


Part 5
Titus 2:13
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ...

Just what are we looking for out of life? God has given us this life as a gift - He wants to teach us about Himself during this brief stay on planet Earth - God has a plan for every moment of our lives - but do we trust Him with the very lives He created? Many times we want some control in the matter - but God has a very different plan for us - God wants to show us - to teach - He wants us to be more like Him and less like we are - He wants to use us - He has a plan - the problem is many of us want to hang on to self - we want to hang on to what is comfortable - we happen to enjoy it here - many of us live very full lives that are focused on Christ - however there are many many distractions along the way - and if we are not careful - the goal we have in mind won't line up with God's and then we have a big problem on our hands - God will get His way in the end - His plan is already established - He knows infinitely more then we ever could - this life in which we live won't last forever -Glory awaits us - are we looking forward to that time or are we caught up in the here and now so much that Heaven is not really even in view? Our lives must be about bringing God glory - if they don't - then we are wasting out time - God has a plan for your life - and that plan will continue until He calls us home -
God wants you to know He loves you and cares for you - there is nothing in this world that could ever take His mighty love away for us - Are you waiting for this glorious hope? We all need to keep looking up!

Living now but also living for heaven! , Daniel<><
God has a plan for our lives - why don't we let go and let Him have HIS way?
Because we have CHRIST - we have life that never ends!
6.30.09 - Building on the WORD

Part 4
Romans 5:9
Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.

It's been nearly 2 weeks since I have done any devotionals - so long in fact I have gotten out of practice - so please bear with me - God has been really speaking to me this past week about a lot of things - He has used several people and events to bring this about - I have had to take a long hard look at myself and this ministry - I had to be sure this what God wanted me to continue to do - and I believe it is - God wants me to learn much these days - it's been very painful lately not just for me - but for many - many famous people have gone on to eternally since last time I wrote a devo. Famous people die every day - but also those who may not be so famous - I pray for all those who lost loved ones - I know they grieve just like I have had to do - but the good news is if they knew JESUS CHRIST they are now in heaven!! Today's verse tells us we are justified not by our good works (which are not really good at all) but by Grace given to us by God - Jesus presented His very life on the altar so that would be saved through Him - the good news is if your loved one knew Christ - they live on in glory - of course we cannot fathom what they really means - but some day we will too experience this - God has promised this to those who follow His Son - Who are you following in your life? If it's not Christ then you will be lead in the wrong direction! Glory awaits and JESUS is the path way that we all must take! Glory to God in the Highest!!!

Living here now - but one day in heaven!, Daniel<><
Because we have CHRIST - we have forever life!
6.29.09 - Building on the WORD

Part 3

2nd Corinthians 1:9
But we had in ourselves the sentence of death, that we should not trust ourselves, but in God who raises the dead!

Paul states the truth we all have to live with - the very fact that sin causes death is seen clearly in this verse - what do our lives bring us? Simply death - what does JESUS bring us - Simply life - there is no life at all apart from Him -
He alone is our lives - I love what a song I heard says - "that all we can bring is sin" - we are sinful fallen creatures - but one thing makes those who know Christ different - because Christ dwells in us - while our flesh will one day die - the real us - will live on forever - matter a fact anyone born will live on forever - the problem is where will we spend forever? There is only two choices - I will leave that up to the reader and the Holy Spirit to reveal this truth to you! The fact that our lives bring death should cause us to put our trust in the unchanging God - the God that has always been - unchangeable - He never has to change because He is perfect - God sent His Son to die in our place so we could have life with Him forever - but sadly not everyone will choice Christ - He alone is the way to God - He has plainly said in His word - we must trust Him for eternal life - one day we will be going home - again my question to you - Are you ready? Jesus brings us life by His death - our lives only bring death apart from Him - one thing you can be sure of - we will not remain here in our current state forever - we will be leaving one day - we don't know when - but God has a plan for us - when we trust Him it will all work out - but if we don't - our problems have just begun -
Have you taken the step to ask Jesus to save you?
Please email me if you have any questions -
God loves each of you - He wants you to be ready for eternality!

Livin for Heaven, Daniel<><


One Day We Will All Go Home - What a glorious day that will be!


Because we have CHRIST - the door to eternal life is now open!

6.18.09 - Building on the WORD



Part 2
JOHN 12:25
He that loves his life shall lose it; and he that hates his life in this world shall keep unto life eternal.

Today's verse brings to mind when Jesus said to the rich young ruler to sell all he had and give it to the poor - then you will have all you need - this was a very odd statement as is today's - but we must go deeper - what I believe Jesus is saying is that if we love our lives in the hear and now - another words - if that's all we focus on - we will miss the whole picture - it's so tough as we have physical bodies that need physical care - it's only natural to concentrate on what you can see instead of what you can't - Jesus says that if you love this life more then the one to come - you have problems - also the verse that asked the question, What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul? , brings this all back around - we must ask ourselves some very hard questions - we must ask ourselves what are we really living for - we must have some answers to these tough questions - so what is the point of all this? I believe we should have our feet planted on earth but our hearts should be in heaven - a song by the group NewSong spoke to me many years ago - it was called.. My Heart Is Already There! And this should be the message of our lives - now some will say if you go to far and keep focused on what to come - you will be no earthly good - to a degree that is correct -we must have balance in our lives - sure we must care for our families - God commands us to - so we must live in the here and now - but we must not live as if heaven is not real - nor should we live as if we will live just like we are forever - God wants our hearts and all the rest - are we willing to give over control to the One who made it all?
While this series is about going home - it's also about living right now - with Christ in us - we can do anything and everything - keep your eyes on CHRIST!

Living this life for JESUS and the next one as well! , Daniel<><

This life is like a breeze - here today, gone tomorrow.

Because we have CHRIST - we have life!

6.17.09 - Building on the WORD



Part 1

2nd Corinthians 4:16
For which cause we faint not!, but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day...

Today I begin a new series - to some this subject is very hard to talk about - it's not easy to talk about I would agree - but it's something we must consider - none of us know how long we have - God has not told us when we are leaving - He has a reason for this - because it's really not that important - what is important is were our reservations are for the life to come. This subject is fresh on my heart due to the passing of my Dad just 12 days ago - it all seems very surreal right now - but one thing I do know is my Dad was ready to go home - he told me several times during the last couple of days of his life that he was ready to go home - what he didn't like was the process of getting there - I believe fully that Jesus took my Dad home on that day - I know my Dad is with God right now- what a thought! This series is called Going Home - we all will face this one day - unless Jesus come back before we are to leave. Paul wrote that while the outward man (our flesh) is passing away ( a side note -we can take care of our bodies - we can exercise - eat right - but still our bodies will ware out) The flesh will not be alive forever -and another way of thinking about it - is that our flesh is actually dead - it won't be redeemed - we will get new bodies says God's Word - we can do all we can and yet still have to face a physical death - at one time our bodies were to live forever but the fall in the garden so long ago changed all that - Paul also noted that our inner man - the one that will live on forever - is being renewed daily - Jesus will one day take us home - our lives here won't last forever -we must face this fact - we live in a fallen sinful world and because of that we are all at risk - but before you panic - realize God is in control and you won't be living this place until HE says so -
He is in full control - He knows what is best - He just asks that we trust Him!
My question for you today is this - Are you ready to hear that call from JESUS? If not - you can trust Him today and your reservations will be made for heaven -
our real home!

Living on Earth but focused on Heaven!, Daniel<><

None of us like to talk about death but in CHRIST there is no death anymore!

Because we have CHRIST - While our bodies will die - our spirit lives on and on and on and on....................
6.15.09 - Building on the WORD



In Our Hands
JOHN 6:15
When JESUS therefore perceived that they would come and take Him by force, to make Him a king, He departed again into the mountain by Himself alone!

Today's verse talks about JESUS when the people wanted to take Him by force to make Him an earthly king - Jesus left them and went by Himself alone to the mountain to pray - when we try and put it in our hands - Jesus knows far better and He won't let it happen - many times in this life it may seem easier to follow after the crowd of this world - when people do things for us - we often want to crown them - it was not yet Jesus' time to be King - though He rightfully was - but not a king of this world - He is King eternal! These men wanted to make Jesus king so that they could live the good life now - they didn't want to really follow the Savior as He was - they wanted glory now - they wanted power now and if we are not careful - we will try and get this as well - all of us like to popular - and we like it when other compliment us - but if that is all we are living for - we live an incomplete life - we need to remember that when we put in our hands - we prevent God for doing His will through us - He has given us a free will and HE can take us or leave us - He is GOD alone - He does not need us at all - but yet He wants to use us - many times we try to wrestle for control of our lives -we need to surrender and give God full control over our lives - this is the best life - where we place our trust is so very important - we must keep our eyes sharply focused on Christ at all times - this evil world will tempt us with it's many lusts - stand strong in Christ!
Trying to let go!!, Daniel<><
When we place things in our hands - we cannot really serve God!
Because we have CHRIST - He has control!
6.1.09 - Building on the WORD