

The Daily Blueprint

The Word:

In The Heart

Luke 7:45
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil; for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

I believe God looks at our motivation for what we do, more then what we may actually do. In the negative Jesus said that its not just what we do - its why we do it - Jesus was talking about sin at one point and said if you think it in your heart -you have done it - even if you don't do anything physical! This is a hard line but its the line Jesus took often - He knew that out of man comes whatever is in His heart - if we have evil in our hearts - then evil is just what we will do - what's in our heart becomes who we are - not just what we do - Why do we do good? is it to get something in return for our good deed? We should do good because God commands it -We should do good out of nothing more then worship - not what we can get in return - many believe if you live a good life -then only good things will happen to you -this is simply not true -all one needs to do is ask around - many "good" people are suffering while many "evil" people seem to be prospering - but in the end what does it profit to gain the whole world but lose your soul? Whatever is in our heart - will produce the fruit of our lives - and God can see right past anything we do on the surface - He is never fooled - while man looks on the outside - God will always look upon our heart and HE will know our motivations for why we do what we do -
What's in your heart? Your life will reflect whatever is in there!

The Final Word:
What is your life saying to the lost around you?
CHRIST knows what's in our heart!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 12/8/08-
What's in your heart? Good or Evil?

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