THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 4/8/11 Turned Away Isaiah 53:3 (Jesus) He was despised, and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and aquatinted with grief: and we as it were hid our faces from Him, He was despised, and we esteemed Him not! What a hard verse to read - JESUS was despised - He was rejected - Beaten to an inch of His life and then placed on a wooden cross where He bled and died for you and me - for our sins - I think sometimes we hear that some much we don't give it a passing thought - well I think it's time we stare it in the face - this is a real event that really happened - not some man-made story - not a comic - but real - JESUS actually died for us - HE actually allowed the soldiers to take HIS life - HE had to give it over to them for them to do what they did - it's hard to think our sins sent JESUS to the cross - it's hard to believe our sins put HIM there - but oh they did - It was God's love for us that sent JESUS from Heaven to this earth! We must remember the pain - the grief - that our GOD was rejected - and despised - thrown away like a piece of meat - these are hard words to type but I feel lead to do so tonight - sometimes we need to slow down and remember - JESUS died for us - not for some faceless humility - but for you -and for me - JESUS died for you personally - He gave up HIS life for you - let's not separate what happened that Good Friday from ourselves - we were there - our sins were placed on JESUS and not only that - the perfect ONE of Heaven became sin- GOD the FATHER looked away and JESUS faced the fires of hell all alone - but HE forever set the record straight that we belong to HIM and that HIS love motivated this sacrifice - Thank YOU JESUS for taking our place - for dying for our sin - You did not deserve what you got and we didn't deserve what YOU did for us - but YOU love us - You showed us in the cross -thanks for saving that which was lost! WORD TO THE WISE: KNOWING JESUS DIED AND KNOWING HE DIED FOR YOU ARE FAR DIFFERENT THINGS! BECAUSE OF CHRIST OUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN - HIS BLOOD WAS POURED OUT! BUILDING ON THE WORD for 4/8/11 JESUS DIED SO WE COULD TRULY LIVE!
THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 4/7/11 Christ Minded 1st Corinthians 2:16 Who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct them? But we have the mind of Christ!! Many say when you get saved your get the heart of Christ - but today's verse goes much further then that - We have the mind of Christ - once He saves us - our mind is no longer the same fleshly mind we were born with - sure it still wants the same things- the flesh that is - but the Spirit now dwelling in us only want to please GOD! When we come to a problem we often wonder what to do - the first thing we must do is ask GOD what to do - and then use the mind He has given us - sometimes we get lazy and want to go back to our old ways - because it just seemed easier not worrying about pleasing God - but in the end - we will regret all those times we didn't take GOD seriously - when we didn't do what HE called us to do - we must remember that when JESUS saves us by HIS blood - we are changed forever - we cannot go back and live the life we lived before Christ - although I have known several people who have tried - it's a miserable life - without purpose - you are just drifting to nowhere - but in CHRIST you have HIS mind - and your thinking has changed - no longer is it about you and your needs - but about God and others - our lives radically change when we allow the mind that CHRIST gave us to think more then our old earthly mind that just wants what it wants - living for JESUS is the best life of all - remember if you are saved you have HIS mind - amazing! Think about that - HIS mind is in you! Awesome! Amen! WORD TO THE WISE: WE NO LONGER HAVE TO THINK LIKE THE WORLD - WE HAVE CHRIST AND HIS MIND! BECAUSE OF CHRIST OUR HEART AND MIND ARE TRANSFORMED FOREVER! BUILDING ON THE WORD for 4/7/11 IF YOU GIVE YOUR HEART TO JESUS - HE GIVES YOU HIS MIND TOO!
THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 4/7/11 Christ Minded 1st Corinthians 2:16 Who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct them? But we have the mind of Christ!! Many say when you get saved your get the heart of Christ - but today's verse goes much further then that - We have the mind of Christ - once He saves us - our mind is no longer the same fleshly mind we were born with - sure it still wants the same things- the flesh that is - but the Spirit now dwelling in us only want to please GOD! When we come to a problem we often wonder what to do - the first thing we must do is ask GOD what to do - and then use the mind He has given us - sometimes we get lazy and want to go back to our old ways - because it just seemed easier not worrying about pleasing God - but in the end - we will regret all those times we didn't take GOD seriously - when we didn't do what HE called us to do - we must remember that when JESUS saves us by HIS blood - we are changed forever - we cannot go back and live the life we lived before Christ - although I have known several people who have tried - it's a miserable life - without purpose - you are just drifting to nowhere - but in CHRIST you have HIS mind - and your thinking has changed - no longer is it about you and your needs - but about God and others - our lives radically change when we allow the mind that CHRIST gave us to think more then our old earthly mind that just wants what it wants - living for JESUS is the best life of all - remember if you are saved you have HIS mind - amazing! Think about that - HIS mind is in you! Awesome! Amen! WORD TO THE WISE: WE NO LONGER HAVE TO THINK LIKE THE WORLD - WE HAVE CHRIST AND HIS MIND! BECAUSE OF CHRIST OUR HEART AND MIND ARE TRANSFORMED FOREVER! BUILDING ON THE WORD for 4/7/11 IF YOU GIVE YOUR HEART TO JESUS - HE GIVES YOU HIS MIND TOO!
THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 4/6/11 Different but the same! 1st Corinthians 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit! We must admit we are all different - no two of us are the same - not even identical twins - there are differences even in them - God didn't make this world boring - we are not all the same because GOD didn't want us to all be the same - He wanted variety and that is just what HE made - in our differences we are also very much the same - we all need oxygen and we all produce carbon dioxide - we all need water and food to survive - we also need sleep and sunshine - but apart from that we are vastly different - different cultures - different ways of looking at life - but if you are of the Church - then while we are different in many ways - i.e. Talents - what we have to offer others - we have the same Spirit dwelling in us - Paul wanted the church to know that no one gift is better than another and just because you do well in one area does not make you any better then your brother or sister in Christ who is not - GOD just wants us to use our gifts in the best way possible - sadly many possess gifts God wants to use but they have not opened their minds or hearts to the idea - with me it was the area of children's ministry - God kept calling me and I kept saying nah - well HE turned up the heat - showed me what HE gifted me with and said trust ME! And I did - and you know what - I am so blessed when I did - maybe you have gifts you have never used - maybe you feel you don't have any gifts - I would say you are dead wrong - GOD gave all of us gifts - our job is to find out what HE gave us as gifts - some it's cleaning the church (yeah no glamor in that but it's need) whatever GOD calls you to do - do it with all you have - be the best whatever HE calls you to be - don't worry about what other's are doing - you do what GOD has called you to do! May you find the gifts that GOD has for you and than walk in faith and allow them to be used for God's glory! WORD TO THE WISE: GOD HAS SOMETHING FOR YOU TO DO - PRAY AND ASK HIM TO SHOW YOU - TO USE YOU! BECAUSE OF CHRIST WE HAVE GOD GIVEN TALENTS FOR THE CHURCH! BUILDING ON THE WORD for 4/6/11 DO WHAT GOD SAYS - WHAT HE SAYS MATTERS!
THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 4/4/11 Help Them! Romans 12:13a When God's children are in need, you are the one to help them out! When you give your life away to JESUS you become part of a large family - the body of Christ - please note this is NOT just your LOCAL church body that you belong to - but everyone who is a Christ-follower - they are our brothers and sisters in Christ - often there is divisions between us - but when it comes to needs - we should be the ones meeting the needs of the Body! Many in our churches right now are hurting - many put on a brave face and act like all is ok - but the truth is, many struggle with many things- and we who are of the Church must lead a hand - I have found many children in my class whom come from broken families - I was from a broken family and I am able to help these children understand that they can make it through this hard time - in the same way if someone is physically suffering in the church -we must help them - there is no second guessing - the world around us won't be helping - nor should they be the ones to land a hand to the body - it should come from within - not that we should turn down the worlds help - but we don't need it -we need to work together in this - we must begin to know people around us - not just in a passing "hey how you doing?" sort of way - but really see what they are about - their weaknesses and their strengths - we must get out of our comfort zones and roll up our sleeves and help - just look around your city - there are needs everywhere - we should help with them - after all we are family in CHRIST! WORD TO THE WISE: IF WE CLAIM TO KNOW THE LORD - WE MUST KNOW OTHERS AND THEIR NEEDS - OR ELSE WE COME UP SHORT! BECAUSE OF CHRIST WE CAN GIVE AIDE TO THOSE IN NEED AROUND US! BUILDING ON THE WORD for 4/3/11 ARE THERE NEEDS IN THE CHURCH AROUND YOU? WE MUST HELP THEM!
THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 4/1/11 Don't be a fool! Psalm 53:1 A fool has said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable sins: there is none that does good. Today is what is called April Fool's Day - sorry if I am causing someone to not be able to trick you today - just don't be a fool - a fool is someone who says that there is no GOD - you can see this daily if you just turn on the TV - you will see people say that there is no God - there are those who want to make laws that make it illegal to pray in public - to have the bible as an elected course at school - many want GOD totally removed from our nation - what a foolish thing - GOD is real - GOD loves us - GOD sent HIS Son - deny that and you won't be in heaven - JESUS shed HIS blood to save us - and yet many this day openly deny HIM - some through their words - others with their actions - it seems these days anything goes - kids are getting involved in sex earlier and earlier - drugs and drinking as well - children these days know way too much about things they should not know about - it's a fact - less GOD means more breakdown of the family - of our nation - The WORD says anyone who says there is no GOD is a fool - not my words - so let's not be a fool - let's show the world around us where our trust is - in JESUS alone - the world may not understand - you also may be persecuted for standing for the truth - but don't be fooled - GOD sees and knows our hearts - HE does not want us to be like the fools who are lost in their sins - once we all were fools but then JESUS changed our lives - Don't be a fool! WORD TO THE WISE: THERE IS NO FOOLING GOD! HE IS REAL AND HE LOVES YOU! BECAUSE OF CHRIST WE KNOW GOD IS REAL! BUILDING ON THE WORD for 4/1/11 IF YOU KNOW GOD - TELL OTHERS ABOUT IT!
THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 3/31/11 Say It! Psalm 89:1b With my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness to all generations! The words we speak have power! When we give GOD the glory for everything and take none for ourselves and tell others about it - we speak the truth - we show the lost world around us our trust is in JESUS and HIM alone - now it's true many can speak things that are not true - it's easy sometimes to say things much harder to live it - so while we speak about GOD our lives should line up with what we say - it's easy to say we trust GOD and yet allow worry and other things to take our trust away from HIM and the world will take notice - we must speak and live the same way - our words must match our lives or else it's not true - We must say it with our lives - now there are times none of us are good witnesses for Christ - we all have bad days - lose our temper - or fall prey to sin - but JESUS wants to transform our lives so that what we say and do match completely - we must always remember we are human - we are fallible -we can sin and often get caught up in ourselves - our problems - our needs and forget that others are watching us - what is your life saying? Remember apart from JESUS you cannot live this life right - we are not able without CHRIST and HIS Spirit dwelling in us- I want to be careful not to give you a list to follow but a Savior to follow - lets never forget how weak we are apart from JESUS - now go - let HIM live in and through you - speak it - say it with your life! WORD TO THE WISE: SAY IT WITH YOUR LIFE! BECAUSE OF CHRIST WHAT WE SAY AND DO MATCH! BUILDING ON THE WORD for 3/31/11 HOW CAN THEY BELIEVE IF WE DON'T SPEAK WHAT WE BELIEVE?
THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 3/30/11 GO! Matthew 28:19-20 Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: Teaching them whatsoever I have command you, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world! These are the last words of JESUS in the Gospel of Matthew - with all that HIS followers had been through in the short time they lived with JESUS - His mission was not only to save those who accepted HIM as Savior - but to save the lost - and HE wants use us to do it - sure He could have chosen some other way - but this is God's way - to use those who follow HIM to show the world around them - what it really means to follow JESUS! Jesus had taught these brave 11 men for 3 years - and now He was heading home to be with His Father - it was time for the followers of JESUS to be bold and spread this good news around the world- the mission is still the same today - for some this mission will actually mean going to other lands to spread the gospel - for others it may be your circle of influence that GOD uses to bring people to HIM - still others may be thought to teach to gospel - and in doing so those who learn about the gospel will teach others - we must remain strong in this mission - it's vital - in today's world were what once was call evil is not considered good - men following after their desires instead of loving their wives - wives not loving their husband - this should be not be so in the church but sadly it's the norm now - how are we gonna show Christ to a lost and dying world when we cannot love each other - we need revival and we need it now! It's time - Jesus is on HIS way - just take a look at the world around you today -you don't have to look very far to see that this world is a big mess - what are we to do about it? GO - JESUS says GO - HE said GO - so let's GO - GOD has a plan and we must follow HIM at all times- let's go!
THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 3/24/11 Break Forth Isaiah 58:8 Then shall your light break forth as the morning, and your health shall spring forth speedily: for your righteousness shall go forth before you: the glory of the LORD shall be your reward, You have heard the saying "It's always the darkest before the dawn"? That can be said about our world- just take a look at what's going on around us - the earthquake and following damage in Japan - the economies of the world being brought to shambles - people losing their houses - their jobs - their livelihoods - governments are being overthrown across the globe (I will say that in most cases this is a needed thing) Our world is under attack and has been since the garden - again this is not our home - our home is yet to come! Today's verse also makes me think about severe weather -here in the South during this time of the year - it's not unusual at all to have several days of severe weather in the Spring - tornado warnings are common - and last night we were under the gun - but as the storms pass on by - and all danger is gone - we can look back and what the storm brought us - since it's darkest before the dawn - our mission should be to show the world the LIGHT of CHRIST and allow it to break forth in our lives - often it's hidden and God must do something to crack the case - so that HIS light will break forth - He wants to use you today - but often we run and hide from the uncomfortable things in our lives - we usually do what we want to do and very little else - that's our flesh - but the Spirit gives life to us - and HIS light will break forth as you trust your life to HIM! WORD TO THE WISE: Is HIS light breaking forth in your life? Why or why not?
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