

The Daily Blueprint 1-4-07

What Will Worrying Do?

Which of you by taking thought(worrying)
can add one cubit to his stature?

In my life worry has been a constant companion -ive learned to worry from a very early age- my upbringing was not very smooth at all and many things went wrong - all of which brought me to JESUS so I am thankful even if it was so tough growing up - ive learned to worry with the best of them - I worry about this and that - and its not how I want to live -it seems the harder I try not to worry - the more I do - this is a battle that ive been in for some time - the good news is JESUS has already purchased for us eternal life -HE has our lives covered -we never really need to worry ever again -Jesus says in today's verse that worrying will never bring good results -worry is nothing more then a lack of faith - this has been hard for me to swallow - but its so true - when God makes us a promise He will bring it to pass - the main problem we have is in the timing -we want what we want now - we want a solution now -we want to see the end result now -but often with God He will only show us what HE wants us to see - nothing more and nothing less - He wants us in a place were all we can do is believe Him - as ive said in the first couple of days this year- there would be pain -and struggles this year -but at the same time there will be victory if we just trust JESUS - this victory will not always be on this side of things - I do not believe in the health and wealth gospel - yes God can and will bless you - but its not because we have done anything to deserve it -sure God will reward us if we are faithful -but that should not be our only motivation to serve the Lord -because there will be hard times - and these times are not always just because we lack faith but because God wants us to learn something!

Are you in the habit of worrying - well then trust JESUS - its that simple - with faith in God our worry should begin to lessen - the more we trust Him the less our worry will be - the question is do you know HIM?
Answer this question today and then begin a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ -HE is calling you -lets not worry any more!

Its easy to say not to worry -but if we really believe God and His promises - we would not worry at all - but do we really believe Him?

When you trust in CHRIST<>< worry disapears!


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