

THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 3/31/11 Say It! Psalm 89:1b With my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness to all generations! The words we speak have power! When we give GOD the glory for everything and take none for ourselves and tell others about it - we speak the truth - we show the lost world around us our trust is in JESUS and HIM alone - now it's true many can speak things that are not true - it's easy sometimes to say things much harder to live it - so while we speak about GOD our lives should line up with what we say - it's easy to say we trust GOD and yet allow worry and other things to take our trust away from HIM and the world will take notice - we must speak and live the same way - our words must match our lives or else it's not true - We must say it with our lives - now there are times none of us are good witnesses for Christ - we all have bad days - lose our temper - or fall prey to sin - but JESUS wants to transform our lives so that what we say and do match completely - we must always remember we are human - we are fallible -we can sin and often get caught up in ourselves - our problems - our needs and forget that others are watching us - what is your life saying? Remember apart from JESUS you cannot live this life right - we are not able without CHRIST and HIS Spirit dwelling in us- I want to be careful not to give you a list to follow but a Savior to follow - lets never forget how weak we are apart from JESUS - now go - let HIM live in and through you - speak it - say it with your life! WORD TO THE WISE: SAY IT WITH YOUR LIFE! BECAUSE OF CHRIST WHAT WE SAY AND DO MATCH! BUILDING ON THE WORD for 3/31/11 HOW CAN THEY BELIEVE IF WE DON'T SPEAK WHAT WE BELIEVE?

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