

The Daily Blueprint for 9/22/10 Bread & Water
Isaiah 30:20
And though the LORD give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers...

Today's verse was used in yesterday's Our Daily Bread - I found this verse very odd when you see that Isaiah says that GOD has given us the bread of adversity - and the water of affliction - I always thought the enemy brought us pain - but according to this verse that's not the case- God brings it on us! Wow! That should open our eyes and make us look at GOD with humble eyes - we give too much credit to the enemy - and not enough to GOD - not that GOD wants us to suffer but HE will allow suffering to teach us - to mold us - to make us like HIS SON JESUS! It's just bread and water - this is what prisoners used to get to eat - not now - they get good food now - but there was a time they were limited to bread and water - perhaps GOD is saying that while to us the pain is hard and the trial crippling - it's nothing but bread and water - it's not the end of the world - though we may think it is - it is what it is - GOD can use anything to bring us to the place HE wants us - so when trials come let's not complain - let's rejoice - yeah the world around us will think we are nuts! But who cares - our care is to please GOD - so take the bread and the water of the trial and feed on it - allow GOD to use it to change your heart - to make you more and more like HIS SON! We often see trials as curses but GOD wants to use them as a blessing - think back on your trials you have been though and you will say that those times where the times you learned the most - one thing you can count on - class is in session and we are all learning something new every day - allow GOD to mold you - sure it may hurt now - but in the long run it will bring mighty pleasure!

Sometimes GOD allows a trial to come into our life to show us HE is all we need - has HE given you bread and water? Take and eat them - and enjoy the lesson GOD may be trying to teach you!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST the trials of this life have a purpose

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