

The Daily Blueprint
for 7/14/10

He made Man

Genesis 1:26a
And GOD said, Let US make man in Our image,
after Our likeness.

God in His infinate wisdom created man - we are only because He wants us to be - no one is here by accident - and we won't be leaving by accident - GOD has a plan and it's perfect - He does not need us at all but He choose to make us - knowing full well HIS creation was going to turn it's back on HIM - HE still made man! He knew of the garden and HE knew of the fall that was going to take place - HE saw all the way from the beginning to the end - HE is both the beginning and the end - He made man so that man could enjoy HIM forever and man could enjoy GOD forever - however once sin entered the picture that all changed but it didn't catch GOD off guard - today's devotional is one in which I want to tell you that GOD values you - you are no mistake - I know of several people that have basically given up on life - I had to admit to myself I was there at one time during this tough journey of the last couple of years - losing several loved ones and friends has been tough - losing my marriage is been tough and the health scares I have been through - and I am not alone - several close friends from my past have left this earth - both my Mom and my Dad are now gone home - couple that with the passing of my step-sister Tari-Janye - one can see how fregal our lives really are - the only thing I can say is I know GOD made us - I know HE has a plan - and I know that HIS plan will come to pass - no matter what we do or don't do -
HIS will shall be done - GOD made man for the purpose of man enjoying GOD!
One day when our lives here are ever we will see HIM! Those of us who have followed HIM will not be meeting Him for the first time -God made us - He formed us in our Mother's womb - and He wants to show us HIS love through HIS grace!
If you have been born once - you can be born again! God made man - and it is good!

Word to the wise: Whenever you feel worthless remember just what GOD did to save you! HE has made us worthy! through the blood of HIS dear Son!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we are born again!




The Daily Blueprint
for 7/12/10


Colossians 1:9
...asking GOD to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

Knowledge - this is something everyone wants - but sadly not everyone is willing to do what it takes to get it - it's something we use and then get rid of - often we will show just how smart we are but spewing off a lot of facts- however facts are not the same thing as wisdom - we all want to be looked at as intelligant - being being smart does not mean you have the correct knowledge - we must have the correct view of GOD - if we ask HIM HE would give it to us - but do we ask HIM? He has already said in HIS word that if we ask ANYTHING in HIS name - HE will do it - if it's according to HIS will - oftentimes we come to God thinking we know it all - but it's not the truth - our minds cannot contain all God knows - we would be blown away to see what GOD sees - do you just want to know facts about JESUS or do you want to know Him personally - many shy away from this realtionship because they think it means giving up things- they think it means people will think they are nuts - many worry what this will do to their image - but it's sad - that they would exchange this world for the one to come - JESUS wants to live in and through us today - one way HE does this is by giving us spiritual knowlege - but HE does not give it just for the sake of Knowledge - He wants - He longs for everyone to walk with HIM - HE wants no one to miss heaven - we can have much brain knowledge and street smarts - but without JESUS we are nothing -we can do nothing and our lives will amount to nothing -
let the widsom of GOD reveal the truth of just who HE is!

Word to the wise: The more we think we understand - the less we really do understand!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we have knowledge of HIS salvation!




The Daily Blueprint
for 7/9/10


:Proverbs 8:17
I love them that love Me, and those who seek Me
early shall find Me!

If there is one thing about me that you may not it's this -
I am not a morning person - I am much more a night owl - it's always a little past midnight before I finally wind down - it takes me a while because I am most awake right before I have to go to bed - and when morning comes - ugh - I am not a happy camper - don't get me wrong - I love life - I love living - but I also enjoy hitting the snooze button as many times as I can get away with! God says in today's verse that we need to seek HIM early - not I am not sure sure this really means the time of the day - but rather the time of our lives - if we wait to the last breath to finally praise JESUS it may be just too late! We must live every moment for our King - true there are people today who have never even heard the name JESUS which is very sad - you would think everyone knows JESUS - but it's not true - many are lost around us right now - in our day to day activites there are those who won't get to be with GOD in heaven - how sad - we must seek GOD early - not later - not as an afterthought - we must put Him first - He does not want lukewarm children - He wants children who are willing and able to do what HE calls them to do - He has a misison for each of our lives - some of us have sought Him and found out what it is - others have not taken the time to develop a relationaship with CHRIST personally - we must seek GOD early - before it's too late - JESUS said that those who seek HIM will know the Father - there is no doubt once you know JESUS that your life will change - you will want to see HIM first before anyone else - are you seeking the LORD early? Or are you just giving Him your leftovers - the last moment of your day or the last moment of your life - GOD Is there - HE is waiting for you today - come to HIM just as you are - seek HIM early -
before it's too late! One day HE will come back - one day HE will break open the Eastern sky - we have to be ready - the time is now!
Seek HIM early - Seek HIM often - Seek HIM now!

Word to the wise: If we try to serve JESUS by walking by sight - we will be blind to what HE wants for our lives!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST it's never too early to seek HIS face!




The Daily Blueprint
for 7/8/10

Son Light

Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men , that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven!

Our lives are no longer our own - we no longer can make our own choices - we must consider what GOD wants above what we want - that is the Christian life in a nut shell - GOD wants to use your life and my life to bring light into the world - we must have this Son Light in our lives so that those around us will see JESUS in us - remember it's to bring HIM glory not ourselves - it's easy to get this all mixed up - afterall we have the flesh to contend with - today's verse says to allow the light of JESUS to shine in and out of our lives so that those who see us will tell there is something different about us - right now my church is going through some changes - but what amazes me is that light is being cast from the lives of those in our church - you can see it in their lives - this is not just a Sunday thing - it's a total life style deal - every moment that they can they show the world JESUS - that's what we are here to do - to bring GOD glory!
Have you allowed HIS Light to shine in your life? Are you keeping it under a bush - hiding it until Sunday when you walk into the church -that's not the right way to live this life - we must be willing to give up our wants and desires so that GOD has HIS way in our lives and the lives of those around us - we can allow this world to dim our light from JESUS or we can allow HIM to cast HIS Light through our lives-
we are not here for ourselves but for others and for GOD!
Let the light of JESUS shine in your life today - the world around us needs HIM!

Word to the wise: If you want to shine for JESUS - you need HIS Light!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we have HIS light within our lives!




The Daily Blueprint
for 7/7/10

The Justifier

Romans 3:26
...To declare, I say, at this time His righteousness: that He might be just, and the justifer of them which believe in Jesus!

We are all sinners - we all know this - just a quick look into our lives will show others we are not perfect on our own - but when we allow JESUS to come into our lives and change us - HE will do just that - Once we know HIM we will never be the same again! The old has gone - the new has come! Jesus is the justifer of our souls -
HE poured out HIS life on the cross for our sins - He paid the ulitmate price -
HE alone saves! We cannot do enough rightous acts to ever balance the scales in our favor - we were born into a sin-filled world - a place that is ruled by the enemy -
Many feel that sin is not a big deal - however GOD has the final say on that -
HE willingly sent HIS own SON to a terriable death - and seperation from HIMSELF to pay the price for sin - none of us could pay such a price - how many of us would give up their sons for someone who hated them - that's just what we did when we lived a life of rebellion against God - but JESUS came and justified us with the Father -
That was HIS mission - it was a rescue mission - Jesus paid the price - let's never tire of hearing that fact - many live lives that deny JESUS - many who call themsleves Christians are not really following the ONE TRUE GOD! They give lip service to this truth but they don't live it - it's so sad to see someone confess CHRIST and yet live a life contrary to HIS ways - now don't get me wrong -we will all fail - we will all sin -we can all sin at the drop of a hat - but JESUS is the one who took the penalty and placed it on HIMSELF - do you know the justifer today? If not you will have to stand before GOD one day in your own righteouseness - which is never gonna be enough!
JESUS paid the price -won't you put your trust in HIM today?

Word to the wise: JESUS SAVES - don't forget you cannot save yourself!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we are justifed before GOD!




The Daily Blueprint
for 7/6/10


John 17:21
That they all may be one ; as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they may be one in Us: that the world may believe that You have sent me......

Jesus had one single desire - this was what drove all that He did - That was - that He and His followers would be one just like HE and HIS FATHER are one! Sure He also saved mankind from their sins - but that was not the only reason HE came - He wanted unity in His Body! He wanted the church and those in the church to be one - one mission - there is one bapistim - one Spirit -and HIS people should be one - one cause going in one direction - Jesus longed for all of us to be one - He longed for us to have that intimacy that He had with His Father - He wanted to share that - it's too bad that often commuities are formed in churches to decide what color the carpet or paint should be and people get into heated debates about this - and it turns into an angument-
in this there is no unity - we are not to fight within the church -we are to give of ourselves and in that become one with those who attend church with us - Chruch should be totally unlike the world around us - it should be a safe oasis for peope -
but sadly in many churches this does not happen!
JESUS wants us to be one! This was His goal - to bring us into a realtionship with the Father through the Son! Are you seeing unity in your church? We are all a part of the body of Christ! Let's go be one with HIM and each other!

Word to the wise: If you want unity in your church - be the the one who gives up what they want so the whole church gets what God wants!




There Is No ONE like JESUS!
The Daily Blueprint
for 7/2/10

All These Things

Matthew 6:33
But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you!

God has a plan for each one of our lives - HE knows what HE is doing - even when it seems like HE is not acting on our behalf - the truth is HE Loves us with an every lasting love! A love we cannot understand - He has some things HE wants us to do -
HE wants obedience - yes HE sent HIS SON to die for our sins - but that does not mean we should just live a life of sin - that does not glorify God - many will call that old fashioned and not hip - but it matters more to honor GOD then to be popular -
do we seek HIS kingdom first? or is this temporary world more important - before we answer we must look at our actions - we must also look at our hearts - GOD looks right into our hearts and we cannot hide anything from Him - He desires a close relationship with each of us - HE Is big enough to love all of us at the same time!
When we do what HE says our lives bring HIM honor - if we don't then we dishonor Him - the main issue these days is the economy - many are worried about their jobs - and their families - which is understandable - but we must trust in our true source of life - JESUS CHRIST! HE is our provider! When we seek HIS kingdom first all these things will be added to us - we must believe HE can do what HE says HE can do -
or else we will fail in this life - we must trust the ONE who gave us all we need!
Are you in need? Seek HIM first - are you sick - Seek HIM first - HE wants us to seek HIM and HIS kingdom before anything else!

Word to the wise: When we seek HIS kingdom before anything else - we will lack nothing! (this does not mean we won't have needs!)


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we lack nothing!



The Daily Blueprint
for 7/1/10


John 14:27
Peace I leave you, My peace I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid!

It's great to be back! I took a whole month off and I feel so much better - I feel ready to once again talk about JESUS and what HE means to me - and in this I hope to help each one of you - I have been in prayer - I have taken some time off to recharge -
GOD is good - so with that said - let's get started!

Today's verse talks about peace - but a peace not like the worldly peace we see -
it's a peace that goes deep - a peace that stays - a peace that changes us!
it's the peace JESUS gives to us - this peace is not superficial - it's not a feeling - it's a lifestyle - HIS peace is not like the world's definition of peace - the world says that if you have money - if you have fame - if you have popularity - then you have peace -
However the equation does not work -- only JESUS gives us true lasting peace - a peace we cannot even begin to understand !! Maybe today you would say you do not have that peace - you need to ask yourself why not! Jesus freely gives us HIS peace when we ask HIM to - when we accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR then this peace comes with it - sometimes circumstances of our lives will not be peaceful - but knowing JESUS through the trial - you will have peace that the world cannot touch!
Nothing can take HIS peace away - your circumstances may be bad - you may "Feel" down and alone - but that does not mean GOD is not there - HE just wants us to trust HIM! May the peace that passes all understanding fill your life today and forever more - the world cannot compare to what JESUS gives us - know the ONE who gives us real peace - live your life for HIM and you will have peace - notice I didn't say all your trouble will go away - you will have new trouble - but JESUS will bring the peace!

Word to the wise: True peace comes from having a personal intimate relationship with JESUS CHRIST!


BECAUSE OF CHRIST we got peace that passes understanding!