



Ezekiel 43.1-2
...Afterward he brought me to the gate, even the gate that looks toward the East: and behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the East: and HIS voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined with HIS glory!

This year I have been studying about Moses and the Israelites - and their travels to the promise land - I am learning about the visible presence of God in the form of a cloud - this was no ordinary cloud - but it was in fact God's presence - today we no longer have need of such a cloud - for God's Spirit now resides in us - His glory is now in us! Its not from us - but all from Him - once we came to know HIM - HE began to dwell in our hearts by faith -
what does His glory look like? To me the love of Christ that resounds in our hearts that brings Glory to God is how we see this now! In today's verse the presence of God is heard like the rustling of leaves or of a great waters - God has been speaking to me in the Word - water has come up again today - God wants to flow in our lives with HIS grace -the problem is - we sometimes hide God's glory in us - for whatever reason we hold back - we don't allow God to fully reign in us - we need to let go and allow GOD to have it all - we are to be living sacrifices holy and acceptable to God - He is the One who makes us holy and acceptable in HIS sight! Its through the blood of JESUS that we can visibly see the Glory of God - for this was done for HIS glory!
Allow the streams of GOD to enter your life today - lets wade out into the deepness of His love and of His grace -lets wade beside the still waters of God - God's glory is to be seen in the life of those who follow Christ -if not - maybe its time to walk back along the path to our first love! JESUS came for us!

BUILDING MOMENT: The Glory that God has revealed to us is to be shared with those around us!
Because we have CHRIST - HIS Light should shine in our lives!
2.17.09 - Building on the WORD

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