

The Daily Blueprint
for 2/24/10

Heart Condition

Proverbs 19:3
The foolishness of man preverts his way: and his heart fretteth against the Lord.

To God anything done in our selfish human nature is otter foolishness - we think often we know better then GOD and this will prevert our way - with that said - it's clear we all have a heart condition - our flesh wants it's way - while the spirit wants what God wants - it's a constant battle - our unredeemed flesh is gonna die - but our spirit will live on forever - when our heart is not on the Lord - we will be frettful - we won't find any joy and we will be miserable if we have HIS SPIRIT within us - HIS SPIRIT won't allow us to enjoy sin any more - we can try it - and there is pleasure for a time but soon it's over and it was not worth it - it all boils down to our heart condition -
I have a phyiscal heart condition that limits me now - but even with it - my heart is still functioning - however it's not as strong as normal heart - in the same way our spiritual heart condition can do the very same thing - if our heart is not stayed on GOD then we will fail - we will fall - without GOD we can do nothing (John 15:5) We must be willing to daily and moment by moment - lay it all down - we must to try and take control - we must not try to make things go our way - we simply have to trust - only GOD can fix our heart condition - only GOD knows what we need - as I type these words I wonder why I contiune to worry - I contiune to doubt what GOD has said - I say this not to make myself look bad (I do that easy enough without any help! =-) It's to show the world that I don't have it all down pat - I don't always trust GOD like I should - I just want to confess that to you - remember as I type these words - I struggle too - the flesh some days gets the best of me - I want those days to be less and less -
So how is your heart condition today? Why not let GOD test your heart today - be fully open to HIM and allow HIM to do some surgery if needed to bring your heart back up to speed - Trust in the LORD and HE will guide your heart and your life!
Word to the wise: Our phyiscal heart beats to keep us alive - Our spiritual heart keeps our soul alive and ready for any command JESUS gives it!



The Daily Blueprint
for 2/18/10


Proverbs 18:24
A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer then a brother.

Friends are an important part of our lives - and if we have friends - we have had to be friendly - this verse shows us that we must love others if we expect to be loved - I have been amazed at the love I have seen from those GOD has placed in my life -
last night a child who is in my Awana class told me hi and before I knew it - she gave me a big ol hug - I didn't ask for a hug - but I sure did need it - children seem to know how to pick up on our needs - I had something odd happen to be that is not so good as well - a good friend I have via AOL said I did something I really didn't do - they got mad and now will not talk to me - in the vain of yesterday's email about winning back someone offended - how do you appolgize for something you didn't do - I tried my best to say I was sorry and that what I was accused was not true - it shows how easy it is to lose a friend - this world in which we live in is not our home - I am reminded of this daily - we gain friends and we lose friends - but GOD is in total and complete control - I have to admit I am not very happy right now - I am hurt and hurting -trying to be as real as I can with those who recieve this daily - I guess the bottom line is friends are important - but GOD is more important - if staying with a friend means you turn your back on GOD don't do it - GOD loves us without condition this verse talks about a friend that sticks closer then a brother -that's JESUS HIMSELF!

Please be friendly with those around you - show them the love of CHRIST no matter what - remember JESUS Loved those who put HIM to death - lets remember HIS example - I am not sure if this makes sense tonight since I feel i've lost a friend -
but GOD is a friend who will never ever leave us!
Word to the wise: If you want good friends - be a good friend!


The Daily Blueprint
for 2/17/10

Harder To Be Won

Proverbs 18:19
A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.

Today's verse talks about a brother offended - this is a harsh reality in today's world - many are offended - many are seeking the truth but not really finding it in the lives of those called by Jesus' name - its the sad state of afiars of this world in which we live - where there seems to be very little difference between those in the Church and those outside of the church - the lines have blurred - and it should not be this way!
If we offend our brother - it will be so very hard to win them back - you can be forgiven an offense - but the consquences are long reaching - many have left the church for this very reason - they didn't find the acceptance they were promiced - this is not God's fault but ours! When someone leaves because of an offence - it's so hard to get them back into the fold - the enemy wants this to happen - many leave the church looking for acceptance and it seems the world is ready to taken them in -
so sad - the state of the world today - but God has a better way - He wants us to love each other and in this the world will see what real love looks like -
Are you loving your brothers and sisters in the LORD? We must start there before we can go outside the four walls of our church to love the lost and dying world around us - if we cannot love those inside the church - how can we love those outside the church?
This brings to mind a project I worked on years ago called Preach to the Streets -
maybe it's time to get that back into the light? We are called to preach the gospel - and sometimes this is to be done without words - with action - we can tell others we love them - but can we show them? Remember an offended person is hard to win back - but it's not impossiable - maybe GOD is calling you to help bring a brother or sister back into the fold? Why not answer this call - the Church needs you!
Word to the wise: Let's love one another so the world can see real true lasting love!


The Daily Blueprint

Let my words be few

Proverbs 17:27
He that has wisdom spares his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.

Has your mouth ever gotten you into trouble? I know mine has - and the trouble with the mouth - is it can speak both praises to GOD and curses to man - it's tough to tame the tongue - matter of fact - God's Word says that no one but GOD can do it!
We must let our words be few - in prayer GOD says not to use vain repetitions thinking that would make HIM hear us better - Proverbs says that a man who has wisdom will spare his words - another words - he won't run off at the mouth but will think before he speaks - we must place whatever we say before the LORD - we must be careful what we say and how we say it - what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart -- this is true - just try this some day - try not to say anything negative - it will be hard if you are used to saying negative things - it almost because natural or second nature - often we don't even realize what we say or how it effects others - we need to watch our mouths!

God has given us two ears and one mouth for a reason - we should listen twice as much as we speak - often in conversation we are so concerned with saying what we want to say - we don't even hear the other person - how selfish we can be - but if we would allow GOD to change our hearts - our speech would improve - in our own power it's hopeless - let's be slow to speak and quick to listen - let's do what GOD says -
Let our words be few - we don't have to speak much to show our love for GOD - we just need to follow Him - let our actions speak!
Word to the wise: What we say says a lot about who we are!
Nothing said can be unsaid!


The Daily Blueprint

Real Strength

Proverbs 16:32
He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty: and he that rules his spirit than he that takes a city!

Anger is something that will destroy - it comes from not getting our way most of the time - it's a very selfish emotion - but can be used for good - God can be angry - and it's ok - we can be angry but it must be over something that is right - not a selfish whim - God says in HIS word to be angry but sin not - Jesus got angry and threw out those selling in His Father's House - anger in itself is not sin - it's what we do with - it's what gets us angry and how quickly - it must be noted that JESUS saw these people selling in His temple days before He ever went in and ran them out - He held His anger - He showed what it means to have real strength - most of us if we are honest would say our fuse is generally short - it does not take much to cause an explosion - this is not good - it's a weakness - not a strength as the world sees it - the world says to be strong - you must be angry - you must be mean - and you must get your way - Holy anger is good because it's against something that God hates - but selfish anger is not good - how are you at holding your anger at bay? Do you find yourself exploding often? Well there is a solution - we must allow GOD to have control of our anger - we must give it over to Him - in this we will find real true strength - the Word says that if we hold our anger - we are stronger then one who takes an entire city! Think about that today - our anger does not produce righteousness - our anger is all about us - we must release it to JESUS and let HIM have control! If you struggle with holding your anger - it's time to give up - we are weak in and of ourselves but not in HIS power! Give your anger over to GOD!
Word to the wise: How long is your fuse? In Christ it can be lengthened!
"Be Angry but Sin Not" - GOD


The Daily Blueprint

Do You Know?

Proverbs 27:1
Boast not yourself of tomorrow; for you know not what a day may bring forth!

Tonight when I opend the Word of God the pages opened to this verse - it caught my eye - how many times do we often boast of what we will do tomorrow or even next week for that matter - let me start off by saying there is nothing at all wrong with making plans -God's word says that we are foolish if we don't plan for tomorrow -but the point must be is that we cannot live in tomorrow any more then we can live in yesterday - once those 24 hours are spent - they are gone - and you cannot get them back - no matter what you do - if we spend all of our time in yesterday and tomorrow - we won't live in today! We have no idea what's coming tomorrow any more then the next guy - but the GOD we serve knows what tomorrow will bring! We often make boast of what we know nothing about - we are all human and all fall short - the truth of the matter is that we cannot clearly see tomorrow - it's too far away and our prespective of tomorrow is not as clear as we think it is - sure we can remember our past - and it's good to look back - but again we must live in today - today is all we have - and there are not any guarentees we will even see tomorrow - at least in the here and now - we will have victory one day in CHRIST! Days will come and go in this life but GOD remains - the same - unchanging - HE is all we need! Let's live one day at a time and not try to live the rest of our days in fear and worry - I need these words today -
let worry go - anxiety can take a hike - let's live in the peace of GOD that HE gives us -Yesterday is gone - tomorrow not yet here - right now is the present because it's a gift from GOD!

Love ya all -


Word to the wise: Why worry about tomorrow ,
it's not here yet - why worry about yesterday? It's gone!


Looking back is ok - looking forward is nice - but we cannot live in either one!


The Daily Blueprint


Proverbs 16:20
He that handles a matter wisely shall find good: and whosoever trusts in the LORD , happy is he!

Today's verse steps on my toes big time! I have to admit some hard things right here and now - I am not happy as I should be - I am really down most of the time these days - I wish I had better news for everyone - but this life can become very tough and often these trials can cause us to get our eyes off God and what HE can do - HE can do anything - HE can fix any problem - HE can save anyone - we just have to believe HE can - when the trials of this life seem to be bigger then God we have a major problem - if we lack faith we will not be happy - now saying all that - even when you obey God there is no guarantee things will always go smooth - and you could actually say the more your trust HIM the tougher this world gets - that's because the enemy of our souls does not want us to have the joy that passes all understanding - it's about what we think about - it's about where our hearts are - Today's verse says those that trust in the LORD , happy are they! My question to ask of each of you is this . Are you happy?
Or are there things in your life you believe need to change - if so - join me in this little prayer - LORD JESUS - we confess that often we have failed to see just how big YOU and how really small we are and our problems - we seek YOUR face - we pray that YOU will change our hearts - challange us LORD to follow YOU no matter what - This life You have given us is a blessing - please forgive us through the blood of JESUS for complaining about our circumstances! Make us more aware that YOU are always there - we commit this life to YOU LORD JESUS!
In YOUR name - amen!

I hope you could pray that prayer in confidence that GOD is indeed in control and HE will bring to pass what is needed in each of our lives - our goal each day should be to please GOD above all else - I believe if we would strive to do that - we would be happier - and have the JOY that GOD give us through HIS SON JESUS!

Thanks for hearing me today - pray for me as I pray for you!

I love you and praise GOD for each one of you -
Keeping the faith - but not by my strength !


Word to the wise: If you want to be happy - give up!
