The Daily Blueprint 10-8-07
ACTS 28:27
For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart. and should be converted, and I should heal them.
Today I begin again how this ministry began - it simply was me praying and then going to the Word and using whatever verse God picked out - now I also enjoy doing the series -but sometimes I don't want to be limited to just one book - I will go back and forth -but this is my heart today -do go through the Word of God and then write on the verse God has picked - the verse that perks my interest- one that speaks to my heart!
Today's verse just shows us the world has not changed much at all - as God says in HIS WORD that nothing is new under the sun! Today we have the same problems they had way back when Acts was written - near the end of the book we hear of those who have closed off their ears and eyes and closed their hearts to the truth of God's love found in Christ- they also have closed their hearts to His grace -this free offer is for all - none are left out of this offer - but some choice to walk way from God and never ever look back -others may not know HIM now -but soon they will -there is always hope - we too who know JESUS can sometimes close our hearts -close our eyes and ears and forget what HE has done for us- we can begin to take it for granted and miss many blessings in the process - we must have open hearts and minds - we must be willing to see things from HIS perspective - we must listen closely to what He has to say - and not close our lives off to God -the God who made us knows us and loves us and wants us to begin a personal relationship with HIMSELF through HIS only SON JESUS!
Open your ears and hear all that God has given us - hear the cries of the baby Christ in the manger- hear the prophets and all they have to say - open your eyes and see all the beauty that God had made - whether a night sky or a tree - then open your heart and let God in and HE will change you forever-
Open ears, eyes and hearts is what we need!
A side note: God gave us ears to hear -eyes to see and a heart to know HIM!
With CHRIST we are open to the TRUTH!
Pat needs SERIOUS, prayer from everyone who will PRAY FOR HIM. The * Gangrene* is back again, it has been less then 9 months. I am EXTREMELY WORRIED, because it is back, and there is not much to cut. Pat has gained the weight back again, from so much body fluid build up, that he is at 400 pounds, and his heart is really having to work hard.
Facts are facts, when we leave for Erlanger Medical Center in Chattanooga again, that he
may not return back home to us, alive and recovering again. We are leaving via ambulance today and Kevin & I will be staying with Pat in housing provided. If anyone wants to write me my other e-mail address is: Please also pray for Erica, she has cervical cancer, and will be having laser surgery very soon. Please pray that God gives me more physical strength, I am just worn out, since with every thing else I am caring daily for a 2 and a half year old, and a 14 month old. Thanks & God Bless,In Christ I Remain Always, Sister Lynn
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Monday 8 Pray for 12-year-old Crisleydy Cristina Barrera Cuc in Guatemala, who was diagnosed with lupus. She is receiving medical
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Samartian's Purse Weekly Prayer Requests:
This week's focus: HONDURAS:
-PRAY for new believers to remain strong - both Physically and Spiritually!
-PRAY for Samaritain Centers on-going ministry to HIV/AIDS victims.
-PRAY that GOD will contiune to use Samaritan's Purse HIV/AIDS projects to reach people with the GOSPEL! Thanks for praying for Honduras!
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