

The Daily Blueprint 10-23-07

The Storm Series
Lessons Learned in the Storms of Life

PSALM 107:29
He makes the storm calm, so that the waves thereof are still.

When our Savior calmed the wind and waves when awoken from His sleep- He showed His disciples that HE was the Christ by having authority over the world around Him - All Jesus had to do was speak and the storm became calm - He will do the same thing in our lives -as I said yesterday - the storms will come -if you are not currently in a storm - you most likely have just come out of one or you are about to go into one - rest assured there will always be storms that we need Him to help us with- Without HIS guidance -these storms of life could over take us and leave us shipwrecked -There is no storm that Jesus cannot calm - He knows what its like to be caught in the storm - He knows what its like to be tempted by the enemy - He has been in and through the storm and He has cleared a way for us to navigate through the storm - Yes God could take the storms away if He so desired - but many times instead of taking the storm away - He brings us through the storm - none of us like the trial that the storms bring -we don't like the clean up afterward - we don't like the unknown - we do not want to be caught up in a storm with no way out - God is the only way we can really get through it - imagine what it must be like for those who are lost to get through life's storms - we know this is not our home -tomorrow is not guaranteed here - but God said He would never leave us - lets continue to weather the storms of Life with JESUS by our side! Sometimes He calms the storm - other times He guides us through it!

A side note: In every storm there is a silver lining - we may not see it as the storm wages on - but in the end we can know GOD was with us in the storm!
With CHRIST we can be calm in the midst of the storm!
I have an urgent prayer request for a friend who's daughter Deb is in the hospital in very grave condition due to complications from Lupus. At this point, her immune system is so weakened that the doctors are literally putting out fires. She's developed diabetes and has open wounds on her legs, and is receiving hydrotherapy to irrigate them in hopes to help them heal. Now she's developed pancreatitis. And to make it worse, she's in great pain with pleurisy. Complicating the matter, there is a daily struggle to regulate her blood pressure, which is impeding treatment. Could you please share this with any one/group that you know would be willing to lift Deb and her family up in prayer? Thank you and be blessed!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Tuesday 23 Pray for 13-year-old Uwayezu Hyone in Rwanda who is epileptic.
She needs safety and protection.
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
Samartian's Purse Weekly Prayer Requests:
This week's focus: Sir Lanka
(1)For Pastor Mathungen to be a light for Christ among his students.
(2) That carpentry and other vocactional classes will equip young men and women to earn substainable incomes (3) For other Post-Tsunami projects of Samartian's Purse in Sir Lanka.
Thank you for praying for Sir Lanka!

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