The Daily Blueprint
Brought Down
Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
How many of us if we were honest have allowed Pride to destroy us?
Pride can destory a friendship - a marriage - a life - Pride is at the root of all sin - sin is just pride - it's wanting what we want instead of what God wants - when we put ourselves first - we allow pride to take us away from God - this is a crime - pride is what caused Adam and Eve to sin in the first place - and it's what brought the enemy of our souls to destruction - it will do the same to us if we allow it to - pride can kill - pride can cause a good person to do the most hanous things - pride goes before a fall - the probelm with pride is that it is often subtle - it's not always in your face but often hidden - we can give into our pride and this will cause us to fall - and the landing is never soft - whenever we begin to think we know more then others and more then God we are in trouble - often times God will allow us to go down the road of pride - because He knows it's for our own good to see the root of the problem that all of us - often pride is in the form of feeling more spiritual then others - often this pride seems good - but it's not -
God loves us all - and none of us have arrived yet -we all have thoughts that are not quite right - only JESUS is the common denomiator - and only HE can save us from our pride - let's give up and surrender to JESUS and admit we have allowed Pride to consume our lives - maybe you feel you have no pride - it's time to check yourself - pride comes in many shapes and forms - sometimes we have no idea we are being full or pride - from our perspective everything may look fine - but not from God's -
I will say that JESUS took the pentalty for our sins and we are not condemned by our actions once we surrender to JESUS - we will begin to not want to sin against God - we will begin to hate our sin more and more - pray that we reach that point were we follow after GOD no matter and we allow HIM to take our pride -
I have seen pride bring many people down - we all have pride in one way or another- do something before it destorys something near and dear to you!
LORD crucifiy our flesh - make us more like YOU and less like we are now -
take our Pride away - THANK YOU LORD!
Brought Down
Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
How many of us if we were honest have allowed Pride to destroy us?
Pride can destory a friendship - a marriage - a life - Pride is at the root of all sin - sin is just pride - it's wanting what we want instead of what God wants - when we put ourselves first - we allow pride to take us away from God - this is a crime - pride is what caused Adam and Eve to sin in the first place - and it's what brought the enemy of our souls to destruction - it will do the same to us if we allow it to - pride can kill - pride can cause a good person to do the most hanous things - pride goes before a fall - the probelm with pride is that it is often subtle - it's not always in your face but often hidden - we can give into our pride and this will cause us to fall - and the landing is never soft - whenever we begin to think we know more then others and more then God we are in trouble - often times God will allow us to go down the road of pride - because He knows it's for our own good to see the root of the problem that all of us - often pride is in the form of feeling more spiritual then others - often this pride seems good - but it's not -
God loves us all - and none of us have arrived yet -we all have thoughts that are not quite right - only JESUS is the common denomiator - and only HE can save us from our pride - let's give up and surrender to JESUS and admit we have allowed Pride to consume our lives - maybe you feel you have no pride - it's time to check yourself - pride comes in many shapes and forms - sometimes we have no idea we are being full or pride - from our perspective everything may look fine - but not from God's -
I will say that JESUS took the pentalty for our sins and we are not condemned by our actions once we surrender to JESUS - we will begin to not want to sin against God - we will begin to hate our sin more and more - pray that we reach that point were we follow after GOD no matter and we allow HIM to take our pride -
I have seen pride bring many people down - we all have pride in one way or another- do something before it destorys something near and dear to you!
LORD crucifiy our flesh - make us more like YOU and less like we are now -
take our Pride away - THANK YOU LORD!
Word to the wise: Pride can take even the strongest person down