The Daily Blueprint 4-11-07
atonement-part7-Savior for all
1st Timothy 4:10
For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, Who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe!
Trusting Jesus as your savior does not mean your troubles are over - many ive known come to CHRIST and find that everything is not fixed and that problems still occur -as long as we live in this sin filled evil world -we will suffer -Jesus said so and I believe Him - why does someone who trusts Jesus lay dying of cancer -why does a marriage canted in Christ fall apart? Why does the ones child die far too early? These are questions that many of my brothers and sisters have gone through - we may ask why and why - but God is the answer -HE knows what is best and even when it does not seem so - He does know what He is doing - He sent HIS SON to die in our place- we have the promise of forgiveness of sins -we have the promise of eternal life - God has given us all we need - there however will be times of testing in our faith -Paul knew this and went through this - He was locked in jail -beaten - whipped and shipwrecked - He was killed for His faith - and he deemed it an honor to die for Christ - Paul said to live is Christ- to Die is gain! Its the truth!
Jesus came to save this world -and HE wants to be the Savior of all -His blood is available but yet some many choose to walk away from His offer of grace- His blood covers sin - so if you are not covered in HIS blood - your sins are exposed and God must turn HIS back - He cannot look upon Sin -so JESUS came to make us right in the sight of God - JESUS wants to be your savior today - won't you allow HIM too-
Coming to know HIM does not take the problems of this world away - but the one to come will be vastly different without knowing HIM - the choice is yours today!
Give up and accept JESUS into your heart- HE will save you! Amen!
We have 1 more devotional on the Atonement and then we move on to Grace!
in CHRIST we have promises that come true when we are saved!
atonement-part7-Savior for all
1st Timothy 4:10
For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, Who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe!
Trusting Jesus as your savior does not mean your troubles are over - many ive known come to CHRIST and find that everything is not fixed and that problems still occur -as long as we live in this sin filled evil world -we will suffer -Jesus said so and I believe Him - why does someone who trusts Jesus lay dying of cancer -why does a marriage canted in Christ fall apart? Why does the ones child die far too early? These are questions that many of my brothers and sisters have gone through - we may ask why and why - but God is the answer -HE knows what is best and even when it does not seem so - He does know what He is doing - He sent HIS SON to die in our place- we have the promise of forgiveness of sins -we have the promise of eternal life - God has given us all we need - there however will be times of testing in our faith -Paul knew this and went through this - He was locked in jail -beaten - whipped and shipwrecked - He was killed for His faith - and he deemed it an honor to die for Christ - Paul said to live is Christ- to Die is gain! Its the truth!
Jesus came to save this world -and HE wants to be the Savior of all -His blood is available but yet some many choose to walk away from His offer of grace- His blood covers sin - so if you are not covered in HIS blood - your sins are exposed and God must turn HIS back - He cannot look upon Sin -so JESUS came to make us right in the sight of God - JESUS wants to be your savior today - won't you allow HIM too-
Coming to know HIM does not take the problems of this world away - but the one to come will be vastly different without knowing HIM - the choice is yours today!
Give up and accept JESUS into your heart- HE will save you! Amen!
We have 1 more devotional on the Atonement and then we move on to Grace!
in CHRIST we have promises that come true when we are saved!
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