The Daily Blueprint for 11-12-07
James: book of Godly wisdom - part 1
JAMES 1:1-3
James, a servant of God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, Greeting:
My Brothers, count it all joy when you fall into various trials and temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience!
Today we begin a new series - this one is on the book of James- in this book there is much Godly wisdom to be gleamed - join me in this walk through the book of James....
Today we are going to talk about patience - I am sure you have all heard to never pray for patience because many trials will come your way - we all will face trials in this life - Jesus has promised us this -but He has also promised us that He will never leave us - He is always with us! Praise God - James is a book of Godly wisdom - in its pages - we can learn many things- today we see that we all who are saved have patience in us - but the trials bring it all the more - the harder we are tried - the closer to Christ we become - this works only if we are willing to submit to His authority - He always knows best and will give us what we need to be the people He has called us to be - sometimes this means He must allow some things to come into our lives that we would not pick and choose to have in our lives- sometimes there will be pain in this life - while this brings us to our knees- it also reminds us this is not our home - James says to consider this all joy! Lets have that attitude when the trials come - and they will come! We must trust the Lord no matter what the circumstances will be - HE is our Father & He knows what is best- lets join James & consider these trials all joy!
a side note: Nothing happens to us that God does not allow! We are HIS children and HE must do what is needed to get us to where he wants us!
in CHRIST.................................................we have constant joy!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Monday 12Pray for 8-year-old Merlin Gisselle Cortés Rivera in Honduras as she recovers from a gunshot wound to her leg. It was intended for her father but he escaped injury. Pray for God’s protection of the family.
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