

THE DAILY BLUEPRINT 4/6/11 Different but the same! 1st Corinthians 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit! We must admit we are all different - no two of us are the same - not even identical twins - there are differences even in them - God didn't make this world boring - we are not all the same because GOD didn't want us to all be the same - He wanted variety and that is just what HE made - in our differences we are also very much the same - we all need oxygen and we all produce carbon dioxide - we all need water and food to survive - we also need sleep and sunshine - but apart from that we are vastly different - different cultures - different ways of looking at life - but if you are of the Church - then while we are different in many ways - i.e. Talents - what we have to offer others - we have the same Spirit dwelling in us - Paul wanted the church to know that no one gift is better than another and just because you do well in one area does not make you any better then your brother or sister in Christ who is not - GOD just wants us to use our gifts in the best way possible - sadly many possess gifts God wants to use but they have not opened their minds or hearts to the idea - with me it was the area of children's ministry - God kept calling me and I kept saying nah - well HE turned up the heat - showed me what HE gifted me with and said trust ME! And I did - and you know what - I am so blessed when I did - maybe you have gifts you have never used - maybe you feel you don't have any gifts - I would say you are dead wrong - GOD gave all of us gifts - our job is to find out what HE gave us as gifts - some it's cleaning the church (yeah no glamor in that but it's need) whatever GOD calls you to do - do it with all you have - be the best whatever HE calls you to be - don't worry about what other's are doing - you do what GOD has called you to do! May you find the gifts that GOD has for you and than walk in faith and allow them to be used for God's glory! WORD TO THE WISE: GOD HAS SOMETHING FOR YOU TO DO - PRAY AND ASK HIM TO SHOW YOU - TO USE YOU! BECAUSE OF CHRIST WE HAVE GOD GIVEN TALENTS FOR THE CHURCH! BUILDING ON THE WORD for 4/6/11 DO WHAT GOD SAYS - WHAT HE SAYS MATTERS!

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