

The Daily Blueprint
for 7/2/10

All These Things

Matthew 6:33
But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you!

God has a plan for each one of our lives - HE knows what HE is doing - even when it seems like HE is not acting on our behalf - the truth is HE Loves us with an every lasting love! A love we cannot understand - He has some things HE wants us to do -
HE wants obedience - yes HE sent HIS SON to die for our sins - but that does not mean we should just live a life of sin - that does not glorify God - many will call that old fashioned and not hip - but it matters more to honor GOD then to be popular -
do we seek HIS kingdom first? or is this temporary world more important - before we answer we must look at our actions - we must also look at our hearts - GOD looks right into our hearts and we cannot hide anything from Him - He desires a close relationship with each of us - HE Is big enough to love all of us at the same time!
When we do what HE says our lives bring HIM honor - if we don't then we dishonor Him - the main issue these days is the economy - many are worried about their jobs - and their families - which is understandable - but we must trust in our true source of life - JESUS CHRIST! HE is our provider! When we seek HIS kingdom first all these things will be added to us - we must believe HE can do what HE says HE can do -
or else we will fail in this life - we must trust the ONE who gave us all we need!
Are you in need? Seek HIM first - are you sick - Seek HIM first - HE wants us to seek HIM and HIS kingdom before anything else!

Word to the wise: When we seek HIS kingdom before anything else - we will lack nothing! (this does not mean we won't have needs!)


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we lack nothing!


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