The Daily Blueprint for 9/23/10 Love Hurts
Hebrews 12:6
Whom the LORD loves He chastens!
Let's face it - Love hurts! If you have even been in love - or if you have children whom you love, and have them do something that hurts you - Love hurts - Sometimes in love we have to say something we would rather not say - or do something we don't want to do - I remember often being whipped for being bad and my Dad saying - "This is gonna hurt me more then it will hurt you" well sure it will - you are gonna hit me!! - but what my Dad said was true - loving others can often hurt! God says in HIS word that those HE loves he must sometimes Chasten - HE must show us the way in which we have done wrong - He loves us so much HE must sometimes all the consquences of our actions catch up to us - and it's often a hard pill to swallow - we must face the facts that we are not GOD - and therefore we are not perfect - we cannot be perfect without God's Spirit dwelling in us - yes sometimes love hurts - but it's the best thing ever - God is love it has been said - Love is what binds us together - I am learning about love first hand by teaching children's Sunday School - I have grown attached to these children and I love working with them - but sometimes I have to get on their case when they are acting up - I do this not because I don't like them but because I love them - we know we are loved by GOD through HIS SON JESUS - HE paid the price for our sinfulness - Love hurts - look what it cost JESUS! HIS very life - so if you are being chasten by GOD don't worry - HE knows what HE Is doing -and by this HE shows you that HE does love you - take it in stride - GOD has a plan for you! Allow HIM to execute it in your life - Love hurts - but GOD heals!
Sometimes the trials are there to show us our need for GOD!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST the pain in our live is for a purpose!
Facing Correction? It's only because GOD Loves you!
Hebrews 12:6
Whom the LORD loves He chastens!
Let's face it - Love hurts! If you have even been in love - or if you have children whom you love, and have them do something that hurts you - Love hurts - Sometimes in love we have to say something we would rather not say - or do something we don't want to do - I remember often being whipped for being bad and my Dad saying - "This is gonna hurt me more then it will hurt you" well sure it will - you are gonna hit me!! - but what my Dad said was true - loving others can often hurt! God says in HIS word that those HE loves he must sometimes Chasten - HE must show us the way in which we have done wrong - He loves us so much HE must sometimes all the consquences of our actions catch up to us - and it's often a hard pill to swallow - we must face the facts that we are not GOD - and therefore we are not perfect - we cannot be perfect without God's Spirit dwelling in us - yes sometimes love hurts - but it's the best thing ever - God is love it has been said - Love is what binds us together - I am learning about love first hand by teaching children's Sunday School - I have grown attached to these children and I love working with them - but sometimes I have to get on their case when they are acting up - I do this not because I don't like them but because I love them - we know we are loved by GOD through HIS SON JESUS - HE paid the price for our sinfulness - Love hurts - look what it cost JESUS! HIS very life - so if you are being chasten by GOD don't worry - HE knows what HE Is doing -and by this HE shows you that HE does love you - take it in stride - GOD has a plan for you! Allow HIM to execute it in your life - Love hurts - but GOD heals!
Sometimes the trials are there to show us our need for GOD!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST the pain in our live is for a purpose!
Facing Correction? It's only because GOD Loves you!
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