

The Daily Blueprint 5-25-07

Suffering: part 9 of 10

JOHN 12:25
He that loves his life shall lose it; and he that hates his life in this world shall keep into life eternal.

Pain loosens our grip on this life. . .

The trials of this life are reminders that this is not our home - Jesus said that if we love our lives- we will lose them but if we hate our lives we will gain much more in eternity - this verse is one of the most misunderstood of all scripture- next to the ones about hating your mother or father- sister or brother- we must look at the context- I don't think the Word says that we should hate our lives -we are to love life but we are not to be consumed with self- God did not make as alone - He made others and HE desires us to have relationships with them - We are to put Christ first in all we do - we must not get tied up in this life and miss eternity -this is a sin-filled evil world -apart from Christ we would all be lost for eternity - I say all this to say that trials a simply a fact of life - Jesus said we would have troubles and we do - sin causes death and one day we all have to pay the price and see our lives come to an end - it will happen one day to all of us - if you were born then you will die - unless of course Jesus returns to take us home - Our sufferings are designed to bring us closer to our Father God! We must not allow trials to make us bitter - but we must let them make us better! The trials should also cause us to loosen our grip on this world and the things in the this world - We cannot serve two masters so we must chose now who we will serve -pain is a fact of life- and God can use it to draw us to Himself -there is much we cannot understand - but God has proven Himself faithful!
He will complete the work in your life that needs to be done!
Just trust HIM today and forever more!

If we refuse to accept what Christ has done on our behalf - He cannot help us at all - He has given us all a free will and He will not go against that - He longs for the day when every knee will bow and tounge confess!

in CHRIST the sufferings of this life bring us closer to GOD!

Tomorrow is PRAYER DAY - please send in your Praises and Requests-
Tomorrow we will also have the last edition in the Suffering Series


Suffering - ten reasons for it - 9 of 10 completed



June 1st- June10th - I will be taking a sabatical- pray for me!
I will be taking a much needed vacation - and need this time to get away and pray for God's will for this ministry - I will be back on June 11th LORD willing -thanks!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Friday 25Pray for 11-year-old Kamakshi Govinda Raj in India. She is facing open heart surgery.
Change the life of a child today - to sponcer a child visit the above web site - thank you!
The pain of this life cannot be compared to the pleasure of living forever with GOD! Where there we be no tomorrow and no yesterday!

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