The Daily Blueprint 4-24-07
grace-part-6-living waters
John 7:38
He that believes in ME, as the scripture has said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water!
BC - before we came to know CHRIST we were lost and most of us if not all of did not even know we were lost - as I went with two guys from my church Sunday evening to go door to door to both invite people to church and to find out their spiritual condition and give them the best thing we could -JESUS CHRIST - we walked around the block and there were not many people home - that was until we met George - he is 70 years old and is the subject of the prayer request below - one of the guys with me said something very awesome -he said we have to get them lost before they can be saved -this is true of George and it was true of us - if we don't know we need JESUS why would we want HIM? This is fundamental to our faith - without HIS grace we all die in our sins - matter of fact if you don't have HIS grace in your life right now you are dead - you may feel very much alive - but in the spiritual sense you are dead as can be - JESUS comes into our lives and brings us back to life- true life - real life -and HIS goal is that one day we would be used to bring others to HIM - when this happens we shall have living water flowing out of us - and it will splash all those around us with the gospel of JESUS the LORD!
When we are living a life pleasing to God - our lives will be noticed by those around us - this is not to bring us glory which is wrong - but is to bring God glory - any time we go out and tell others of JESUS and what HE did for us and can do for them -we are brining HIS SPIRIT with us- and out of this flows the living waters that sustain life -lets walk in the LIGHT as HE is in the LIGHT! With Christ in our hearts -we cannot help but change- let these living waters flow out of you so others can see the goodness of the LORD our GOD! Flow like a river tide and true!
If our walk with the LORD Is not intimate - we begin to dry out - allow God's Spirit to bring you back to the place HE wants you - HE wants to fill us with living water so that we can spead HIS message to the masses - This is our mission -is any of us brave enough and have enought faith to begin? Let God lead you today and always!
in CHRIST Living waters flow out of our lives!
Pray for George - a 70 year old man we met as we witnessed door to door with our church-
HE needs to know JESUS - thanks for your prayers!
Pray for Jenny -she is the woman who has an anyerisom and has been sent home with the doctors saying there is nothing else they can do to help her - pray for God's healing -thank you!
Please pray for Virgina Tech - the facality and students-Pray that they can move on from this and gain strength for another day-Pray for families that lost loved ones- thank you all so much
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Tuesday 24Pray for two children in eastern India, J. Thomas and S. Deva, who struggle with epilepsy. They need effective treatment.
Change the life of a child today - to sponcer a child visit the above web site - thank you!
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