

REJOICE in CHRIST this CHRISTmas!part 4
* Wednesday * 12/24/08 * ANY ROOM FOR JESUS?

Luke 2:7
...And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger because there was no room for them in the Inn.


Today is the day before the big day - its CHRISTmas eve - my second favorite day of the year - CHIRSTmas being the first- I loved as a child the excitement of gifts the next day - of wearing new clothes to the CHRISTmas eve service and of lighting the tree - such awe and wonder are attached to this day - children yearn for whatever they have coming to them - and they just assume you give them what they want now - often in my family we could open one prized gift - often it was the smallest - just a preemptive strike for the finale of CHRISTmas day!
As we go through the motions of this day - often we leave out the most important part -JESUS Himself - there is an awesome song by Casting Crowns that talks about the fact many where sleeping when JESUS came into this world- there was no room in the Inn for Jesus - the King of Kings - and I wonder if there is any room in many a hearts! I am just as guilty - I have gotten caught in the crossfire of shopping till you begin to drop - I have also been fighting a bad infection -this has only highlighted that JESUS should be the center part of this Day and all days! Since I have not felt well this year I didn't even get to put a tree up! But that's ok! The Reason for the Season is JESUS! Ask the tough questions this time around - is there room for JESUS in our hearts - or are we far too busy in the hussle and bussel of this frenzy - we all need to slow down -take a deep breath and remember the reason for the season -
JESUS CHRIST came so we could have eternal life -
He came humbly - in a manger - with just a few witnesses - to many it didn't even make a dent in the night - for many where sleeping and I am afraid that many sleep today -

This CHRISTmas - Rejoice because CHRIST came to this world!
Livin in the WORD for 12/24/08 - DO YOU HAVE ROOM FOR JESUS?
Soon the months of carrying JESUS would be over -soon Mary would give birth -soon the Son of God would be born - lets rejoice in CHRIST this CHRISTmas - open your heart to HIM today and give HIM your all!


REJOICE in CHRIST this CHRISTmas!part 3
* Tuesday * 12/23/08 * A WORD OF CAUTION

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!


Some may wonder what in the world Romans has to do with CHRISTmas - in a word -everything - you see we are all marred with this imperfection and God requires perfection - He is a Holy and Righteous God - He demands purity - He demands righteousness -but we in and of ourselves cannot produce this righteousness - all we do is produce filthy rags - We cannot be saved without Christ -and without HIS birth -there would be no hope at all.

I wanted to take a side step today - I wanted to offer a word of warning - to be cautious - I have to admit last night I got hit with the shopping bug - I was just gonna buy a few things but ended up giving into the pull of the season - satan our enemy is very active this time of year - he wants us to miss the real reason for the season - here is a reminder that its not about the gifts that we buy - its all about the gift GOD gave us in HIS SON - and its not just about family - not that family is a bad thing - ok those of you who giggled - its ok - sometimes our families can drive us nuts - but family is not the reason for the season -its JESUS - simply its JESUS its all about JESUS - Rejoice in JESUS - don't get caught up in all the buy buy buy mentality - I know the that we are being told we have to buy buy buy to be happy - but in the end it leaves us empty - let me ask each of you - do you remember everything you got last year - how much of that stuff is till in use? Why not tell someone about the greatest gift of all this CHRISTmas - JESUS came to this world to save that which was lost -you and me - HE came with a mission - a single reason - to offer Himself up to God as sin - to cover our sin with HIS Blood -
this my friends is what CHRISTmas is all about!Just a word of caution - the enemy is active and he wants to get our mind off JESUS and onto what we can do without Him! Warning!!!!!
This CHRISTmas - Rejoice because CHRIST is all we need!
Livin in the WORD for 12/23/08 - THE FOCUS OF CHRISTMAS is CHRIST
part 2

12/22/08 * MONDAY

The WORD became flesh...

JOHN 1:14
And the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father)
full of grace and truth!


Simple words on a page - but what a great impact these words make on our lives -that GOD came near - that GOD became a mere man - and not just a man - but a babe - a bade in a manger of all things -in Bethlehem of all towns - This is what it is all about - Jesus Christ is God in the flesh- what many kids Ive heard call God with skin on - although we were not here to see Him in the flesh -we yet believe - The Word says He was full of Grace and Truth - this is true -God's grace is seen in this event- its seen in the cross that will come later -Jesus was born to die -
JESUS came -
JESUS was born - JESUS lived - JESUS died and JESUS Lives on -
Rejoice in CHRIST this CHRISTmas -
The Holy clothed in earthly human flesh - what an amazing thing -
God did this for us - JESUS came at the right time to save us!
Without HIS birth -there would have been no cross and no salvation-
Rejoice that the WORD has become flesh and dwelt among us -
and He is still with us today - the WORD Is alive!
This CHRISTmas - Rejoice because CHRIST was born!
Livin in the WORD for 12/22/08 - The Holy Became Fleshly


part 1

an Angel came to Mary with great news!

LUKE 1:32
and shall be called the SON of the HIGHEST! and the LORD GOD shall give unto HIM the throne of his father David!

Welcome to the CHRISTmas series!
Here at Livin in the Word - this has become a tradition -
this year while one of the toughest of my life -has also produced a heart of gladness in my life - hence the name of this year's series is Rejoice! No matter what your circumstances you can rejoice in CHRIST this CHRISTmas!
He is our life - lets worship the KING of KINGS!JESUS the CHRIST!

Your servant LORD, Daniel

After the Angel came to Mary and told her about the good news that God had picked her out of millions of women to be the Mother of His Son - JESUS - The Angel tells Mary that this child will be like none other and will be produced like none every before - she will not have to even have an earthly man for this to happen -God will make it happen! Mary agrees to do this service for God and the rest is HIStory!

Mary is told JESUS will be GREAT - that HE will reign on the throne of David - this is odd to her I have to believe -she might have gotten more then she expected to get - to give birth to God!? Wow! Many questions raced through her head I am sure - but in the end she choice to submit to God and Rejoiced at this news -what about us? Do we still rejoice in this Great News?
CHRIST was born to die -He came to this world and lived like us to Die -HIS mission ahead of Him - and now Mary being told of His Birth - we all should be able to Rejoice in this Great news!
It is for ALL people - Lets Rejoice for soon Christ will return and take us all home -what a glorious day that will be -
until that day -let's rejoice in CHRIST!
This CHRISTmas - Rejoice because CHRIST lived like we live!
Livin in the WORD for 12/21/08 - GOOD NEWS FOR MARY
Paul says we should rejoice always and then says it again to remind us the need to rejoice when we don't feel like it!
For unto you is born this day in the City of David - a Saviour which is CHRIST the LORD! - Luke 2:11


The Daily Blueprint

The Word:

In The Heart

Luke 7:45
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil; for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

I believe God looks at our motivation for what we do, more then what we may actually do. In the negative Jesus said that its not just what we do - its why we do it - Jesus was talking about sin at one point and said if you think it in your heart -you have done it - even if you don't do anything physical! This is a hard line but its the line Jesus took often - He knew that out of man comes whatever is in His heart - if we have evil in our hearts - then evil is just what we will do - what's in our heart becomes who we are - not just what we do - Why do we do good? is it to get something in return for our good deed? We should do good because God commands it -We should do good out of nothing more then worship - not what we can get in return - many believe if you live a good life -then only good things will happen to you -this is simply not true -all one needs to do is ask around - many "good" people are suffering while many "evil" people seem to be prospering - but in the end what does it profit to gain the whole world but lose your soul? Whatever is in our heart - will produce the fruit of our lives - and God can see right past anything we do on the surface - He is never fooled - while man looks on the outside - God will always look upon our heart and HE will know our motivations for why we do what we do -
What's in your heart? Your life will reflect whatever is in there!

The Final Word:
What is your life saying to the lost around you?
CHRIST knows what's in our heart!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 12/8/08-
What's in your heart? Good or Evil?


The Daily Blueprint

The Word:


Philippians 1:10
That you may approve things that are excellent; that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ...

Once Christ takes residence in our hearts -we should begin to see a major change in our lives - our focus should begin to shift from ourselves to God and to others around us who are in need- We have been called to be the Salt and Light of the world -we should live lives that don't offend our Savior! People are watching us - many times we fail to realize this - we represent Christ in all we do - one way this is true is the cars we drive -many of us have fish or something else that shows the world we belong to Christ- my question I ask myself is how am I driving? Can those around me see Christ or just my flesh? This sure can step on my toes - but many you may not realize are looking at your life - I don't say this to scare you but to point out that we are to be the examples to the lost around us - our actions while always forgiven in Christ Jesus - can bring offense to God -we need to be careful what we do and how we do it - where is our heart? We must be willing to ask ourselves the hard questions. As I was praying and thinking about today's verse -one thought came to mind - the fact then when we live for Christ- the world around us won't understand - and that there is a line somewhere were we don't want to offend those around us who don't know Jesus - we should never compromise our faith just because it offends someone - we are moving into a season in which the truth is being watered down and Christmas is becoming (or has become) nothing more then a way for stores to met their yearly quota - I want to get back to what they did in the past - they helped others -lets love the world around us but let's not get caught up in it - let's live lives that don't offend!

The Final Word:
What is your life saying?


CHRIST lives the life within our lives!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 11/26/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Thursday ~ 12/4/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 23

Ecclesiastes 8:1
Who is as a wise man? and who knows the interpretation of a thing? a man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed!

Wisdom is not something you can get at school- wisdom is not something you can pay enough money to obtain - Wisdom comes from God - He gives to those whom ask for it - The Word of God is clear on this. We cannot find a short cut to gain wisdom - it comes from living this life. God wants us to learn from our trails so that we can gain wisdom - and when we do gain it - we must share it with others or it just becomes knowledge - this is not the same was wisdom - do you know someone in your life with wisdom - spend some time with them - they have stories they can tell you -and you can learn much from them - for they have been there -they have been through the storms of life and they know best what advise to give you. But God knows far more then anyone else- He put all this together - He wants His children to have wisdom - so that we can be safe from the enemy and also save many alive - God has purpose in all things and HIS will shall be done.
Worship the LORD and seek HIS wisdom and you will never be the same!

The Final Word:
Who is like our God? (Thanks to Chris Tomlin)
CHRIST gives us His understanding!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 12/4/08-
What you know is not as important as WHO you know!


The Daily Blueprint ~ Wednesday ~ 12/3/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 22

Ecclesiastes 7:20
For there is not a just man upon Earth,
that does good, and does not sin!

God's Word answers the question for the self-righteous of this world who claim to be without sin - the truth is all of us can and often will sin - I don't say this with a smile on my face -but with tears in my eyes- its sad that we choice sin over Jesus time and time again - while His Spirit now resides in us - many times we ignore His pleadings and go on and sin just as if we didn't know Him at all -its possible to know Christ and still sin - Ive seen many who claim they no longer sin - if this were true -then they should have died for our sins - for it was only the Sinless Savior who died or could die for our sins - He lived a perfect life - and died for our sin - He even became sin for us - that's like no other love there is anywhere else! Sin is a fact of life in this world - I do agree somewhat with those who say we don't have to sin - we really don't - but so often we choice to sin - Paul says that we should not just go on sinning so grace may abound more and more -that's just grace abuse - if we would do whatever the Lord commands us to do - and always do that -then yes -we can live without sin - but as I have always said -given the right circumstances or set things up a certain way - all of us can sin -
with our human nature sticking around - we can sin - we have the ability to sin - its the hope of CHRIST in us that we sin less and less - and while whatever sin we do commit is forgiven - we still must live a righteous life for the world to see His light shine in us - its hard to minister if you are falling into one sin after another - let Christ make you righteous - apart from Him its true - no one is righteous - but because HE paid down HIS Life for us - we can live righteously in and through Him - He in us - we in Him - this is what it means to be in fellowship with GOD!

The Final Word:
Sin is boiled down to - our way over HIS way!
CHRIST came to take our sin away!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 12/3/08-
Are you a slave to sin or to righteousness?


The Daily Blueprint ~ Tuesday ~ 12/2/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 21

Ecclesiastes 7:19
Wisdom strengthens the wise more then ten mighty men which are in the city.

Wisdom that comes from above is first pure and then peaceable, gentle and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits...James 3:17

I don't normally begin my devotional part of the daily word with another verse- but today this verse was ringing in my head as I read today's verse from Ecclesiastes. When we talk of wisdom - we must talk about where true wisdom comes from - God brings us wisdom - and at times we receive it easier then other times -sometimes God has to take us through a storm in our lives to bring us wisdom - to me its all about learning from your trials - the problems and circumstances of our lives can be learning opportunities if we allow them to be - many times we get bogged down with our problems and fail to see God at work - sometimes we can be very negative about our lot in lives - but if we choose too we can use these things to bring ourselves wisdom - and with this wisdom we can help others -we can teach others- we must always remember true - pure - real wisdom comes from God. The world has another type of wisdom - but its not the kind from God - many use their minds to further deny Christ and His work - they want to figure it all out and whatever conclusion they come to - they run with it! We must instill the knowledge and wisdom we get from God to others -we must be willing to allow the Spirit of God to conform us into His image and sometimes trials are the way God gets that done - believe me I am not dealing too well right now with the trial in my life - its really hard during the holidays - but if I will keep GOD in focus - then the results will be much better -let's remember where our focus is - our heart and lives will follow!
Get that pure holy The WORD says that if anyone lacks wisdom - let them ask of GOD...HE will do it! Amen!

The Final Word:
What we cannot do - GOD can do!
CHRIST gives us wisdom if we ask!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 12/2/08-


The Daily Blueprint ~ Monday ~ 12/1/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 20

Ecclesiastes 7:14
In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also has set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.

In this life we will have both great joy and at times great pain -that is just the nature of life as we know it - the good news is one day when all is said and done and we are home with Christ - none of this will really matter much - but in the meantime we must be about God's business - this life is so very short -we live maybe 8 decades if we are blessed! And in that time there is no way we can know all there is about God - He is indescribable at best - How can we know all about God here and now? We must go through this life to become what wants for us to be - He who began a good work in us will complete it -this is the promise written in His Word and also written in Blood - you see JESUS gave HIS life so we could be free to dwell with God the Father - He paved a way - He made a way - He is the only way -
So when things go well for you - rejoice -when they don't - rejoice -we must have in us the mind of Christ once we come to know Him - we should view things differently - we should look at the world in a new way now that Christ dwells in us! God is good and He will allow what He allows to bring Himself glory and make us who HE desires us to be - God made both the good times and the bad times -our circumstances should never be our focus but JESUS should be! Lets worship the LORD our GOD in the good and bad times -
in every life there will be some bad but always some good as well!PRAISE BE TO THE LORD OUR GOD!

The Final Word:
No matter what happens - to GOD it's all good!
CHRIST brings good out of the bad!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 12/1/08-
When GOD see us - He sees JESUS, not us!