

The Daily Blueprint 1-3-07

Man Of Sorrows

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised and we esteemed Him not.

The pain by which Jesus saved us was intense - not just in a physical standpoint - He had to be left all alone - for the first time in all of History God had to turn His back on His Son - Jesus went through all this for us!

This year is barely 3 days old and already there has been tragedies - there has been pain and anguish - we live in an uncertain world - but we can be certain that God is still commands it all from His throne- We are not alone in this Universe -God is real and He has give us His Son to make a way back to Himself - Jesus has been called a Man of Sorrows and this is what HE was for us- for Him to leave heaven to become a man of all things -was as low as He could go to save us - He was born in a stable in a small town- surely it seemed this was just an ordinary man from an ordinary place- but this was not the case- JESUS was both man and God at the same time -He was able to experience pain -He walked in a body so we could see Him - He became flesh- and this was the beginning of His sorrows- in the end He died on a cross for you and me - He endured this pain in order that we may know God in a personal way and one day spend eternity with Him-

In this world there is gonna be trails and sorrows -there will be real pain - if you hear someone say that you can live a pain free life -run the other way- there is no such thing - this is a fallen world lest we forget -and we all are open to disaster at any time - many times we have this no me attitude - we get to the point of believing nothing bad will ever happen - the truth is this world is a tough place with many lost people looking for the purpose of life -many chose drugs or sex to fill their emptiness - some thing possessions will bring them peace or more money -some have bought into this lie that is from satan himself -we must remember that JESUS was a man of sorrows for you and me -HE died for you - won't you place your trust in Him today?
This man of sorrows wants you so much He was willing to die to get you! This is the GOD we worship, JESUS the CHRIST!

The pain JESUS endured was to set us free from sin - sin has had the human race bound since the fall in the garden - but JESUS and His sacrificial death brought us back to God the Father and took the bondage of sin away forever! Praise God!

When you trust in CHRIST<>< this world's sorrows will not last forever!
JESUS - He came from Heaven to Earth to save you from hell!

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