

The Daily Blueprint ~ Friday ~ 10/17/08

The Word:

Meaning In Life: the study of Ecclesiastes
part 14

Ecclesiastes 5:10
Whoever loves money never has enough; whosoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income, this too is meaningless....

Here we go again- King Solomon once again gets on his this is meaningless kick! For several verse he didn't add this statement - until we get on the subject of money - how appropriate that we should read about money at a time like this when many people are losing their shirts - among other things - in the stock market- me I am not worried at all - its not that I have an unending flow of money - no that's not it - its that my trust is in JESUS not in the money I have - which by the way is not even mine - greed is what breed ed this stock market economy problem - Today's verse is right on the money (oh sorry - that's a pun!) Anyway - its so true that we (yes we) all depend on money far too much and too little on the ONE who owns it all - we are all human and can get caught up in this - hey I got my 401k statement the other day - ive had nothing but gain after gain - only to have it drop way down - I did get upset - but then God calmed me down - What are we living for? The wealth of this world that will soon pass away - or on JESUS CHRIST - the Author and finisher of our faith? Yes economic times seem bleak - but we must look pass all that we see now and look on to JESUS - He knows our needs - He has it covered - just trust Him!
We all have a mansion in heaven waiting on us!

The Final Word:
You may think you have nothing -
but if you have CHRIST you don't need anything else!
CHRIST will provide for us HIS children!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 10/17/08-

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