

The Daily Blueprint

The Word:


Philippians 1:10
That you may approve things that are excellent; that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ...

Once Christ takes residence in our hearts -we should begin to see a major change in our lives - our focus should begin to shift from ourselves to God and to others around us who are in need- We have been called to be the Salt and Light of the world -we should live lives that don't offend our Savior! People are watching us - many times we fail to realize this - we represent Christ in all we do - one way this is true is the cars we drive -many of us have fish or something else that shows the world we belong to Christ- my question I ask myself is how am I driving? Can those around me see Christ or just my flesh? This sure can step on my toes - but many you may not realize are looking at your life - I don't say this to scare you but to point out that we are to be the examples to the lost around us - our actions while always forgiven in Christ Jesus - can bring offense to God -we need to be careful what we do and how we do it - where is our heart? We must be willing to ask ourselves the hard questions. As I was praying and thinking about today's verse -one thought came to mind - the fact then when we live for Christ- the world around us won't understand - and that there is a line somewhere were we don't want to offend those around us who don't know Jesus - we should never compromise our faith just because it offends someone - we are moving into a season in which the truth is being watered down and Christmas is becoming (or has become) nothing more then a way for stores to met their yearly quota - I want to get back to what they did in the past - they helped others -lets love the world around us but let's not get caught up in it - let's live lives that don't offend!

The Final Word:
What is your life saying?


CHRIST lives the life within our lives!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 11/26/08-

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