

The Daily Blueprint ~ Tuesday ~ 11/18/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 17

Ecclesiastes 7:1
A good name is better then precious ointment; and the day of death better then the day of one's birth.

Today's verse is something that should make us think - one thing I take from this is that this world is upside down - what I mean by that is that this world has bought into the lie that having possessions and having fun is the reason we live -just to enjoy life without any real purpose -Jesus is our example - He said to be first you must be a servant of all - but this world says others should serve you - after all we deserve it - or do we? Jesus says our treasure is to be in heaven - but this world says he who dies with the most toys wins. In another vain - the Word says that the day of our earthly death is better then our earthly birth - the world as a whole does not see it this way at all - the world would say the day you die is the worst day of all - but to those who have been redeemed by the Lamb -its the day of our real birth - this world is not our home - but those of this world who are lost believe this is all there is - nothing else- they believe we close our eyes in this life -and that's it - but Paul said that to die is gain - we spend all our time here avoiding death at all costs but its still coming -so we better have reservations with Jesus so we can enter into His kingdom - He is right now preparing a place for us - in ending lets talk about the fact that a good name is better then riches -its better then anything -and as a believer in Christ -we now have a new name - We are His children now - He has redeemed us from certain death - and has brought to us life everlasting - Rejoice in this good news today - that JESUS paid it all in full -there is nothing else to add to what He has done for us - let's remember who we belong too!

The Final Word:
Sin causes death but JESUS brings us life!


CHRIST conquered death once and for all

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 11/18/08-
One day we are born - One day we will die - but GOD rules it all!

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