

The Daily Blueprint
for 2/18/10


Proverbs 18:24
A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer then a brother.

Friends are an important part of our lives - and if we have friends - we have had to be friendly - this verse shows us that we must love others if we expect to be loved - I have been amazed at the love I have seen from those GOD has placed in my life -
last night a child who is in my Awana class told me hi and before I knew it - she gave me a big ol hug - I didn't ask for a hug - but I sure did need it - children seem to know how to pick up on our needs - I had something odd happen to be that is not so good as well - a good friend I have via AOL said I did something I really didn't do - they got mad and now will not talk to me - in the vain of yesterday's email about winning back someone offended - how do you appolgize for something you didn't do - I tried my best to say I was sorry and that what I was accused was not true - it shows how easy it is to lose a friend - this world in which we live in is not our home - I am reminded of this daily - we gain friends and we lose friends - but GOD is in total and complete control - I have to admit I am not very happy right now - I am hurt and hurting -trying to be as real as I can with those who recieve this daily - I guess the bottom line is friends are important - but GOD is more important - if staying with a friend means you turn your back on GOD don't do it - GOD loves us without condition this verse talks about a friend that sticks closer then a brother -that's JESUS HIMSELF!

Please be friendly with those around you - show them the love of CHRIST no matter what - remember JESUS Loved those who put HIM to death - lets remember HIS example - I am not sure if this makes sense tonight since I feel i've lost a friend -
but GOD is a friend who will never ever leave us!
Word to the wise: If you want good friends - be a good friend!

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