Knitted Together
Colossian 2:2
That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto the riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;...
The Body of Christ is knit together in love, or at least it should be - Jesus paid a dear price for the church and for our very souls -
Souls this day hang in the balance -there are many who don't know Jesus that we know - and yet we have not spoken the truth over their lives - these things should not be - being knit together in love means you share that love with those who don't feel so loved - and those who are not so lovable ;-) we must be willing to go that extra mile that Christ leads us on to reach out to those on the outside - many times we stay inside our comfort zones far too much - in America we have been show what it means to be comfortable - and personally I think we have gotten far to comfortable - it's almost as if we feel out of place -something is wrong with us - but the truth of the matter is this is not our home - we are just passing through - the comfort Christ gives us by knitting follow believers together into a local church - God has a plan and purpose for each of us - He wants us to remember we are in this together - the church is a family - but sadly we go to church - talk a little surface talk and then go home - we need to take advantage of what God has given us in the church!
Do you feel knitted together with others in your church? If not maybe you need to thread yourself around them!
Wanting to see more love at church, Daniel<><
Where there is no love - we need to sow love!
Because we have CHRIST - we have real live love!
7.29.09 - Building on the WORD
Without Love - we would be empty!
Acts 4:11
Neither is their salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved!
At the name of JESUS every knee will bow...This is the truth - one day every knee will come down to worship the LORD! Today's verse does not actually mention the name that saves us - but it's Jesus - that is clear from the Word of God - there is no other way - only by the blood of the Lamb can save - only His sacrifice for us is sufficient - our works are nothing says Paul - who calls them filthy rags - we cannot make it on our own merit - only way in is by HIS blood - Jesus paid the price for us - and it's by His name we are saved - His name is very important - for without Jesus and what He did for us -we would be lost and without hope - we might as well just do what we want - but praise GOD - Jesus did come - He did die for us and our sins - and He did rise again! He did all this for us - that we would be saved through Him - many are out there in the world right now looking for another way to God - but without Jesus you cannot get to God - Jesus had to lay down His life so we could return to a right relationship with God that was lost in the garden long ago - pray for those around you today - witness to them with your life - plant the seeds of faith today - and one day they will bloom and flourish for God glory! There is No Other who can save us - only JESUS and HIS Blood poured out on the cross - Praise HIS Name!
A blood dipped servant, Daniel<><
<> Jesus paid the price - it's finished - now go and live the life!
Because we have CHRIST - The Debt is paid in FULL!
7.27.09 - Building on the WORD
What can take away our sin? Nothing but the blood of JESUS!
Acts 4:11
Neither is their salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved!
At the name of JESUS every knee will bow...This is the truth - one day every knee will come down to worship the LORD! Today's verse does not actually mention the name that saves us - but it's Jesus - that is clear from the Word of God - there is no other way - only by the blood of the Lamb can save - only His sacrifice for us is sufficient - our works are nothing says Paul - who calls them filthy rags - we cannot make it on our own merit - only way in is by HIS blood - Jesus paid the price for us - and it's by His name we are saved - His name is very important - for without Jesus and what He did for us -we would be lost and without hope - we might as well just do what we want - but praise GOD - Jesus did come - He did die for us and our sins - and He did rise again! He did all this for us - that we would be saved through Him - many are out there in the world right now looking for another way to God - but without Jesus you cannot get to God - Jesus had to lay down His life so we could return to a right relationship with God that was lost in the garden long ago - pray for those around you today - witness to them with your life - plant the seeds of faith today - and one day they will bloom and flourish for God glory! There is No Other who can save us - only JESUS and HIS Blood poured out on the cross - Praise HIS Name!
A blood dipped servant, Daniel<><
Because we have CHRIST - The Debt is paid in FULL!
7.27.09 - Building on the WORD
What can take away our sin? Nothing but the blood of JESUS!
John 15:5
I am the Vine, you are the branches:
He that abides in Me and I in him, the same brings forth fruit:
for apart from Me you can do nothing.
There is a problem in today's church - we have become too self-sufficient and not as much Christ-sufficent - we have become strong in our own power - and this is not what God desires of us - He wants us to abide in Him - that means dwelling close to Jesus Christ - this means living in His word - it means worshipping Him with our very lives -it means getting out there and loving others in His name - but all done in HIS power not our own - being in American we have gotten used to doing things ourselves - we are such a society that loves to do things for ourselves - we don't like to ask for help - but that's why the Church has been set up - for us to reach out to others with the gospel - the lost and those who know Christ need the fellowship that church provided - the warning Jesus issues in today's verse must be heeded - He said that apart from HIM we can do nothing - this means all the work we do in our own power is for naught - it won't matter in the long run - but those things we have done yielded to His Spirit will last - that is what it means to abide in Him - we need to realize that this life is not ours - once handed over to Jesus it is no longer our own - but we must be continually drawn toward Jesus daily - we must abide in Him or else we can't do what HE wants us to do - like a vine that is cut - the part that becomes unattached will die - the same is true of our faith -
Let's abide in the Vine - so that we can grow in our faith!
Growing in JESUS, Daniel<>< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <>We must remain in CHRIST or our faith will wither & die
Because we have CHRIST - we abide in the VINE!
7.24.09 - Building on the WORD
John 15:5
I am the Vine, you are the branches:
He that abides in Me and I in him, the same brings forth fruit:
for apart from Me you can do nothing.
There is a problem in today's church - we have become too self-sufficient and not as much Christ-sufficent - we have become strong in our own power - and this is not what God desires of us - He wants us to abide in Him - that means dwelling close to Jesus Christ - this means living in His word - it means worshipping Him with our very lives -it means getting out there and loving others in His name - but all done in HIS power not our own - being in American we have gotten used to doing things ourselves - we are such a society that loves to do things for ourselves - we don't like to ask for help - but that's why the Church has been set up - for us to reach out to others with the gospel - the lost and those who know Christ need the fellowship that church provided - the warning Jesus issues in today's verse must be heeded - He said that apart from HIM we can do nothing - this means all the work we do in our own power is for naught - it won't matter in the long run - but those things we have done yielded to His Spirit will last - that is what it means to abide in Him - we need to realize that this life is not ours - once handed over to Jesus it is no longer our own - but we must be continually drawn toward Jesus daily - we must abide in Him or else we can't do what HE wants us to do - like a vine that is cut - the part that becomes unattached will die - the same is true of our faith -
Let's abide in the Vine - so that we can grow in our faith!
Growing in JESUS, Daniel<>< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <>
Because we have CHRIST - we abide in the VINE!
7.24.09 - Building on the WORD
Acts 4:11
This is the stone that was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner...
The cornerstone of a building is not only the first set down - but also the most important - every other brick is measured against this cornerstone -that way the whole building will stand strong - the same is said of a life lived for Christ - if He is our cornerstone - then our lives will be measured by our realtionship with Him - so long as He is guiding our lives - then we will bring Him glory - but we must be careful that we do build our lives on the Rock - if we try and live this Christian life apart from Christ we will do nothing but fail - we must surrender it all to Jesus - the Chief Cornerstone of our lives - if our lives are build on Christ and Him alone - people will be able to tell - and our life will stand strong against the waves of this up and down world - our faith must be in the One who made it all - He knows best how to build our lives up on HIS sure foundation -
On what or whom is your life built upon? When the strong winds begin to blow - you will begin to see just where your foundation is!
Build your life on the ROCK - not on the sinking sand of this world!
Acts 4:11
This is the stone that was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner...
The cornerstone of a building is not only the first set down - but also the most important - every other brick is measured against this cornerstone -that way the whole building will stand strong - the same is said of a life lived for Christ - if He is our cornerstone - then our lives will be measured by our realtionship with Him - so long as He is guiding our lives - then we will bring Him glory - but we must be careful that we do build our lives on the Rock - if we try and live this Christian life apart from Christ we will do nothing but fail - we must surrender it all to Jesus - the Chief Cornerstone of our lives - if our lives are build on Christ and Him alone - people will be able to tell - and our life will stand strong against the waves of this up and down world - our faith must be in the One who made it all - He knows best how to build our lives up on HIS sure foundation -
On what or whom is your life built upon? When the strong winds begin to blow - you will begin to see just where your foundation is!
Build your life on the ROCK - not on the sinking sand of this world!
Rather have a shack on the ROCK then a castle in the sand (Casting Crowns) , Daniel<><
Because we have CHRIST - our lives have solid footing!
7.23.09 - Building on the WORD
ACTS 4:31
And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they where assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spoke the word of God with boldness...
Today's verse talks about the very first Pentecost - this was when the Holy Spirit was given to the followers of Christ - in today's verse everyone in the room is filled with God's Spirit and in response they begin to pray boldly - they begin to speak the Word of God boldly - they proclaim HIS truth like never before - those of us today who know Christ have this very same Spirit within us - and because of this we too should speak the Word boldly - we are called to be the witnesses of Christ - to bring His truth to the lost world around us - one way we can do this is by speaking with our lives - we don't have to worry so much about the words we use - just as long as it is in line with God's Word - we should be more concerned with what our lives are saying - believe it or not people are watching our lives closely - those who don't know Christ are looking to us to see if we really believe what our words say - they look at our lives - we must ask ourselves just what is our life saying - sometimes we forget the lost world around us is watching - we get caught up in our own little lives - all the while the world is looking for someone to believe in! We have the answer - it's JESUS and HIS grace - that's what this dying and lost world needs now!
We are to boldly proclaim God's truth with our lives - we have all we need - God's Spirit - His Word and Grace - let's speak loudly with our lives!
Praying that God will speak through my life, Daniel<>< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <>When GOD speaks though us, people listen!
Because we have CHRIST - we should speak HIS truth always!
7.22.09 - Building on the WORD
ACTS 4:31
And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they where assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spoke the word of God with boldness...
Today's verse talks about the very first Pentecost - this was when the Holy Spirit was given to the followers of Christ - in today's verse everyone in the room is filled with God's Spirit and in response they begin to pray boldly - they begin to speak the Word of God boldly - they proclaim HIS truth like never before - those of us today who know Christ have this very same Spirit within us - and because of this we too should speak the Word boldly - we are called to be the witnesses of Christ - to bring His truth to the lost world around us - one way we can do this is by speaking with our lives - we don't have to worry so much about the words we use - just as long as it is in line with God's Word - we should be more concerned with what our lives are saying - believe it or not people are watching our lives closely - those who don't know Christ are looking to us to see if we really believe what our words say - they look at our lives - we must ask ourselves just what is our life saying - sometimes we forget the lost world around us is watching - we get caught up in our own little lives - all the while the world is looking for someone to believe in! We have the answer - it's JESUS and HIS grace - that's what this dying and lost world needs now!
We are to boldly proclaim God's truth with our lives - we have all we need - God's Spirit - His Word and Grace - let's speak loudly with our lives!
Praying that God will speak through my life, Daniel<>< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <>
Because we have CHRIST - we should speak HIS truth always!
7.22.09 - Building on the WORD
He Gives Us Victory!
Psalm 44:6
I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory, but You give me victory over my enemies...
This life in which we live is brief - I read yesterday that the oldest man in the world passed away - he was 113 - many of us will not make it that far - the facts are this life is short -even 100 years is not that long to God - it's but a blink in the eyes of time! It's a speak of sand in the world of beaches -
this brief life will be marked by few things - the top thing will be in what or whom did we put our trust - our hopes and dreams - if we put it in ourselves or in the approval of others we will be very sad to find out all that didn't really matter - what will matter is if we put our trust in God - this means that when things down here are tough - when it looks like God is not even there - that you trust Him - when you get that bad report that your bank account is over drawn - or the medical test looks bad - or you hear that your child is in a car accident - these are real life things - we must trust God when times are tough as well as when they are good - when we are striving to win the battle - we can only win with God - it's by HIS strength and not our own - one problem many of us face is we have it together (although no one really has it all together) and we think we no longer really need God - oh we won't come out and say it but our actions speak loudly - where do you place your trust? Our strength is nothing cam pared with God's! Trust in HIM with all you have today and forever more!
Trying To Trust My Savior more.... Daniel
Because we have CHRIST - we have Victory!
7.20.09 - Building on the WORD
In Good and Bad times
Ecclesiastes 7:14
When times are good, be happy;
When times are bad, Consider:
God has made the one as well as the other....
In this life which we live there are both good and bad times - in any life there will be times of the greatest blessing and the harshest curse - life ebbs and flows - in and out of trials - I have heard it said you are either going into a trial - going through a trial and coming out of a trail - in this life of good and bad - God is always good - and while it's tough to say good-bye - there will be times in our lives in which we must say those hard words - personally for me - a ministry near and dear to my heart will be dissolved by next month - words cannot express how I feel about this - it's tough - but the people who make up this ministry have vowed to stay together and go where ever God calls us to go - while things will never be the same - they can be good again- in this life we will suffer warned Jesus Himself many times - and as He faced His death on the old cross - He deemed it worth it to save our souls - so if you have had to say good-bye this year - take heart - Jesus has overcome this world - He has made a way through this hard life to bring us to Himself - He is there -cry out to Him - He can envelop you in your times of loss but He will always be with you when you are cheering loudly - what a mix this life is - but in the good and bad times God is always good - say that over and over again - let those words soothe your weary heart right now - He is right there - won't you let Him come in - in the good and the bad times of your life?
Seeing both good and bad in this life.... Daniel<><
In Good and Bad times
Ecclesiastes 7:14
When times are good, be happy;
When times are bad, Consider:
God has made the one as well as the other....
In this life which we live there are both good and bad times - in any life there will be times of the greatest blessing and the harshest curse - life ebbs and flows - in and out of trials - I have heard it said you are either going into a trial - going through a trial and coming out of a trail - in this life of good and bad - God is always good - and while it's tough to say good-bye - there will be times in our lives in which we must say those hard words - personally for me - a ministry near and dear to my heart will be dissolved by next month - words cannot express how I feel about this - it's tough - but the people who make up this ministry have vowed to stay together and go where ever God calls us to go - while things will never be the same - they can be good again- in this life we will suffer warned Jesus Himself many times - and as He faced His death on the old cross - He deemed it worth it to save our souls - so if you have had to say good-bye this year - take heart - Jesus has overcome this world - He has made a way through this hard life to bring us to Himself - He is there -cry out to Him - He can envelop you in your times of loss but He will always be with you when you are cheering loudly - what a mix this life is - but in the good and bad times God is always good - say that over and over again - let those words soothe your weary heart right now - He is right there - won't you let Him come in - in the good and the bad times of your life?
Seeing both good and bad in this life.... Daniel<><
Times may be hard - but JESUS said He would never leave us!
Because we have CHRIST - we have all we need!
7.17.09 - Building on the WORD
Why Do You Seek Him?
JOHN 6:26
Jesus answered them and said, Truly, Truly I say to you, you seek Me not because of the miracles, but because you did eat of the loaves, and were filled!
Today's edtion talks about a very pressing and hard question to have to ask - but it's one that the answer will reveal just how you feel about JESUS! Those who saw Jesus feed the five-thousand - didn't stay around because of this great miracle - but simply because they were filled - there is a spiritual application to this - we can look forward to the present time and see that there are those who come to church to been seen and not to serve - there are those who come in seeming to want peace but actually bring division - we must be on the look out for such as those - those who have no intrest in knowing Christ at all but are in it for themselves - we must be careful that we don't fall into the same trap and begin to seek God for the wrong reasons - we must seek Him because He alone can save us - He alone created it all and He alone is worthy of all our praise - we must seek Him because of Who He is - not what He can do for us - we must ask this hard question - why do we seek Him? What are we hoping to gain? We must remember when we follow Jesus we must deny ourselves and turn away from all us and follow - this is a hard saying some of His followers said at one point and many of those never followed Him again -
what about us? Will we still follow Him when times get hard and people insult us for His sake - we must be willing to give all to JESUS and not turn back!
Why do you seek Him?
Seeking the Savior, Daniel<><
Jesus wants all of you - not just some of you - He died for your whole being!
Because we have CHRIST - we can follow God closely!
7.16.09 - Building on the WORD
Why Do You Seek Him?
JOHN 6:26
Jesus answered them and said, Truly, Truly I say to you, you seek Me not because of the miracles, but because you did eat of the loaves, and were filled!
Today's edtion talks about a very pressing and hard question to have to ask - but it's one that the answer will reveal just how you feel about JESUS! Those who saw Jesus feed the five-thousand - didn't stay around because of this great miracle - but simply because they were filled - there is a spiritual application to this - we can look forward to the present time and see that there are those who come to church to been seen and not to serve - there are those who come in seeming to want peace but actually bring division - we must be on the look out for such as those - those who have no intrest in knowing Christ at all but are in it for themselves - we must be careful that we don't fall into the same trap and begin to seek God for the wrong reasons - we must seek Him because He alone can save us - He alone created it all and He alone is worthy of all our praise - we must seek Him because of Who He is - not what He can do for us - we must ask this hard question - why do we seek Him? What are we hoping to gain? We must remember when we follow Jesus we must deny ourselves and turn away from all us and follow - this is a hard saying some of His followers said at one point and many of those never followed Him again -
what about us? Will we still follow Him when times get hard and people insult us for His sake - we must be willing to give all to JESUS and not turn back!
Why do you seek Him?
Seeking the Savior, Daniel<><
Jesus wants all of you - not just some of you - He died for your whole being!
Because we have CHRIST - we can follow God closely!
7.16.09 - Building on the WORD
False Teachers
Jeremiah 14:14
Then the LORD said to me, The prophets prophesy lies in My name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spoke unto them; they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.
What a warning to us today! We must be careful when we listen to anyone who presents the gospel - we must check it out and pray about it before we can just take their word for it - never take my word for it - ever - God is never wrong - however His servants can be - some who teach don't mean to lead others astray - but today's verse speaks of those who whole purpose is to lead others away from Christ instead of to Christ - much of it is pride and selfish gain - it's when those who don't even know Christ try to proclaim the truth - it will always be empty without Christ! We can listen to a thousand sermons and miss the truth - this is a warning -we must be careful - we must seek God's face on our own - and not be spoon feed - we must not be naive to think that the enemy is not doing this right now in our lives -we must be watchful -we must ware the belt of truth (The Word of God) many of us have lost our zest for the Word - this should not be -we cannot survive without His mighty word - allow His word to be used by His Spirit to change our lives -there will always be false teachers out there trying to take away our faith - but they also will always have to face the One who paid the price to save us - be watchful and trust in the LORD and HIM alone! Man will lead us astray - but God never will! Amen!
Living in God's Word, Daniel<><
When You Are Feeling Weak, Consume God's Word!
Because we have CHRIST - we have GOD'S word!
7.14.09 - Building on the WORD
False Teachers
Jeremiah 14:14
Then the LORD said to me, The prophets prophesy lies in My name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spoke unto them; they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.
What a warning to us today! We must be careful when we listen to anyone who presents the gospel - we must check it out and pray about it before we can just take their word for it - never take my word for it - ever - God is never wrong - however His servants can be - some who teach don't mean to lead others astray - but today's verse speaks of those who whole purpose is to lead others away from Christ instead of to Christ - much of it is pride and selfish gain - it's when those who don't even know Christ try to proclaim the truth - it will always be empty without Christ! We can listen to a thousand sermons and miss the truth - this is a warning -we must be careful - we must seek God's face on our own - and not be spoon feed - we must not be naive to think that the enemy is not doing this right now in our lives -we must be watchful -we must ware the belt of truth (The Word of God) many of us have lost our zest for the Word - this should not be -we cannot survive without His mighty word - allow His word to be used by His Spirit to change our lives -there will always be false teachers out there trying to take away our faith - but they also will always have to face the One who paid the price to save us - be watchful and trust in the LORD and HIM alone! Man will lead us astray - but God never will! Amen!
Living in God's Word, Daniel<><
When You Are Feeling Weak, Consume God's Word!
Because we have CHRIST - we have GOD'S word!
7.14.09 - Building on the WORD
Clean Us Lord!
2nd Corinthians 7:1
Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in fear of God.
A life surrendered to God through Christ will become more and more pure - if not then you maybe they have not really been changed - God gets a hold of us and things change - sometimes however God does change us but then we go back to our old way of life for some reason- perhaps we think it was easier before we came to know Christ - this is just another lie of the enemy of our souls - Lately I have been going through some hard things - the loss of my Dad - and tight money (who isn't?) As well as some health issues - but God is in control and He is using all this to bring me to purity - and it's often hard - He must break us from depending on anything but Him - the trials are custom designed to bring us to a place which the outcome is a more pure heart and a closer walk with Christ - We must remember that the blood of Christ is what cleanses us from our sins - not our works- no amount work on our part could ever save us - it's where we put our dependence - are we really trusting Christ or ourselves - in what power do we live our lives? The blood of Christ has now flooded over our lives and we should never ever be the same - our cry should be Lord Clean Us - make us holy - make us like You want us to be - may we be willing to follow You wherever You lead us!
Clean our hearts our Lord by your precious blood! amen!
washed in the blood of the Lamb, Daniel<><
Clean Us Lord!
2nd Corinthians 7:1
Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in fear of God.
A life surrendered to God through Christ will become more and more pure - if not then you maybe they have not really been changed - God gets a hold of us and things change - sometimes however God does change us but then we go back to our old way of life for some reason- perhaps we think it was easier before we came to know Christ - this is just another lie of the enemy of our souls - Lately I have been going through some hard things - the loss of my Dad - and tight money (who isn't?) As well as some health issues - but God is in control and He is using all this to bring me to purity - and it's often hard - He must break us from depending on anything but Him - the trials are custom designed to bring us to a place which the outcome is a more pure heart and a closer walk with Christ - We must remember that the blood of Christ is what cleanses us from our sins - not our works- no amount work on our part could ever save us - it's where we put our dependence - are we really trusting Christ or ourselves - in what power do we live our lives? The blood of Christ has now flooded over our lives and we should never ever be the same - our cry should be Lord Clean Us - make us holy - make us like You want us to be - may we be willing to follow You wherever You lead us!
Clean our hearts our Lord by your precious blood! amen!
washed in the blood of the Lamb, Daniel<><
Nothing can cleanse us from our sins save for the blood of JESUS!
Because we have CHRIST - we are blood bought children of GOD!
7.13.09 - Building on the WORD
Part 8
Colossians 3:2-4
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth,
For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
When CHRIST, who is our life, shall appear, then shall we also appear with Him in glory!
The Christian life is a paradox - to become one - you must first die - and then you live - the world is opposite however - we begin our time on earth with birth that will one day end in a physical death - To follow Christ we must deny ourselves and follow Him at all costs - He is our life as today's verse proclaim - God has given us one life to live here - but when we leave here - it's not all said and done - glory awaits - I admit ive been stressed a lot about death lately - it's in the media - and closer to home as you know my Dad has gone home - this has caused me some anxiety - but God is calming me down - what I am scared of? I am not sure - there is much mystery in death - but since God made life He has all of that covered - each day is one day closer to our departure and while many don't like to think about it - one day we are gonna be leaving. That's why Paul says for us to set our affection on things above - not things on the earth - for what we can see is passing away - and what we cannot see is gonna last forever -the ultimate paradox - to live you must die - and to die in Christ is to live like never before. One day we are gonna be going home -
the question is - are we ready?
Dying to self so I can live for CHRIST, Daniel<><
Because we were born into sin -we must be reborn into righteousness!
Because we have CHRIST - death is just a doorway to life eternal
7.3.09 - Building on the WORD
Down The Road:
Tomorrow - Last issue of Going Home -
Saturday - Special 4th of July edition of Livin in Prayer -
Pray for those who are away from home fighting for the freedom of America.
Happy 4th of JULY!
"But when they were oppressed they cried out to you. From heaven you heard them, and in your great compassion you gave them deliverers, who rescued them from the hand of their enemies."— Nehemiah 9:27, NIV
Compassion's Daily Prayer Request:
Friday 3Please continue to pray for the victims of several bombings that tore through Tanzania.
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship -
please visit:
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, and physically poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.
PRAYER POINT from Samaritan's Purse......
PRAYER FOCUS: Compassion Care for the Bedouin
Prayer Needs:
Please Pray......
FOR Alsha & her family as they struggle to care for her....
THAT Annorr's ministry to the Bedouin people would bear much fruit for GOD'S Kingdom...
FOR the health and safety of the staff at Annoor.....
Life is hard for these people, their climate varies between extreme heat and cold, They mostly live in tents and they offer little protection from the harsh environment -pray for their health!
The Voice Of Martyrs Prayer Requests:
Please pray for Mengyu, this is a 27 year old young lady who is serving a 6 year prison sentence for holding unregistered Sunday School.
Pray for encouragement as Mangyu suffers for her faith in Jesus Christ. Thank you!
God's Word is the blueprint for a life lived for CHRIST
According to the grace of God which was given to me as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation. . .(1st Corinthians 3:10)
Building on The Word Ministries is supported by your prayers.. Please pray for this ministry and for God's leading! Thanks!
Please go to:
find daily postings and back issues beginning with June 2006
All Things Through Christ!
Take an active role in spreading the good news!
Send this to those who do not know Jesus as Lord!
featuring Other Ministries in the Body of CHRIST.......
Bring healing to the least of these - to find out more please visit the website below:
Building on the Word receives no finical support from these ministries - the purpose of the WORD OUT is to showcase other ministries in the body of CHRIST!
Showing the light in the world of entertainment
I am looking for a new artical to appear here -anyone have anything?
Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain to build it! (Psalm 127:1)
For every house is built by some man. but He that builds all things is God! (Hebrews 3:4)
Make the Word your bread. Let it dwell richly in you. Have your heart full of it. Feed on it. Believe it. Obey it.~ Andrew Murray
Know it in your head, stow it in your heart, show it in your life, sow it in the world!
If we understood what happens when we use the Word of God, we would use it oftener.
~Oswald Chambers
Knowing the Bible is one thing; knowing the Author is another! Unknown
The Word of God is either absolute or obsolete. Vance Havner
A love for the Word in the pulpit is bound to produce a love for the Word in the pew
-Merrill F. Unger
The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands,
it lays hold on me. ~Martin Luther
all scripture from the King James Version of the Bible (c) 1976 (Thomas Nelson, INC.) Nashville,Tn
If you would like to receive this daily devotional each day please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COMIf you have received this email and wish not to receive it again, please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COM
and you will not receive it again.. Thanks & God bless you!
GOD'S Word is the blueprint for a life lived for CHRIST
Part 8
Colossians 3:2-4
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth,
For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
When CHRIST, who is our life, shall appear, then shall we also appear with Him in glory!
The Christian life is a paradox - to become one - you must first die - and then you live - the world is opposite however - we begin our time on earth with birth that will one day end in a physical death - To follow Christ we must deny ourselves and follow Him at all costs - He is our life as today's verse proclaim - God has given us one life to live here - but when we leave here - it's not all said and done - glory awaits - I admit ive been stressed a lot about death lately - it's in the media - and closer to home as you know my Dad has gone home - this has caused me some anxiety - but God is calming me down - what I am scared of? I am not sure - there is much mystery in death - but since God made life He has all of that covered - each day is one day closer to our departure and while many don't like to think about it - one day we are gonna be leaving. That's why Paul says for us to set our affection on things above - not things on the earth - for what we can see is passing away - and what we cannot see is gonna last forever -the ultimate paradox - to live you must die - and to die in Christ is to live like never before. One day we are gonna be going home -
the question is - are we ready?
Dying to self so I can live for CHRIST, Daniel<><
Because we were born into sin -we must be reborn into righteousness!
Because we have CHRIST - death is just a doorway to life eternal
7.3.09 - Building on the WORD
Down The Road:
Tomorrow - Last issue of Going Home -
Saturday - Special 4th of July edition of Livin in Prayer -
Pray for those who are away from home fighting for the freedom of America.
Happy 4th of JULY!
"But when they were oppressed they cried out to you. From heaven you heard them, and in your great compassion you gave them deliverers, who rescued them from the hand of their enemies."— Nehemiah 9:27, NIV
Compassion's Daily Prayer Request:
Friday 3Please continue to pray for the victims of several bombings that tore through Tanzania.
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship -
please visit:
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, and physically poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.
PRAYER POINT from Samaritan's Purse......
PRAYER FOCUS: Compassion Care for the Bedouin
Prayer Needs:
Please Pray......
FOR Alsha & her family as they struggle to care for her....
THAT Annorr's ministry to the Bedouin people would bear much fruit for GOD'S Kingdom...
FOR the health and safety of the staff at Annoor.....
Life is hard for these people, their climate varies between extreme heat and cold, They mostly live in tents and they offer little protection from the harsh environment -pray for their health!
The Voice Of Martyrs Prayer Requests:
Please pray for Mengyu, this is a 27 year old young lady who is serving a 6 year prison sentence for holding unregistered Sunday School.
Pray for encouragement as Mangyu suffers for her faith in Jesus Christ. Thank you!
God's Word is the blueprint for a life lived for CHRIST
According to the grace of God which was given to me as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation. . .(1st Corinthians 3:10)
Building on The Word Ministries is supported by your prayers.. Please pray for this ministry and for God's leading! Thanks!
Please go to:
find daily postings and back issues beginning with June 2006
All Things Through Christ!
Take an active role in spreading the good news!
Send this to those who do not know Jesus as Lord!
featuring Other Ministries in the Body of CHRIST.......
Bring healing to the least of these - to find out more please visit the website below:
Building on the Word receives no finical support from these ministries - the purpose of the WORD OUT is to showcase other ministries in the body of CHRIST!
Showing the light in the world of entertainment
I am looking for a new artical to appear here -anyone have anything?
Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain to build it! (Psalm 127:1)
For every house is built by some man. but He that builds all things is God! (Hebrews 3:4)
Make the Word your bread. Let it dwell richly in you. Have your heart full of it. Feed on it. Believe it. Obey it.~ Andrew Murray
Know it in your head, stow it in your heart, show it in your life, sow it in the world!
If we understood what happens when we use the Word of God, we would use it oftener.
~Oswald Chambers
Knowing the Bible is one thing; knowing the Author is another! Unknown
The Word of God is either absolute or obsolete. Vance Havner
A love for the Word in the pulpit is bound to produce a love for the Word in the pew
-Merrill F. Unger
The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands,
it lays hold on me. ~Martin Luther
all scripture from the King James Version of the Bible (c) 1976 (Thomas Nelson, INC.) Nashville,Tn
If you would like to receive this daily devotional each day please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COMIf you have received this email and wish not to receive it again, please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COM
and you will not receive it again.. Thanks & God bless you!
GOD'S Word is the blueprint for a life lived for CHRIST
Part 7
Colossians 2:12
Buried with HIM in baptism, wherein also are risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God,
Who has raised Him from the dead.
In Christ is found the only hope we really have - it's only by His blood that our sins are forgiven - it's only through His baptism that we are saved - it's only by His sacrifice on the cross - but it's not about what we have done or ever could do - we cannot save ourselves -it took Christ to do the work! The hope we have in Christ is life forever more - and while our earthly bodies ware out and die - the inner man will live on - the real us will never die - God has made a way for us - He opened the door to His heaven for us - if we would just take Him at His word and trust His Son Jesus as our Lord and Savior - then heaven belongs to us - God made a way through His Son to save the world - problem is many have not heard this gospel truth - many are lost right now - heading to hell - without the knowledge of Jesus and His saving grace - it's our mission to spread this truth - not just by words but our lifestyle - it's not about us - it's not about our comfort - it's all about JESUS and HIM crucified - never forever what Christ did for you and me - He went from heaven to earth - from the manger to the cross - to the grave all for us! But that is not the end of the story - tomorrow's edition will feature the rest of the story!!
Dying to self so I can live for CHRIST, Daniel<><
Because we have CHRIST - we will never have to spiritually die!
7.2.09 - Building on the WORD
Part 7
Colossians 2:12
Buried with HIM in baptism, wherein also are risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God,
Who has raised Him from the dead.
In Christ is found the only hope we really have - it's only by His blood that our sins are forgiven - it's only through His baptism that we are saved - it's only by His sacrifice on the cross - but it's not about what we have done or ever could do - we cannot save ourselves -it took Christ to do the work! The hope we have in Christ is life forever more - and while our earthly bodies ware out and die - the inner man will live on - the real us will never die - God has made a way for us - He opened the door to His heaven for us - if we would just take Him at His word and trust His Son Jesus as our Lord and Savior - then heaven belongs to us - God made a way through His Son to save the world - problem is many have not heard this gospel truth - many are lost right now - heading to hell - without the knowledge of Jesus and His saving grace - it's our mission to spread this truth - not just by words but our lifestyle - it's not about us - it's not about our comfort - it's all about JESUS and HIM crucified - never forever what Christ did for you and me - He went from heaven to earth - from the manger to the cross - to the grave all for us! But that is not the end of the story - tomorrow's edition will feature the rest of the story!!
Dying to self so I can live for CHRIST, Daniel<><
Because we have CHRIST - we will never have to spiritually die!
7.2.09 - Building on the WORD
Part 6
2nd Corinthians 4:10
Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus might be made manifest in our body...
The Christian life is one of death - yes you heard me right - We must die to ourselves in order that we might live for Christ - our life must pass away so we can allow His life to be made manifest in our lives - We must give up our rights to ourselves and allow God to have control - He will never force Himself on us - but will only loving guide us to Himself - He wants us to make the choice - He did not make us robots who just obey - He instead has given us a free will - we have a choice to either follow Him or not - He will never force us to follow Him - however He will allow things to come into our lives so that we will keep focused on Him and the life to come - this world is not all there is - When we give up our lives to follow Christ - He takes over - the old is forever gone - the new has come - in Christ we are brand new - so trust in the Savior - Allow His Death to bring you life - allow His Spirit to flood your life - and when all is said and done - we have lived a life that will bring Him glory! No matter what happens God should always receive our praise - Die to Self and now live in Christ! Amen!
Learning to die to self and live in CHRIST, Daniel<><
These lives are passing by - good thing they don't belong to us!
Because we have CHRIST - while our bodies ware out - our spirits will live forever!
7.1.09 - Building on the WORD
Part 6
2nd Corinthians 4:10
Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus might be made manifest in our body...
The Christian life is one of death - yes you heard me right - We must die to ourselves in order that we might live for Christ - our life must pass away so we can allow His life to be made manifest in our lives - We must give up our rights to ourselves and allow God to have control - He will never force Himself on us - but will only loving guide us to Himself - He wants us to make the choice - He did not make us robots who just obey - He instead has given us a free will - we have a choice to either follow Him or not - He will never force us to follow Him - however He will allow things to come into our lives so that we will keep focused on Him and the life to come - this world is not all there is - When we give up our lives to follow Christ - He takes over - the old is forever gone - the new has come - in Christ we are brand new - so trust in the Savior - Allow His Death to bring you life - allow His Spirit to flood your life - and when all is said and done - we have lived a life that will bring Him glory! No matter what happens God should always receive our praise - Die to Self and now live in Christ! Amen!
Learning to die to self and live in CHRIST, Daniel<><
These lives are passing by - good thing they don't belong to us!
Because we have CHRIST - while our bodies ware out - our spirits will live forever!
7.1.09 - Building on the WORD
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