

The Daily Blueprint 2-15-07

What's love gotta do with it?
Part 5- While we were yet sinners. . .

Romans 5:8
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that,
while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us

The good news of the Gospel is this - Jesus died while we were still lost in our sins- even before we were born - Christ died for us - and we did nothing to earn this - we did nothing to prevent our sins from sending us far away from God - all our life we could never do anything that would bring God's grace to us without HIS help - He drew us by HIS love- this is the greatest love there has ever been - Jesus did not die when we cleaned up our act and He did not die when we became worthy of His death -no HE died while we were yet sinners -this is what grace is - unmerited favor - we did seek Him - He went after us - He loves us so much His Son was sent to make us right with Himself! Our minds simply cannot fathom such a thing - we live in a world where things that are too good to be true often are just a scheme - what CHRIST did for us was no scheme but the truth - you see apart from Christ and His shed blood -we are headed to hell- we would die in our sins - Paul said that if Christ did not die for us we are dead in our sins and our faith is in vain - but we know the truth -CHRIST died for us while we were still sinners in our sins- and He goes after sinners today - we who have come to JESUS are now forgiven and set free - the cross stands as the proof and our changed lives - only JESUS can take a sinner and make them a saint! Praise JESUS for HIS Mighty love that gave us life and life everlasting! Now that's love!

Today we end our series on What's love gotta do with it - I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have - Love is the whole reason behind what I do each day - Love should always be our motivation - Christ loved us so much HE died for us - He wants us to share that love with others -I have to admit Ive been challenged these past couple of days with that - it is not our duty but should be our life! lets love each other as CHRIST has loved us and gave HIS life for ours! Praise our Father God!

Tonight me and my wife Missy attend a marriage weekend at our church- please pray for us and the 20 other couples as we seek God in our marriage-

What does love have to do with it? It was God's love that motivaged JESUS to give HIS Life for ours - He gave it all - that's what love has to do with it - Everything!


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