The Daily Blueprint 10-11-07
Don't Resist
Acts 7:51
...You stiff-necked, and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you do resist the Holy Ghost: as your Fathers did, so do you....
Stephen spoke these words to those who wished to kill him -he spoke the truth -for many even today deny and resist the Holy Spirit. Soon after these words were spoken - these people put Stephen to death by stoning him - his response was to look up and see JESUS! Even in death Stephen was a strong witness for the Lord Jesus Christ! Do we have the same problem as those who denied and resisted the Holy Spirit? I have to admit in my life there has been times the Holy Spirit had called me to do something and I resisted - I did not want to go out of my comfort zone or get hurt -we always worry about ourselves and our needs -this is not correct- we have been changed -redeemed by the blood of JESUS -we should be and must be different then the world around us - we must be willing to take a stand just like Stephen did - the cost is high and the workers are few -the harvest is ready to be taken in - are we ready to get into the fields and plant seeds of faith? Many of us are caught in a world that includes just our families and their needs -without going outside the walls of the church of our home - God is leading me out of this - I have to no longer resist HIS SPIRIT for He wants to do something in my life and in yours - He is calling us - are we willing to go?
We cannot resist God's Spirit and be blessed- it does not work that way -God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others...Don't resist the life blood of JESUS In your life- HE came to be a man - without sin and died a criminal's death for you and me! Lets serve JESUS with a heart full of passion and compassion! The world around us waiting for us- lets take a stand today and everyday for Christ our LORD! Amen!
A side note: If we resist the Spirit continually we will grown hard and our life will no longer reflect HIS glory.
With CHRIST we recieve the Holy Spirit!
Pray for my mom2- she is to have hip replacement surgery on Monday Oct 22nd-
pray for successful surgery. thank you! Daniel
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Thursday 11 Pray for 11-year-old Anoj in India as he and his family grieve the passing of his father due to meningitis. His mother must now search for a job to support the
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
Samartian's Purse Weekly Prayer Requests:
This week's focus: HONDURAS:
-PRAY for new believers to remain strong - both Physically and Spiritually!
-PRAY for Samaritain Centers on-going ministry to HIV/AIDS victims.
-PRAY that GOD will contiune to use Samaritan's Purse HIV/AIDS projects to reach people with the GOSPEL! Thanks for praying for Honduras!
Don't Resist
Acts 7:51
...You stiff-necked, and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you do resist the Holy Ghost: as your Fathers did, so do you....
Stephen spoke these words to those who wished to kill him -he spoke the truth -for many even today deny and resist the Holy Spirit. Soon after these words were spoken - these people put Stephen to death by stoning him - his response was to look up and see JESUS! Even in death Stephen was a strong witness for the Lord Jesus Christ! Do we have the same problem as those who denied and resisted the Holy Spirit? I have to admit in my life there has been times the Holy Spirit had called me to do something and I resisted - I did not want to go out of my comfort zone or get hurt -we always worry about ourselves and our needs -this is not correct- we have been changed -redeemed by the blood of JESUS -we should be and must be different then the world around us - we must be willing to take a stand just like Stephen did - the cost is high and the workers are few -the harvest is ready to be taken in - are we ready to get into the fields and plant seeds of faith? Many of us are caught in a world that includes just our families and their needs -without going outside the walls of the church of our home - God is leading me out of this - I have to no longer resist HIS SPIRIT for He wants to do something in my life and in yours - He is calling us - are we willing to go?
We cannot resist God's Spirit and be blessed- it does not work that way -God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others...Don't resist the life blood of JESUS In your life- HE came to be a man - without sin and died a criminal's death for you and me! Lets serve JESUS with a heart full of passion and compassion! The world around us waiting for us- lets take a stand today and everyday for Christ our LORD! Amen!
A side note: If we resist the Spirit continually we will grown hard and our life will no longer reflect HIS glory.
With CHRIST we recieve the Holy Spirit!
Pray for my mom2- she is to have hip replacement surgery on Monday Oct 22nd-
pray for successful surgery. thank you! Daniel
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Thursday 11 Pray for 11-year-old Anoj in India as he and his family grieve the passing of his father due to meningitis. His mother must now search for a job to support the
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
Samartian's Purse Weekly Prayer Requests:
This week's focus: HONDURAS:
-PRAY for new believers to remain strong - both Physically and Spiritually!
-PRAY for Samaritain Centers on-going ministry to HIV/AIDS victims.
-PRAY that GOD will contiune to use Samaritan's Purse HIV/AIDS projects to reach people with the GOSPEL! Thanks for praying for Honduras!
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