTmas!part 3
* Tuesday * 12/23/08 * A WORD OF CAUTION
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!
Some may wonder what in the world Romans has to do with CHRISTmas - in a word -everything - you see we are all marred with this imperfection and God requires perfection - He is a Holy and Righteous God - He demands purity - He demands righteousness -but we in and of ourselves cannot produce this righteousness - all we do is produce filthy rags - We cannot be saved without Christ -and without HIS birth -there would be no hope at all.
I wanted to take a side step today - I wanted to offer a word of warning - to be cautious - I have to admit last night I got hit with the shopping bug - I was just gonna buy a few things but ended up giving into the pull of the season - satan our enemy is very active this time of year - he wants us to miss the real reason for the season - here is a reminder that its not about the gifts that we buy - its all about the gift GOD gave us in HIS SON - and its not just about family - not that family is a bad thing - ok those of you who giggled - its ok - sometimes our families can drive us nuts - but family is not the reason for the season -its JESUS - simply its JESUS its all about JESUS - Rejoice in JESUS - don't get caught up in all the buy buy buy mentality - I know the that we are being told we have to buy buy buy to be happy - but in the end it leaves us empty - let me ask each of you - do you remember everything you got last year - how much of that stuff is till in use? Why not tell someone about the greatest gift of all this CHRISTmas - JESUS came to this world to save that which was lost -you and me - HE came with a mission - a single reason - to offer Himself up to God as sin - to cover our sin with HIS Blood -
this my friends is what CHRISTmas is all about!Just a word of caution - the enemy is active and he wants to get our mind off JESUS and onto what we can do without Him! Warning!!!!!
This CHRISTmas - Rejoice because CHRIST is all we need!
Livin in the WORD for 12/23/08 - THE FOCUS OF CHRISTMAS is CHRIST
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