John 15:5
I am the Vine, you are the branches:
He that abides in Me and I in him, the same brings forth fruit:
for apart from Me you can do nothing.
There is a problem in today's church - we have become too self-sufficient and not as much Christ-sufficent - we have become strong in our own power - and this is not what God desires of us - He wants us to abide in Him - that means dwelling close to Jesus Christ - this means living in His word - it means worshipping Him with our very lives -it means getting out there and loving others in His name - but all done in HIS power not our own - being in American we have gotten used to doing things ourselves - we are such a society that loves to do things for ourselves - we don't like to ask for help - but that's why the Church has been set up - for us to reach out to others with the gospel - the lost and those who know Christ need the fellowship that church provided - the warning Jesus issues in today's verse must be heeded - He said that apart from HIM we can do nothing - this means all the work we do in our own power is for naught - it won't matter in the long run - but those things we have done yielded to His Spirit will last - that is what it means to abide in Him - we need to realize that this life is not ours - once handed over to Jesus it is no longer our own - but we must be continually drawn toward Jesus daily - we must abide in Him or else we can't do what HE wants us to do - like a vine that is cut - the part that becomes unattached will die - the same is true of our faith -
Let's abide in the Vine - so that we can grow in our faith!
Growing in JESUS, Daniel<>< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <>We must remain in CHRIST or our faith will wither & die
Because we have CHRIST - we abide in the VINE!
7.24.09 - Building on the WORD
John 15:5
I am the Vine, you are the branches:
He that abides in Me and I in him, the same brings forth fruit:
for apart from Me you can do nothing.
There is a problem in today's church - we have become too self-sufficient and not as much Christ-sufficent - we have become strong in our own power - and this is not what God desires of us - He wants us to abide in Him - that means dwelling close to Jesus Christ - this means living in His word - it means worshipping Him with our very lives -it means getting out there and loving others in His name - but all done in HIS power not our own - being in American we have gotten used to doing things ourselves - we are such a society that loves to do things for ourselves - we don't like to ask for help - but that's why the Church has been set up - for us to reach out to others with the gospel - the lost and those who know Christ need the fellowship that church provided - the warning Jesus issues in today's verse must be heeded - He said that apart from HIM we can do nothing - this means all the work we do in our own power is for naught - it won't matter in the long run - but those things we have done yielded to His Spirit will last - that is what it means to abide in Him - we need to realize that this life is not ours - once handed over to Jesus it is no longer our own - but we must be continually drawn toward Jesus daily - we must abide in Him or else we can't do what HE wants us to do - like a vine that is cut - the part that becomes unattached will die - the same is true of our faith -
Let's abide in the Vine - so that we can grow in our faith!
Growing in JESUS, Daniel<>< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <>
Because we have CHRIST - we abide in the VINE!
7.24.09 - Building on the WORD
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