


Part 3

2nd Corinthians 1:9
But we had in ourselves the sentence of death, that we should not trust ourselves, but in God who raises the dead!

Paul states the truth we all have to live with - the very fact that sin causes death is seen clearly in this verse - what do our lives bring us? Simply death - what does JESUS bring us - Simply life - there is no life at all apart from Him -
He alone is our lives - I love what a song I heard says - "that all we can bring is sin" - we are sinful fallen creatures - but one thing makes those who know Christ different - because Christ dwells in us - while our flesh will one day die - the real us - will live on forever - matter a fact anyone born will live on forever - the problem is where will we spend forever? There is only two choices - I will leave that up to the reader and the Holy Spirit to reveal this truth to you! The fact that our lives bring death should cause us to put our trust in the unchanging God - the God that has always been - unchangeable - He never has to change because He is perfect - God sent His Son to die in our place so we could have life with Him forever - but sadly not everyone will choice Christ - He alone is the way to God - He has plainly said in His word - we must trust Him for eternal life - one day we will be going home - again my question to you - Are you ready? Jesus brings us life by His death - our lives only bring death apart from Him - one thing you can be sure of - we will not remain here in our current state forever - we will be leaving one day - we don't know when - but God has a plan for us - when we trust Him it will all work out - but if we don't - our problems have just begun -
Have you taken the step to ask Jesus to save you?
Please email me if you have any questions -
God loves each of you - He wants you to be ready for eternality!

Livin for Heaven, Daniel<><


One Day We Will All Go Home - What a glorious day that will be!


Because we have CHRIST - the door to eternal life is now open!

6.18.09 - Building on the WORD

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