

The Daily Blueprint

Coming Out of Trouble

Proverbs 12:13
The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips;
but the just shall come out of trouble.

Today's verse reminds us that the wicked will be condemed by their own lips - they will speak lies and say things in vain - they won't mean what they say or say what they mean - they are double minded -they don't really serve God at all but really theirselves - The word says that they basically worship themselves - they don't heed the warnings of God at all and because of this - they will caught in all kinds of trouble - and they won't be able to get out - but those who live by faith -shall make it thourgh the trouble and come out better on the other side - let's face it - life can be tough - there is trouble around every corner - what matters most is how you get through it - if you try to get through trouble in your own power - you will fail - without Christ in you - there is no hope -
the wicked think they are doing fine - they think they know better then God - but in the end that's nothing more then a lie - We must be willing to acknowledge before God our sins and ask Him to cleanse us from all unrighteousness - do this and you will get through any trouble that comes your way! When you obey you will make it through the trouble - note that no where does the Word say we won't have trouble - actually Jesus says that we must be aware that we will face many trials in our lives -are we ready to put our full trust in CHRIST? We must if we expect to make it through to Glory!
It's only by the blood of the Lamb that we are saved - no one can take us away from JESUS once we belong to HIM! Praise GOD!
If you are in the midst of trouble today - know there is away out -
that way is JESUS and HIM alone!


Word to the wise: There is always trouble around the next corner -
but that's ok if JESUS goes before us!


If you breathe - you will have trouble - but the good news is GOD will bring us through it! Glory to God!

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