

The Daily Blueprint

Brought Down

Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

How many of us if we were honest have allowed Pride to destroy us?
Pride can destory a friendship - a marriage - a life - Pride is at the root of all sin - sin is just pride - it's wanting what we want instead of what God wants - when we put ourselves first - we allow pride to take us away from God - this is a crime - pride is what caused Adam and Eve to sin in the first place - and it's what brought the enemy of our souls to destruction - it will do the same to us if we allow it to - pride can kill - pride can cause a good person to do the most hanous things - pride goes before a fall - the probelm with pride is that it is often subtle - it's not always in your face but often hidden - we can give into our pride and this will cause us to fall - and the landing is never soft - whenever we begin to think we know more then others and more then God we are in trouble - often times God will allow us to go down the road of pride - because He knows it's for our own good to see the root of the problem that all of us - often pride is in the form of feeling more spiritual then others - often this pride seems good - but it's not -
God loves us all - and none of us have arrived yet -we all have thoughts that are not quite right - only JESUS is the common denomiator - and only HE can save us from our pride - let's give up and surrender to JESUS and admit we have allowed Pride to consume our lives - maybe you feel you have no pride - it's time to check yourself - pride comes in many shapes and forms - sometimes we have no idea we are being full or pride - from our perspective everything may look fine - but not from God's -
I will say that JESUS took the pentalty for our sins and we are not condemned by our actions once we surrender to JESUS - we will begin to not want to sin against God - we will begin to hate our sin more and more - pray that we reach that point were we follow after GOD no matter and we allow HIM to take our pride -
I have seen pride bring many people down - we all have pride in one way or another- do something before it destorys something near and dear to you!

LORD crucifiy our flesh - make us more like YOU and less like we are now -
take our Pride away - THANK YOU LORD!

Word to the wise: Pride can take even the strongest person down



The Daily Blueprint

The Highway

Proverbs 16:17
The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserves his soul.

Today's verse talks about the highway of the upright - these are those who follow JESUS where ever He leads them - this is the high way - those who do evil are taking the low road - the world in which we now live has taken a new low - what once was bad is now not considered "that bad" I have to say right here that God's view of sin has not changed! Sin is still sin in His book - we cannot make excuses for our sin with God - however if you have placed your trust in JESUS and have saving faith in HIM your sins are forgiven - and not only forgiven but forgotten -when God sees His own - He sees His Son - this is a hard concept - but it's true - I had a family memember speak to me the other day and they were totally honest about this very thing - about the fact that we cannot do anything to be right with God apart from His Son and His Death on the cross - we cannot be "Good enough" and we cannot do enough Good to outweight our sins -
it just does not work that way - sin must be taken to the cross - daily - we all fall short - today's verse talks about two roads - one of the righteous -and one of the wicked - they both lead some place - but note that's it's not our deeds that make us either righteous of unrighteous - it's what JESUS did by taking our sins and dying for them - we who know HIM are now free - this does mean that we sin just because we are forgiven - but that when we fall short and fall into sin - HE will forgive us on HIS merit alone -
we have nothing to do with it - so which road are you on?


Word to the wise: Following Jesus means following no one else!




The Daily Blueprint

Wrong Riches

Proverbs 16:8
Better is a little with righteousness then great revenues without right.

This world it has been said is upside down - it looks like those with great riches are better off then those without - but things are not always what they seem - often times in God's word we see people who gain much wealth leave behind God to follow the lesser gods of this world - it's a sad truth - but many times the more you get - the more you have - the less you think you need God - this is nothing more then an idol - money has taken many away from God - but it's not always the case - there are those God has chosen to bless who can handle having much - because they don't live for the stuff but instead live for God! There are many in this world right now that have very little - but if they have faith in JESUS then they are the most rich of all! Those in Haiti who are suffering who have faith are better off then those with great riches and no hope -
often this world blinds us of what is really important - the ads on tv tell us to get more and more as if having more means more security - but if our security is in things and riches of this world - we miss the boat - we miss have JESUS as our ROCK!
Today's verse says it's better to have little and live in righteousness - then to have much and walk away from God - I know it's easy to get caught up in having more and more things - but let's not have those things if it's at the expense of a relationship with JESUS CHRIST and our families - the riches of this world will pass away - but GOD never will-
Where are you putting your trust today? JESUS or this world?
Where our treasure is our heart will follow - it's time to check our hearts!
Let's not trust in the wrong riches!
Word to the wise: The riches of this world are worthless!
not the other way around!


The Daily Blueprint


Proverbs 16:6
By mercy and truth iniquity is purged:
And by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.

It's through mercy that we are forgiven - none of us deserve what JESUS did for us - we all have fallen short - we all have gone astray - I know it's hard to admit this - I went through a time when I thought I was doing just fine on my own - but now I see that I am nothing apart from the LORD - without HIM we all die in our sins - without HIS sacrifice - there would be no salvation - let that sink in.

Jesus said HE was the truth - the only truth worth knowing - and it's through this truth we come to know HIM as Savior and Lord - it's through Mercy and Truth that we can come before Him - because in our sins we cannot even approach the KING -
we must have the blood of JESUS poured out over our lives -

When these two things happen - Mercy and Truth - we can then learn to fear the LORD - and in doing so -we will want to only please Him - but before you think this will be easy - you need to remember the flesh will rise up often and try and take control - when this happens we must go back to God and surrender once again -and sometimes this will happen many times in a single day - We must fear God! We must depart from evil - when we give our lives over to CHRIST - HE will begin to change our heart - but we must allow this world or circumstances to come between us and God - or else sin may begin to rule in our lives again - many may feel they are rock solid in their faith - but faith that has been be tested is not really faith at all - it's easy to believe when things are going smoothly - but what about when the bottom breaks out - this is personal for me - for I feel in some ways the bottom has broken out and I wonder if I am leaning on JESUS like I say I should - HE is our only hope - going through trials is never a fun thing - but in it - we may begin to fear the LORD and then we will want to walk in obedience - and we will want to please HIM!
I'm not there yet - what about you?
God bless you all - Daniel


Word to the wise: Daily we must depart from our fleshly desires and please GOD!




The Daily Blueprint

Our Thoughts

Proverbs 16:3
Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts shall be established.

Today's verse speaks about our thoughts - what do we think about on a daily basis?
We often get caught into the same thinking day by day - and often it's not healthy - we have a jobs and families to think about - and often we get consumed by the problems around us - it's hard not to in this day and age -much is going on in the world - from the disaster in Haiti - to our currently economic crisis worldwide - this is another reminder this is no our home - imagine if this was our home! I am so thankful we are just passing through - our thoughts should reflect this attitude - but sadly we often think about ourselves and our needs, wants and desires - and there is nothing wrong per-say to that - but when we become so self-focused - we often miss what God is trying to say to us - and then we end up not obeying Him because we have not gotten to a place were we can hear what HE says - often this world takes precedence over the Spirit - that's so sad - because this world is passing away - slowly by surely - this place is dying - it's not going to last forever -we are leaving one day - what do our thoughts say about this - often we choose not to think about the pain of this life - many deaden this pain with drugs of choice - rather it be food - actually drugs or sex - to power - to making ourselves the king of our destiny - any number of these take us away from God -
Let's watch our thoughts - because they reflect our heart - where our heart is - our thoughts often follow - do you need a heart check? I know I do - as I type this worlds - I feel the harsh reality that we all struggle with this from time to time - in the end God gets HIS say - and nothing else matters - let's think of those things God has for us - let's think ahead - let's think about heaven and about the Lord's great love for us!
Praise GOD and listen to HIS voice - and let HIM rule your thought life!
Word to the wise: What are you thinking about today?



The Daily Blueprint

A Soft Answer

Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Today's verse is one to take to heart - in our day to day lives - we often have to deal with people we would rather not have to deal with - at our jobs - in the line at the store or at our local church - many times we get impatient and cause much problems with those we have to deal with - today's verse suggests a soft answer - often we can get short with people - we get in a rush - we get focused on ourselves and we forget that this world does not revolve around us - we have a choice when we face people we would rather not deal with - that's with a soft answer - even to those who wish us harm- those who just want to argue with us - we must not give into anger - anger never brings about the righteousness of God - true at times there is a time to be angry - but God says in His Word not to sin at such times - we must give a kind answer - we are to be different from the world around us - how are you handling these people who rub you the wrong way? I can say that often I give the world's response and that is not right -
let's remember we ware the name of Christ everywhere we go -
Let's not give into anger but instead show love to the unlovable around us -
after all God loves us - we should love one another!
Word to the wise: When we speak to someone - we should speak as if speaking to ourselves!
The Daily Blueprint

He Had a Dream
Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Romans 8:24
For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man sees, why does he yet hope for?

Today we remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I know many of you are off from work - and schools around the country are closed - it's to be a day of reflection - a day of rememberance for a man who had a dream - his dream was on of peace and that is what his hope was - he was bold in what he believed and died for it - today we remember his dream - today's verse talks about hope - Martin had hope for a peaceful tomorrow - we have made a lot of progress in race relations in this county but there is still so much further we could go - peace is obtainable if we would do what God says - peace would reign - but unfotunetly our selfish human nature does not want this to happen - it's a daily fight - and this is what we must do - we must fight against the enemy - the one who does not want peace at all - we must trust in the ONE who died for our sins - JESUS - He had a dream too - and HIS dream came true - HE would die for creation and it happened - in the same way - Martin's dream will one day come to pass - there will be peace one day - when JESUS returns peace will return - but today we can do our part - we can love all our neighbors no matter where they are from and what they believe -we can break down these walls and show them the love of our Savior - is that your dream? That we all live in harmony - please note this does not mean we have to compromise our faith - we must be bold in what we believe and never let go of it -
Today let's reflect on the dream of peace - let's love each other as Christ has loved us - do unto others as you would have them to unto you - this is to be our credo - at all times - we must let love rule first and foremost - I know money is tight these days - but let us never be poor of love for each other - God says this - we must love HIM With all our heart - mind and soul and love others as we love ourselves - keep that and you will please God - and the love you show others will spread - let's live the dream of peace today - I give you all my love - God bless you! Dr. Martin Luther King Dir, we salute you!


Remember Dr. Martin Luther King and his dream today and every day - let's live in peace with everyone as best we can - this is a salute to freedom!




The Daily Blueprint

The House

Proverbs 14:11
The house of the wicked shall be overthrown:
but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish,

The disaster in Haiti that took place yesterday should speak loudly to all of us - just 700 miles south of Florida - a major earthquake destroyed much of the city of Port-A-Prince -this destruction happened in a matter of minutes - all our worldly riches can be gone in seconds - if our trust is in the things of this world - we will be empty and life will become meaningless - but if we would trust in the LORD with all our heart - then and only then will the peace come that passes all understanding - today's verse talks about two houses - one is the house of the wicked - the other of the righteous in Christ -
the wicked home, while seeming thriving now, will one day be brought to ruin - however the house of the righteous in Christ is being built up - even if it looks like it's falling apart - in the end - the righteous of Christ will stand while those who reject Christ and His grace will be left with nothing at all - which life would you rather have - let's cleave to Christ - He is our only hope - no matter what happens this side of heaven - God has a plan - and His plan is always the best plan! Let's build our house on the Rock and not the lose sand of this fallen world - sometimes we become blind by the things of the world and the voice of the enemy - we must acknowledge this - and move on past it - ask Jesus to open our eyes to what really is in our heart of hearts - does this world drive you or does God's Holy Spirit? Upon what have you built your house upon?
Let's allow Christ to rebuild our lives - sometimes this requires our lives to be broken down for Christ to build it back on the sure and true foundation of Jesus Christ!

Word to the wise: What matters more to you? This world or the next?

The Daily Blueprint

The House

Proverbs 14:11
The house of the wicked shall be overthrown:
but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish,

The disaster in Haiti that took place yesterday should speak loudly to all of us - just 700 miles south of Florida - a major earthquake destroyed much of the city of Port-A-Prince -this destruction happened in a matter of minutes - all our worldly riches can be gone in seconds - if our trust is in the things of this world - we will be empty and life will become meaningless - but if we would trust in the LORD with all our heart - then and only then will the peace come that passes all understanding - today's verse talks about two houses - one is the house of the wicked - the other of the righteous in Christ -
the wicked home, while seeming thriving now, will one day be brought to ruin - however the house of the righteous in Christ is being built up - even if it looks like it's falling apart - in the end - the righteous of Christ will stand while those who reject Christ and His grace will be left with nothing at all - which life would you rather have - let's cleave to Christ - He is our only hope - no matter what happens this side of heaven - God has a plan - and His plan is always the best plan! Let's build our house on the Rock and not the lose sand of this fallen world - sometimes we become blind by the things of the world and the voice of the enemy - we must acknowledge this - and move on past it - ask Jesus to open our eyes to what really is in our heart of hearts - does this world drive you or does God's Holy Spirit? Upon what have you built your house upon?
Let's allow Christ to rebuild our lives - sometimes this requires our lives to be broken down for Christ to build it back on the sure and true foundation of Jesus Christ!

Word to the wise: What matters more to you? This world or the next?



The Daily Blueprint

Watch Your Mouth

Proverbs 13:3
He that keeps his mouth keeps his life;
but he that opens wide his lips shall have destruction.

What comes out of our mouths says a lot about what's in our hearts - what words do we speak each day - are the negative - then you will reap negativity in your heart - if they are vulgar -what's down deep in your heart is coming out - you can learn a lot about a person by just hearing them talk - I must confess I often speak negative things - and I don't like that about me - I ask the Holy Spirit to please change me - but it all starts with the heart - we need to get to the heart of the matter as to why we say what we say - often our words do hurt others -despite what the nursery rhyme says - word do hurt and the thing about words is you cannot really take them back - once something is said - it's out in the open - relationships end by words - we lose our way often times because we think the things we do and say the things we say - losing our way means to me not following Jesus like we should - what do we speak about JESUS? Do we defend Him when others are attacking - are we using our words to Praise Him? I am preaching to myself as well today - I need to watch my mouth - but it's not just our mouth - but our hearts must be checked daily - it's easy to fall into a line of thinking and before you know it your words have caused scars in those around us - what we say matters - the world is listening - let's use our mouths to only praise the LORD - let's love others with the words we say and use each day - what can you say? Let's praise and not curse -
Let's watch our mouths and allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse our hearts from all unrightousness! Speak all you speak with love!

Word to the wise: What we say says a lot about who we are!

Let's think before we speak - how will what we say effect others?


The Daily Blueprint

Coming Out of Trouble

Proverbs 12:13
The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips;
but the just shall come out of trouble.

Today's verse reminds us that the wicked will be condemed by their own lips - they will speak lies and say things in vain - they won't mean what they say or say what they mean - they are double minded -they don't really serve God at all but really theirselves - The word says that they basically worship themselves - they don't heed the warnings of God at all and because of this - they will caught in all kinds of trouble - and they won't be able to get out - but those who live by faith -shall make it thourgh the trouble and come out better on the other side - let's face it - life can be tough - there is trouble around every corner - what matters most is how you get through it - if you try to get through trouble in your own power - you will fail - without Christ in you - there is no hope -
the wicked think they are doing fine - they think they know better then God - but in the end that's nothing more then a lie - We must be willing to acknowledge before God our sins and ask Him to cleanse us from all unrighteousness - do this and you will get through any trouble that comes your way! When you obey you will make it through the trouble - note that no where does the Word say we won't have trouble - actually Jesus says that we must be aware that we will face many trials in our lives -are we ready to put our full trust in CHRIST? We must if we expect to make it through to Glory!
It's only by the blood of the Lamb that we are saved - no one can take us away from JESUS once we belong to HIM! Praise GOD!
If you are in the midst of trouble today - know there is away out -
that way is JESUS and HIM alone!


Word to the wise: There is always trouble around the next corner -
but that's ok if JESUS goes before us!


If you breathe - you will have trouble - but the good news is GOD will bring us through it! Glory to God!


The Daily Blueprint

A false balance

Proverbs 11:1
A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is His delight!

Today's verse is the beginning of a series I want to do in the book of Proverbs - today's verse talks about a false weight - what first comes to mind to me is those who sold animals for sacricifce in the temple who would add weight to the animals without the buyers knowledge thus making it cost more -these people would make money off this falsely and God has some harsh words to say about them - however those who sold at a just weight are God's delight - I have heard it said that what you do when no one is looking says a lot about you - if you cheat others behind their back - you are no better then those who cheat them right in front of them - Those in the temple who did this brought God to open shame - not something He takes lightly - here at the one place set aside for worship, people came in to see if they could cheat others but ultimately stole from God - the same thing happens today - there are crooks everywhere - even in the church - those who pad their own pockets at someone else's loss - we cannot pay our way to heaven but when we are called to give - we must give as God calls us to give - no if someone comes along and steal what we give - it's not on us but the one who stole - we must be sure to give God all the glory at all times - let's live a life that is perfect balance - not a false one - we can claim many things with our mouths - but what does our life say - to me this steps on my toes and it should - let's give God our very best - He gave us His Son - let's give Him our live - your brother in Christ who is in this with you, Daniel


Word to the wise: Cheating God is never a good idea! God knows all and sees all - there is no hiding anything from Him!


Give to God what calls you to give - nothing more , nothing less


The Daily Blueprint

Love & Seek

Proverbs 8:17
I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me!

Once there was a suggestion to read a Proverb a day - since there is 31 of them -you can read one once a day - there is much wisdom in the Proverbs - in today's verse - God says He loves those who love Him - but also mentions that those who seek Him early shall find Him - how do you begin your day? I have to admit I struggle to get up and once I do - often I am in a rush - this does not put me in the best of circumstances to worship the Lord - I do pray every day on my way into work - often it's a quick prayer - I want to draw closer to God - I want to seek HIM early - but often it's later - but not to get caught on this point - but rather to understand what God requires - He is the one who saves us - He is the one He made us - and He is the one to be worshipped and praised! Let's make it a point to really seek the Lord - without distractions - we must set aside time daily to spend with Him - and Him alone - too much of the time we feel we must be doing something to be useful for God - Jesus once told two ladies - Mary and Martha - that seeking Him and being at His feet was more important than working - after all we can do nothing apart from the Lord - I am finding myself doing more and more things on my own - and this is not right - I must correct this - we are really powerless without God - let's remember that we must love and seek Him daily - let's not waste a minute getting closer to God - He is all we have and all we really need - the world around us is trying to vie for our attention - let's buck the trend of this world and separate ourselves for God's purpose - I admit this will be a challenge -we have jobs - kids to get to school and bills to pay - let's just stop and seek God during our days -
He is there waiting for us - what access we have to God - let's remember that we have so much to be thankful for - I am thankful for each of you - may God bless you as you seek to love Him and seek Him early! He is waiting for you!

Word to the wise: When we wait for the LORD to act - we are living by faith!



The Daily Blueprint

7 x 70

Matthew 18:21-22
Then came Peter to Him and said Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times?
JESUS said unto him. I say not unto you, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

During church last night I was caught by the fact that our sins are forgiven! I know as a Christ-follower this should be common knowledge , but at times the trials of life get in our way and the way respond to those trials says alot about where we are with Christ - I had to admit that I have been carrying around a lot of guilt for sins in the past - and even the ones I just commited - this struggle will contiune as long as we breathe the air of this earth - we will sin - it's just that we need to surrender more and more to JESUS and allow HIM to change us - we cannot do this on our own! When Peter asked Jesus how many times would he have to forgive those who sinned against him - I guess Peter thought there was limit to forgiveness - but Jesus says that's not the case - it's not that Jesus is approving sin - but it's the fact that His death paid for it all - and for those who put their trust in Him they are all forgiven - another thing that stuck me was that the Word says that all have fallen short - not just some - all - that means we all fit into that group- we all need forgiveness and it all comes from JESUS and since HE has forgiven us so much - we should be among those willing to forgive others -
how many times you may ask - JESUS said 7 x 70 - I know some of you are very smart and would just calculate that number and say that's enough - but that's not the point here - the point is we must be forgiving of others since we are forgiven - God didn't place a limit on it - allow the Holy Spirit to comform you into the likeness of the Son -
Remember that in CHRIST we are forgiven ALL our sins! Jesus paid it all -
Is there someone you need to forgive? Don't move past this day without giving them forgiveness - this is God's will for our lives - we must be like HIM and forgiveness must be central in our lives! Glory to God in the hightest - if it's sin 7 x 70 and more forgive them!


Word to the wise: Forgiveness not only helps those who have been wronged but those who did the wronging!




The Daily Blueprint

See The Star - Follow The Son

Matthew 2:1&2
Now when JESUS was born in Bethlehem of Judaea, in the days of Harod the king, behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem, saying, Where is He that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East, and have come to worship Him!

Today is the day we celebrate the arrival of the Wise Men to Bethlehem -
These wise men came from a distant place and followed the Star - the Star God put into place to lead them to His Son! They followed this star and after a long trip - they finally had made it to see the Christ child - by this time Jesus had grown a little - he was no longer a baby in a manger but an infant that was beginning to grow and change - Mary must have been so proud to show off this baby - The wise men came to worship Jesus but King Harod had other ideas - he wanted to kill this child because his power was being threatened or so he thought - it got so bad that Harold wanted all boy babies under 2 years of age to be killed - these wise men knew from a dream not to go back to Harold - Their mission was to bring Christ gifts and riches of this world fit for a king -what would a child want to what they brought - to today's mind the gifts seem very odd - but in the time in which they were given - they were priceless in nature - when they laid their eyes upon Christ they bowed down and worshiped - what an odd scene - but it was the right way to approach this child - we have just finished celebrating CHRISTmas and a new year - now we must begin to focus on Christ as He grows from a baby to a man - we go from the cradle to the cross quickly with Easter being the grand celebration but until that can happen -we must approach Christ as the King HE is - we must come humbly before Him - we need to see the Star and then Follow HIM - JESUS alone is worthy of our praise - let's be like these wise men and seek Jesus with all our heart - all our resources and all our mind - let's see the star and follow the SON!

Today is also my Mother's Birthday - Elaine went home in 1993
Today I want to remember her life - pray for me and my family -
May GOD receive the glory for this ministry and for this celebration of the Wise Men meeting JESUS for the first time - many more wise men and women have followed Jesus - He must be the Star of our lives!


Because the Star showed up - the wise men found JESUS - have you found JESUS and has HE found you? May you be lead to JESUS and believe in HIM!





New Year 2010 - Part Two

New Year - Same God!
Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; but Christ lives in me: and the life I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.

Today we begin not only a new year - but a new decade - 2009 was a very hard year around my household - from losing my Dad in June to being told I have an enlarged heart back in April - but through it all God remains faithful - no matter what - He is there - and HE must be our focus -sadly I have gotten my eyes of Jesus for a little while and have been consumed by my problems - but the good news is God will take us back - don't think you have ever gone to far away from Him for Him to take you back - He longs to have a personal intimate relationship with you - maybe 2010 can be the year that finally comes to pass in your life - I know how foolish it is to try and live this life apart from Christ - He has given us so much - His life was payment for our sins - He willingly laid down His life to save us - all of us - no one is to be left out - take some time right now and look at your life - do you know Christ? I have to ask myself that often - sometimes my actions make it seem like I am not following Him - we all fail - but we must get back up - and the great thing is HE will pick us up! Let's put Christ first this year - it's a fresh year - the calendar is blank -- let's give God our best this year - last year is gone - we cannot go back - let's leave the mistakes of our past in the past - today is a new day - maybe today you will come to know CHRIST! There is nothing better then that - please pray for me as I pray for you - pray that our faith will increase - pray that we will know HIM more and more each day - I love you in the name of JESUS! May 2010 be your best year yet - and as my friend Earl has said - whatever God wants for us in 2010 - that is just what will happen! Praise the LORD!
Happy New Year!

GOD MAKES ALL THINGS NEW! Happy New Year 2010!
New Year Note: Today is a new day and a new year - what does God have planned for us this year? Let's ask Him!

Building On The Word Ministries wish you and your family a Happy New Year!