

The Daily Blueprint
for 7/1/10


John 14:27
Peace I leave you, My peace I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid!

It's great to be back! I took a whole month off and I feel so much better - I feel ready to once again talk about JESUS and what HE means to me - and in this I hope to help each one of you - I have been in prayer - I have taken some time off to recharge -
GOD is good - so with that said - let's get started!

Today's verse talks about peace - but a peace not like the worldly peace we see -
it's a peace that goes deep - a peace that stays - a peace that changes us!
it's the peace JESUS gives to us - this peace is not superficial - it's not a feeling - it's a lifestyle - HIS peace is not like the world's definition of peace - the world says that if you have money - if you have fame - if you have popularity - then you have peace -
However the equation does not work -- only JESUS gives us true lasting peace - a peace we cannot even begin to understand !! Maybe today you would say you do not have that peace - you need to ask yourself why not! Jesus freely gives us HIS peace when we ask HIM to - when we accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR then this peace comes with it - sometimes circumstances of our lives will not be peaceful - but knowing JESUS through the trial - you will have peace that the world cannot touch!
Nothing can take HIS peace away - your circumstances may be bad - you may "Feel" down and alone - but that does not mean GOD is not there - HE just wants us to trust HIM! May the peace that passes all understanding fill your life today and forever more - the world cannot compare to what JESUS gives us - know the ONE who gives us real peace - live your life for HIM and you will have peace - notice I didn't say all your trouble will go away - you will have new trouble - but JESUS will bring the peace!

Word to the wise: True peace comes from having a personal intimate relationship with JESUS CHRIST!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we got peace that passes understanding!


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